Regis W. Haid Jr., MD
- Medical Director
- Piedmont Spine Center
- Piedmont Hospital
- Director
- Neuroscience Service Line
- Piedmont Healthcare System
- Atlanta, Georgia
This provision does not require a decision-maker to give a lengthy or complicated explanation; it is sufficient bacteria domain order azithromycin american express, for example virus not allowing internet access purchase azithromycin 500mg on line, for a decision-maker to explain that a question is irrelevant because the question calls for prior sexual behavior information without meeting one of the two exceptions infection lymph nodes order azithromycin 100mg line, or because the question asks about a detail that is not probative of any material fact concerning the allegations polyquaternium 7 antimicrobial purchase azithromycin in united states online. Accordingly, the Department does not believe this requirement will bog down the hearing. Other commenters supported this provision but argued that one exception should apply: statements against a partys own interest should remain admissible even where the party refuses to appear or testify. Commenters argued that without this change, this provision incentivizes respondents who have already been convicted criminally not to appear for hearings because the respondents absence would ensure that any admission, such as part of a plea bargain, could not be considered. Other commenters opposed the provision that a decision-maker cannot rely on statements of a party or witness who does not submit to cross-examination. Some commenters argued that if 1162 a party refuses to submit to cross-examination, the consequence should be dismissal of the 1323 proceeding, not exclusion of the refusing partys statements. Commenters expressed concern that public institutions could be opened up to legal challenges alleging violation of respondents Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination because where a respondent answered some questions, but refused to answer other questions due to refusal to self-incriminate, the proposed rules would demand exclusion of all the respondents statements, even as to the information about which the respondent was subjected to cross-examination. Other commenters argued that it is unfair that a complainants entire statement would be excluded where a respondent refused to appear and thus the complainant could not be cross-examined by the respondents advisor. Commenters argued that this provision requires exclusion of a complainants statements even where the complainants absence from a hearing is because the respondent wrongfully procured the complainants absence, in contravention of the 1324 doctrine of forfeiture by wrongdoing. Commenters argued that excluding a complainants statement, including the initial formal complaint, just because a survivor does not want to undergo cross-examination is prejudicial and not a trauma-informed practice, when even reporting sexual misconduct requires bravery. Commenters argued that this provision is punitive when survivors are already 1324 Commenters cited: Reynolds v. Commenters argued it is unfair to punish a survivor by denying relief for a meritorious claim just because key witnesses refuse to testify or refuse to submit to cross-examination. Commenters argued that this provision may make it difficult for schools to address situations where they know of predators operating on their campuses, as victim after victim declines to participate in cross-examination, potentially creating incentives for schools to coerce unwilling victims into participating in traumatizing processes, leading to further breakdown in trust between students and their institutions. Commenters argued that the statements of witnesses should not be excluded due to non appearance or refusal to submit to cross-examination, because witnesses may be unavailable for legitimate reasons such as studying abroad, illness, graduation, out-of-state residency, class activities, and so forth. Some commenters suggested that for witnesses (but not parties) written statements or telephonic testimony should be sufficient. Commenters argued that parties and witnesses may be unavailable for a hearing for a variety of reasons unrelated to the reliability of their statements, including death, or disability that occurs after an investigation has begun but before the hearing occurs. Commenters argued that courts do not impose cross-examination as 1326 Commenters cited: Fed. Commenters argued that this provision should be modified so that a recipient may consider all information presented during the investigation and hearing regardless of who appears at the hearing, so that videos, texts, and statements are all evaluated on their own merits. Commenters argued that this provision creates a blanket exclusion of hearsay evidence, yet the Supreme Court has never announced a blanket rejection. Commenters suggested that this provision be modified so that the consequence of a party failing to appear or answer questions is a change of the standard of evidence, not exclusion of the partys statements, so that if a complainant refuses to testify, the standard of evidence is increased to the clear and convincing evidence standard, while if the respondent refuses to testify, the standard of evidence is decreased to the preponderance of the evidence standard. Commenters requested clarification that where a respondent fails to appear for a hearing, the recipient may still enter a default finding against the respondent and implement protective measures for the complainant. Instead, we evaluate the weight each item of hearsay should receive according to the items truthfulness, reasonableness, and credibility. Commenters asked for clarification of a number of questions including: Does this provision exclude only statements made during the hearing or to all of a partys statements even those made during the investigation, or prior to a formal complaint being filed Does exclusion of any statement include, for example, text messages or e-mail sent by the party especially where one party submitted to cross-examination and the other did not, but the text message exchange was between the two parties Are decision-makers able to consider information provided in documents during the investigation stage. If a party or witness refuses to answer a question posed by the decision-maker (not by a party advisor) must the decision-maker