Infant room lead teacher & two/ three combo assistant teacher – Childcare Network #346

Child Care Program Name

Childcare Network #346

Contact Person

Nancy Reep

Phone Number


Your Email

Position Available

Infant room lead teacher, two/ three combo assistant teacher


Monday- Friday 6:30am – 3:30pm


  • open room
  • change diapers
  • implement curriculum
  • help children stay engaged, happy and safe -take children outside daily Two/Three combo
  • open room -take children outside and implement planned activity
  • implement curriculum
  • help children stay engaged, happy and safe

Minimum Qualifications

Completion of the early childhood academy.

Pay/Hourly Wage


How to Apply

Open Date

April 1, 2024

Childrens ResourceInfant room lead teacher & two/ three combo assistant teacher – Childcare Network #346