exclude the partys statements Commenters suggested making this provision more precise by replacing does not submit to 1167 cross-examination with does not appear for cross-examination. The Department declines to add exceptions to this provision, such as permitting reliance on statements against a partys interest. The Department declines to change this provision so the consequence of refusal to submit to cross-examination is dismissal of the case rather than non-reliance on the refusing party or witnesss statement. Such a change would operate only against complainants interests because a respondent could choose to refuse cross-examination knowing the result would be dismissal (which, presumably, is a positive result in a respondents view). If a party or witness makes a statement in the video, then the decision-maker may not rely on the statement of that party or witness in reaching a determination regarding responsibility. The Department understands commenters arguments that courts have noted the unfairness of reaching a determination without ever probing or testing the credibility of the complainant. Yet, the [recipient] resolved this problem of credibility without assessing Roes credibility. Indeed, they did not even receive a statement written by Jane herself, much less a sworn statement. The Department understands commenters concerns that respondents, complainants, and witnesses may be absent from a hearing, or may refuse to submit to cross-examination, for a variety of reasons, including a respondents self-incrimination concerns regarding a related criminal proceeding, a complainants reluctance to be cross-examined, or a witness studying abroad, among many other reasons. These changes address many of the concerns raised by commenters stemming from reasons why parties or witnesses may not wish to participate and the consequences of non participation. Because the final regulations preclude a decision-maker from drawing any inferences about the determination regarding responsibility based solely on a partys refusal to be cross-examined, the adjudication can still yield a fair, reliable outcome even where, for example, the refusing party is a respondent exercising a Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. Similarly, where one party does not appear and that partys advisor of choice does not appear, a recipient-provided advisor must still cross-examine the other, appearing party on behalf of the non-appearing party, resulting in consideration of the appearing partys statements but not the non-appearing partys statements (without any inference being drawn based on the non-appearance). Because the statements of the appearing party were tested via cross-examination, a fair, reliable outcome can result in such a situation. The final regulations address a complainants fear of retaliation, the inconvenience of appearing at a hearing, and the emotional trauma of personal confrontation between the parties. Further, as noted above, if a complainant still does not wish to appear or be cross-examined, an appointed advisor may conduct cross-examination of the respondent (if the respondent does appear) so that a decision-maker only considers the respondents statements if the statements have been tested for credibility. If the respondent wrongfully procures a complainants absence, for example, through intimidation or threats of violence, and the recipient has notice of that misconduct by the respondent (which likely constitutes prohibited retaliation), the recipient must remedy the retaliation, perhaps by rescheduling the hearing to occur at a later time when the complainant may appear with safety measures in place. The Department disagrees that this provision needs to be modified so that a partys statements to family or friends would still be relied upon even when the party does not submit to cross-examination. Even if the family member or friend did appear and submit to cross examination, where the family members or friends testimony consists of recounting the statement of the party, and where the party does not submit to cross-examination, it would be unfair and potentially lead to an erroneous outcome to rely on statements untested via cross 1172 1331 examination. Further, such a modification would likely operate to incentivize parties to avoid submitting to cross-examination if a family member or friend could essentially testify by recounting the partys own statements. The Department understands that courts of law operate under comprehensive, complex rules of evidence under the auspices of judges legally trained to apply those rules of evidence (which often intersect with other procedural and substantive legal rules, such as rules of procedure, and constitutional rights). Such comprehensive rules of evidence admit hearsay (generally, out-of-court statements offered to prove the truth of the matter asserted) under certain conditions, which differ in criminal and civil trials. While judges in courts of law are competent to apply comprehensive, complicated rules of evidence, the Department does not believe that expectation is fair to impose on recipients, whose primary function is to provide education, not to resolve disputes between students and employees. Thus, the Department declines to import a rule of evidence that, for example, allows a witnesss statement to be relied on where the statement was made to friends or family without awareness that a crime was under investigation. While commenters correctly observe that the Confrontation Clause is concerned with use of testimonial statements against criminal defendants, even if use of a non-testimonial statement poses no constitutional problem under the Sixth Amendment, the statement would still need to meet a hearsay exception under applicable rules of evidence in a criminal court. For reasons discussed above, the Department does not wish to impose a complex set of evidentiary rules on recipients, whether patterned after civil or criminal rules. Reliance on party and witness statements that have not been tested for credibility via cross-examination undermines party and public confidence in the fairness and accuracy of the determinations reached by postsecondary institutions. This provision need not result in failure to consider relevant evidence because parties and witnesses retain the opportunity to have their own statements considered, by submitting to cross-examination.
Legal Responsibilities of Designated Aviation Medical Examiners Title 49 antimicrobial jackets cheap azithromycin 500 mg with mastercard, United States Code (U infection quest wow discount azithromycin 500 mg overnight delivery. Approximately 450 bacteria 1 negative hpf generic azithromycin 500mg with mastercard,000 applications for airman medical certification are received and processed each year infection 3 weeks after wisdom teeth removal order azithromycin with visa. It is essential that Examiners recognize the responsibility associated with their appointment. At times, an applicant may not have an established treating physician and the Examiner may elect to fulfill this role. You must consider your responsibilities in your capacity as an Examiner as well as the potential conflicts that may arise when performing in this dual capacity. The consequences of a negligent or wrongful certification, which would permit an unqualified person to take the controls of an aircraft, can be serious for the public, for the Government, and for the Examiner. If the examination is cursory and the Examiner fails to find a disqualifying defect that should have been discovered in the course of a thorough and careful examination, a safety hazard may be created and the Examiner may bear the responsibility for the results of such action. Of equal concern is the situation in which an Examiner deliberately fails to report a disqualifying condition either observed in the course of the examination or otherwise known to exist. In this situation, both the applicant and the Examiner in completing the application and medical report form may be found to have committed a violation of Federal criminal law which provides that: "Whoever in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact, or who makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations, or entry, may be fined up to $250,000 or 6 Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both" (Title 18 U. Cases of falsification may be subject to criminal prosecution by the Department of Justice. This is true whether the false statement is made by the applicant, the Examiner, or both. In view of the pressures sometimes placed on Examiners by their regular patients to ignore a disqualifying physical defect that the physician knows to exist, it is important that all Examiners be aware of possible consequences of such conduct. Furthermore, until the legal process is completed, the airman may continue to exercise the privileges of the certificate, thereby compromising aviation safety. Authority of Aviation Medical Examiners the Examiner is delegated authority to: Examine applicants for, and holders of, airman medical certificates to determine whether or not they meet the medical standards for the issuance of an airman medical certificate. The medical standards are found in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, part 67. Reports regarding the medical status of an airman should be written by their treating provider. Examiners shall certify at the time of designation, re-designation, or upon request that they possess (and maintain as necessary) the equipment specified. Other vision test equipment that is acceptable as a replacement for 1 through 4 above include any commercially available visual acuities and heterophoria testing devices. A Wall Target consisting of a 50-inch square surface with a matte finish (may be black felt or dull finish paper) and a 2-mm white test object (may be a pin) in a suitable handle of the same color as the background. Standard physician diagnostic instruments and aids including those necessary to perform urine testing for albumin and glucose and those to measure height and weight. Senior Examiners must have access to digital electrocardiographic equipment with electronic transmission capability. All Examiners must have access to audiometric equipment or a capability of referring applicants to other medical facilities for audiometric testing. The risk of the study based upon the disease state and test conditions must be balanced by the applicants desire for certification and determined by the applicant and their healthcare provider(s). The Examiner may deny certification only when the applicant clearly does not meet the standards. A medical certificate of the appropriate class may be issued to a person who fails to meet one or more of the established medical standards if that person possesses a valid agency issued Authorization and is otherwise eligible. An airman must again show to the satisfaction of the Federal Air Surgeon that the duties authorized by the class of medical certificate applied for can be performed without endangering public safety in order to obtain a new medical certificate and/or a Re-Authorization. If an Authorization is withdrawn at any time, the following procedures apply: the holder of the Authorization will be served a letter of withdrawal, stating the reason for the action; By not later than 60 days after the service of the letter of withdrawal, the holder of the Authorization may request, in writing, that the Federal Air Surgeon provide for review of the decision to withdraw. Examiners may re-issue an airman medical certificate under the provisions of an Authorization, if the applicant provides the requisite medical information required for determination. Therefore, information should not be released without the written consent of the applicant or an order from a court of competent jurisdiction. Examiners shall certify at the time of designation, re-designation, or upon request that they shall protect the privacy of medical information. No "Alternate" Examiners Designated the Examiner is to conduct all medical examinations at their designated address only. An Examiner is not permitted to conduct examinations at a temporary address and is not permitted to name an alternate Examiner. Age Requirements There is no age restriction or aviation experience requirement for medical certification. Any applicant who qualifies medically may be issued a Medical Certificate regardless of age. There are, however, minimum age requirements for the various airman certificates. Classes of Medical Certificates An applicant may apply and be granted any class of airman medical certificate as long as the applicant meets the required medical standards for that class of medical certificate. However, an applicant must have the appropriate class of medical certificate for the flying duties the airman intends to exercise. That same pilot when holding only a third-class medical certificate may only exercise privileges of a private pilot certificate. Listed below are the three classes of airman medical certificates, identifying the categories of airmen. First-Class Airline Transport Pilot Second-Class Commercial Pilot; Flight Engineer; Flight Navigator; or Air Traffic Control Tower Operator. Operations Not Requiring a Medical Certificate Glider and Free Balloon Pilots are not required to hold a medical certificate of any class. To be issued Glider or Free Balloon Airman Certificates, applicants must certify that they do not know, or have reason to know, of any medical condition that would make 15 Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners them unable to operate a glider or free balloon in a safe manner. For more information about the sport pilot final rule, see the Certification of Aircraft and Airmen for the Operation of Light-Sport Aircraft; Final Rule. First-Class Medical Certificate: A first-class medical certificate is valid for the remainder of the month of issue; plus 6-calendar months for operations requiring a first-class medical certificate if the airman is age 40 or over on or before the date of the examination, or plus 12-calendar months for operations requiring a first-class medical certificate if the airman has not reached age 40 on or before the date of examination 12-calendar months for operations requiring a second-class medical certificate, or plus 24-calendar months for operations requiring a third-class medical certificate, or plus 60-calendar months for operations requiring a third-class medical certificate if the airman has not reached age 40 on or before the date of examination. Second-Class Medical Certificate: A second-class medical certificate is valid for the remainder of the month of issue; plus 12-calendar months for operations requiring a second-class medical certificate, or plus 24-calendar months for operations requiring a third-class medical certificate, or plus 60-calendar months for operations requiring a third-class medical certificate if the airman has not reached age 40 on or before the date of examination. Third-Class Medical Certificate: A third-class medical certificate is valid for the remainder of the month of issue; plus 17 Guide for Aviation Medical Examiners 24-calendar months for operations requiring a third-class medical certificate, or plus 60-calendar months for operations requiring a third-class medical certificate if the airman has not reached age 40 on or before the date of examination. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, a person who holds a current medical certificate issued under part 67 of this chapter shall not act as pilot in command, or in any other capacity as a required pilot flight crewmember, while that person: (1) Knows or has reason to know of any medical condition that would make the person unable to meet the requirements for the medical certificate necessary for the pilot operation; and/or (2) Is taking medication or receiving other treatment for a medical condition that results in the person being unable to meet the requirements for the medical certificate necessary for the pilot operation. It is recommended that the fee be the usual and customary fee established by other physicians in the same general locality for similar services. Replacement of Medical Certificates (Updated 08/30/2017) Medical certificates that are lost or accidentally destroyed may be replaced upon proper application provided such certificates have not expired. This request must include: Airmans full name and date of birth; Class of certificate; Place and date of examination; Name of the Examiner; and Circumstances of the loss or destruction of the original certificate. The replacement certificate will be prepared in the same manner as the missing certificate and will bear the same date of examination regardless of when it is issued. While not required, the Examiner may also print a summary sheet for the applicant. Examiners are responsible for destroying any existing paper forms they may still have. Questions or Requests for Assistance (Updated 08/30/2017) When an Examiner has a question or needs assistance in carrying out responsibilities, the Examiner should contact one of the following individuals: A. The petitioner will also be given an opportunity to present evidence and testimony at the hearing. Medical Certificates Requested for any Situation or Job Other than a Pilot or Air Traffic Controller. The Federal Air Surgeons authority is therefore limited to considering whether an individual applying for medical certification is physically and mentally qualified to safely perform pilot or air traffic control duties requiring any class of airman medical certificate. The Federal Air Surgeon may not give consideration to non-pilot occupational, employment, recreational, or other reasons an individual may have for seeking an airman medical certificate.
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Patients do better when sensory symptoms predominate over motor or cerebellar dysfunction homeopathic antibiotics for acne generic azithromycin 500mg on-line. Also antibiotics no dairy generic azithromycin 500 mg line, patients progress less when there is good functional recovery from individual neurologic attacks antibiotic for bladder infection generic azithromycin 100 mg fast delivery. Terefore infection symptoms buy cheapest azithromycin, providers should be well informed to confirm the diagnosis expeditiously and facilitate treatments to forestall the accrual of disability. Clinically isolated syndromes suggestive of multiple sclerosis, part I: natural history, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and prognosis. They become activated through chemokine signals and adhere to the endothelial cell surface with integrins. Once inside the tissues, the leukocytes follow specifc chemokine cues to fnd the areas of infammation. P selectin is expressed by the endothelium lining the choroid plexus and the meninges. Chemokines are expressed by activated cells like leukocytes and endothe lial cells. Chemokine signals are involved in controlling the recruitment of leukocytes and directing their migration within the tissues. Chemokines can also be released in response to cytokines released by T helper cells such as T1 and T17 T cells. Integrins are large transmembrane proteins that act as cell surface receptors involved in forming tight contact between cells or between cells and the extracellular matrix. Integrins play another role in that they facilitate leukocytes to extravasation in addition to their role in stopping leuko cytes from rolling in the vascular fow. The functions of integrins are associated with their direct association with the cellular cytoskeleton. Resting or naive T and B lymphocytes continuously migrate between the lymph nodes and circulatory system. Dendritic cells Dendritic cells are potent antigen presenting cells and are considered to be the critical link that bridges the innate and adaptive immune responses. Mast cells Mast cells release granules that are rich in histamine and other infammatory mediators. This model was conceived eight decades ago by Tomas Rivers and is known to be mediated predominantly by antigen specifc T cells. This function is especially prominent in immune defenses directed in search and destroy missions against cells in the body that are infected with virus or are transformed through neoplastic changes. This was detected as a smear of proteins on an isoelectric focusing gel that separates proteins by charge. Tese observations are important as they represent the basis from which to develop novel pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. Roles of immunoglobulins and B cells in multiple sclerosis: from pathogenesis to treatment. B cells and autoantibodies in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis and related infammatory demyelinating diseases. The role of B cells in multiple sclerosis: rationale for B-cell-targeted therapies. This type of lesion is referred to as a Dawsons fnger n In contrast to the relatively clinically silent lesions (non-eloquent) around the ventricles of the cerebrum, brainstem periventricular lesions are typically eloquent and commonly are associated with predictable clinical signs and symptoms of double vision, nystagmus, ocular mis alignment and even vertigo. Pathological specimens from that era contained a cardinal hallmark, perivenular collections of infammatory cells, now known to be composed of mononuclear immunological cell infltrates (B and T cells and macrophages). Further the highest concentrations of these microvessels, (post-capillary venules) occur around the cerebro spinal fuid containing ventricles; hence the high predilection for the so-called periventricular plaques. This obviously indicates the existence of spatially disseminated older lesions that existed before symptoms arose (the age of which cannot currently be determined). In particular, lesions that commonly develop in certain anatomic locations are not always associated with clinically consistent symptoms (so called concomitants). Likewise, there are other abnormalities that occur in pathways that often, if not almost always, result in the development of a characteristic inflammatory demyelinating syndrome. These lesions are termed eloquent lesions as they are associated with predictable neurological symptoms and syndromes [Table 3:1]. Tere are a number of other zones that have a high predilection for infammatory demyelination lesions and some are near the ventricular system. Tese include the white matter of the cerebellar hemisphere and the middle cerebellar peduncle that are found in the roof and lateral wall of the fourth ventricle. This patient complained of left arm tremor, slurred speech, and jerky eye movements. In contrast to the relatively clinically silent lesions (non-eloquent) around the ventricles of the cerebrum, brainstem periventricular lesions are typically eloquent and commonly are associated with predictable clinical signs and symptoms of double vision, nystagmus, ocular misalignment and even vertigo. The imaged tissue damage does not necessarily correspond to the severity of the neurological dysfunction. For lesions in the brainstem, or cerebellum, below the tentorium, T2 and proton density weighted images are more sensitive and specifc for plaque lesions. Gray to black lesions refect either excessive tissue water, or a loss of brain tissue architecture and may refect loss of myelin, axons, or both [Figure 3:9]. Bright signals on T1 imaging are associated with high fat content, whereas dark or gray signals on T1 refect tissue water. Brain atrophy is best revealed with T1 weighted images and is characterized by enlargement of the ventricles (lateral, 3rd, cerebral aqueduct, and 4th), thinning of the cortical grey matter and/or thinning of the corpus callosum [Figure 3:10, 3:11]. The gadolinium enhancement generally persists for only weeks to months and then disappears as the blood-brain barrier integrity reconstitutes. Because of the enhanced imaging capacity with these newer modalities a contemporary nomenclature for cortical lesions has been developed. Type I lesions are those that occur at the white and gray matter inter face, the juxtacortical zone. Tese latter profles are of great interest in that they appear to be potentially related to pial and perivascular structures that are reminiscent of B cell follicles or germinal centers. Tese structures may be active in contributing to immune mechanisms of injury targeting neurons within the cerebral cortex. Lesions may span one or two vertebral segments, and are described as skip lesions. New spinal lesions are associated with T1 gadolinium enhancement lasting weeks to a few months. In some circumstances patients will complain of symptoms suggestive of radiculopathy. Typically such symptoms occur when degenerative disc material extends into a spinal root and provokes pain in a discrete distribution. Acute enhancing lesions of the spinal cord are visualized on T1 weighted imaging sequences with gadolinium infusion in both the sagittal and axial images [Figure 3:18]. Sophisticated non-conventional imaging methods are evolving that will further refne our ability to objectively monitor evidence of tissue injury, neuroprotection, and, perhaps, even neurorestoration. Insights derived from these novel capabilities are likely to infuence the discovery of more efective treatments for our deserving patients. Magnetic resonance imaging metrics and their correlation with clinical outcomes in multiple sclerosis: a review of the literature and future perspectives. Current approaches to the identifcation and management of breakthrough disease in patients with multiple sclerosis. She reports being in her usual state of health until 3 days prior to the visit when she awoke with a perceived flm over her vision in her right eye. Over the next two days, the visual changes intensifed to the point where she could not read signs or work on her computer. The patient was referred to ophthalmology for consultation where a dilated fundoscopic exam showed a normal retina and optic disc. Later, the consulting neurologist obtained a history of an episode of acute bilateral sensory loss that occurred nine months ago and involved a distribution from the abdomen to the feet.
Impaired and structurally weak collagen is the cause of the most distressing symptoms of uncorrected hypoascorbemia (clinical scurvy) antibiotics for acne risks purchase azithromycin 500 mg without prescription, the scorbutic bleeding gums infection 6 weeks postpartum buy azithromycin without prescription, the loose teeth antibiotics for sinus infection dose purchase cheap azithromycin online, the capillary bleeding bacteria b cepacia cheap azithromycin 100 mg with mastercard, the reopening of old healed wounds and scars, and the brittle bones. Most of our mammalian relatives, whose livers are continually producing large amounts of ascorbic acid, need never worry about this because they do not develop scurvy. These intakes are usually inadequate for the production and maintenance of optimal high-strength collagen over long periods of time. Because the system is subjected to many local ascorbic acid depleting stresses,an abundant supply of ascorbic acid is demanded, not just "vitamin" levels. Shortly after the discovery of ascorbic acid in the early 1930s, the intimate association of it with the cardiovascular system was surmised. This resulted in a tremendous amount of research and a considerable body of medical literature. In 1934, Rinehart and Mettier (1) found that infected guinea pigs deprived of ascorbic acid developed degenerative lesions of the heart valves and muscles. Infected guinea pigs maintained with adequate ascorbic acid did not develop these heart 97 lesions. A year later, Mentenand Kind (2) injected sublethal doses of diphtheria toxin into ascorbic acid-deficient guinea pigs and produced myocardial degeneration and arteriosclerosis of the lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys. In further tests on guinea pigs with acute or chronic scurvy (3), it was indicated they developed inflammation of their heart valves, myocarditis, and occasional pericarditis. As early as 1941 (4), it was suspected that inadequate intake of ascorbic acid was a factor in coronary thrombosis due to impaired collagen production, causing capillary rupture and hemorrhage in the arterial walls. Blood plasma ascorbic acid measurements were made in 455 consecutive adult patients admitted to the Ottawa Civic Hospital over a seven-month period and it was found that 56 percent had subnormal levels (below 0. It was "recommended that patients with coronary artery disease be assured of an adequate vitamin C (ascorbic acid) intake. Forty-two percent of all patients, 59 percent of the heart patients, and 70 percent of the coronary thrombotic patients had low plasma levels of ascorbic acid (below 0. Again it was suggested that ascorbic acid be used as an adjunct to the usual methods of treatment, especially in the long-range care in the postinfarctive period. Willis and coworkers starting in 1953 that showed the importance of ascorbic acid in the maintenance of the integrity of the arterial walls (the intima). Any factor disturbing ascorbic acid metabolism, either systemically or locally, results in wall injury with subsequent fatlike deposits. In his 1953 paper, Willis (6) concludes that acute or chronic ascorbic acid deficiency in guinea pigs produces atherosclerosis and closely simulates the human form of the disease. Cholesterol feeding interferes with the ascorbic acid metabolism of rabbits, and guinea pigs and intraperitoneal injection of ascorbic acid inhibits the atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed guinea pigs. Finally he states, "Massive doses of parenteral ascorbic acid may be of therapeutic value in the treatment of atherosclerosis and the prevention of intimal hemorrhage and thrombosis. The rationale for ascorbic acid therapy is again outlined and preliminary results of such therapy were encouraging. In 1955, there appeared another paper (8), in which scientists actually examined the ascorbic acid levels in the fresh arteries from cases of sudden death, hospital autopsy material, and cases treated with ascorbic acid for 98 various lengths of time before death. The conclusions reached in this study are so exciting and important that they are quoted in full: 1. A gross and often complete deficiency of ascorbic acid frequently exists in the arteries of apparently well-nourished hospital autopsy subjects. The ascorbic acid depletion is probably not nutritional but rather related to the stress of the fatal illness. A localized depletion often exists in segments of arteries susceptible to atherosclerosis for reasons of mechanical stress. Adjacent segments, whose mechanical stress is less, tend to have a higher ascorbic acid content and atherosclerosis here is rare. The significance of this ascorbic acid depletion lies in the fact that scurvy in guinea pigs results in the rapid onset of atherosclerosis. Furthermore it has been reported that the aorta can synthesize cholesterol and the incorporation of radioactive acetate into cholesterol in tissues is said to be several times more rapid in tissues depleted of ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid deficiency in arteries with resulting ground substance depolymerization may account for the release of glucoprotein noted in the blood of subjects with severe atherosclerosis. Preliminary studies suggest that it is possible to replenish the ascorbic acid in arteries by ascorbic acid therapy. A similar concept was proposed in 1957, by McCormick (9), noting the importance of ascorbic acid deficiency in coronary thrombosis. He summarized his work as follows: Thrombosis is not in itself a pernicious development but rather a protective response of the organism designed normally to effect repair of damaged blood vessels by cicatrization. High blood pressure, excessive stretching of blood vessels and deficiency of (ascorbic acid) vitamin C, resulting in rupture and bleeding of the intima at the site of such stress initiate the development of the thrombosis by means of the clotting of the blood,which is also a protective reaction. This multiple protective mechanism should be sustained and controlled by physiological means (vitamin C therapy) rather than suppressed by anticoagulants with their dangerous side effects. McCormick believed that an optimal body level of ascorbic acid offered the best natural means of effecting healthy new tissue, and claims that the initial 99 intimal hemorrhage, precipitating thrombosis, would not occur if adequate prophylactic use of ascorbic acid were made to maintain the integrity of the cardiovascular system. There is an extensive body of published research showing the intimate relationship between ascorbic acid and cholesterol metabolisms. In fact, the published research on the subject of the relationship of ascorbic acid to heart disease is so extensive that it is quite impossible to review it adequately and still keep within the bounds of a reasonable size for this chapter. Cholesterol was identified as a major constituent of the arterial deposit over a century ago (10). As early a 1913 it was demonstrated that feeding cholesterol to rabbits resulted in atheromatous deposits in the aortas (11). In 1953, an intimate relationship between ascorbic acid and the synthesis of cholesterol in guinea pigs was shown by C. This group found that the greater the deprivation of ascorbic acid, the more the cholesterol accumulated in the tissues. The feeding of cholesterol to rabbits and guinea pigs lowers ascorbic acid levels (14) in the body,and coronary atherosclerosis appears to be in part a possible result of deficient ingestion of ascorbic acid (15). Increased intakes of ascorbic acid bring down cholesterol levels in rabbits (16), guinea pigs (17), rats (18),and humans (19). Further confirmation of the ability of ascorbic acid to reduce cholesterol levels was reported in 1971 by R. Ascorbic acid sulfate was found to be a significant metabolite of ascorbic acid in human urine by E. Spittle observed that the blood serum levels of cholesterol could be varied by changing the ascorbic acid intake. She suggested "that atherosclerosis is a long-term deficiency (or negative balance) of vitamin C which permits cholesterol levels to build up in the arterial system and results in changes in other fractions of the fats. Some guinea pigs were then given large doses of ascorbic acid and it was found that in these animals the beginning atherosclerotic lesions were rapidly resorbed while the more advanced atherosclerotic plaques on the artery walls took longer. There was a steady decline in the incidence of the lesions in direct proportion to the duration of ascorbic acid therapy. The significance of these observations for man is tremendous they open the way to the megascorbic prophylaxis of atherosclerosis but they never were tested further. A recent study (21) showed there is a pronounced difference between atherosclerotic disease in various mammals as compared to various primates, including man. Fatty deposits play a relatively minor role in the naturally occurring lesions observed in the coronary arteries of the dog, cat, elephant, and other lower animals. In some of these animals there seems to be virtually no lipid involvement in the diseased arteries. In the primates, lipid deposition in the arteriosclerotic lesion is more pronounced, and distinct atherosclerotic plaques develop in man. The most significant physiological difference between the dog, cat, elephant, and other lower animals and the group of primates studies and man is that the former group of mammals are able to produce ascorbic acid in their livers in large daily amounts while the primates used in this investigation and man cannot do this. This is just another pertinent observation on the importance of this synthetic liver-enzyme system for the mammals and the vital involvement of ascorbic acid in the genesis of atherosclerosis A similar observation was made in 1961 (22) regarding the response of rats and guinea pigs to the development of atherosclerosis. Rats are known to be resistant to atherosclerotic changes, while guinea pigs are not. Here again the difference between these two species is that the rat is a good producer of ascorbic acid in its liver while the guinea pig, like man, is genetically unable to do so. Another property of ascorbic acid that has been neglected in the treatment of edema of heart disease is its diuretic properties at high dosage levels.
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If requested, every person, organization, association, healthcare provider, medical facility, or any other possible source of information shall provide any or all of the following information about a person with a disease under investigation: patient name, names of minors parents or guardians, address, telephone number, age, sex, race or ethnicity, clinical signs and symptoms, lab results, interview findings. Follow by a written report submitted by mail or fax within 3 days to the appropriate program. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life. The purpose of this the lesion, with the dural tail sign (Figure 2E, case report is to report atypical or rare imaging 2F). Following completion of routine examina In May 2016, a 27-year-old man presented to tions, the patient underwent surgery. Survival time marked enhancement of the meninges in left after the initial diagnosis was 15 months. Hematoxylin and eosin staining revealed that the tumor was highly cellular, with large cells exhibiting prominent and overlapping nucleoli, or multinucleated vesicular cells. Female predominance is noted only in 9420 Int J Clin Exp Med 2019;12(7):9418-9424 Mao et al: Anaplastic meningioma Figure 4. On immunohistochemical staining the tumor was (A) focally positive for epithelial membrane antigen and (B) diffusely positive for vimentin. Variable reports of iso to hyperintense on T2-weighted imaging median overall survival are found in the litera [12]. Mild to severe peritumoral brain 61% [9-11], which may be due to variations in edema was seen, which was attributed to com the times of distant metastasis. Of note, tumor location and a history of meningioma although the dural tail sign is specifc for menin [12]. It may rence develop tumor regrowth and metastasis, also indicate invading tumor cells, hyperplastic but extracranial metastases in these cases is fbrous connective tissue, and abundant and rare, accounting for only 0. Various targeted chemothera relationship between the tumor and adjacent pies such as somatostatin analogues are ac structures. It may be helpful to analyze the relation sent for this case report to be produced. The ship between mass and bone destruction; the investigation for this case report was approv geometric center of the bone destruction and ed by the Medical Ethics Committee of the the mass are asymmetric, and this characteris Jingmen No. Tel: 15717829848; or melanoma-like histology), or a markedly ele E-mail: dr maochunping@126. Acta Neuropathol 2016; 131: 803 that the tumor originates from the arachnoid 820. S-100 is a of the national cancer database from 2004 to marker for epidermal differentiation, which is 2012. Recently, somatostatin receptor 2a Primary brain and central nervous system tu has emerged as a highly sensitive and specifc mors diagnosed in the United States in 2006 diagnostic marker for meningiomas of all gr 2010. Extent of resection and overall and recurrence, it represents a major challenge survival for patients with atypical and malig in terms of treatment making accurate diagno nant meningioma. Malignant potential of skull base versus non-skull base meningi symmetry exists between bone destruction and omas: Clinical series of 1,663 cases. Expression treated in a single institution leading to opti of cytokeratin by malignant meningiomas: mized guidelines for early radiation therapy. Int Diagnostic pitfall of cytokeratin to separate J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2012; 83: 859-864. J Neuropathol Survival in patients treated for anaplastic men Exp Neurol 2000; 59: 872-879. Sox10 is superior to Zheng K, Wang Y, Wang Y, Xie L, Zheng M, Tang S100 in the diagnosis of meningioma. Analysis Immunohistochem Mol Morphol 2015; 23: of prognostic factors and treatment of ana 215-219. This publication is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice and does not provide advice on treatments or conditions for individual patients. All health and treatment decisions must be made in consultation with your physician(s), utilizing your specifc medical information. These tumors most commonly grow inward causing pressure on the brain or spinal cord, but they may also grow outward toward the skull, causing it to thicken. Some contain cysts (sacs of fuid), calcifcations (mineral deposits), or tightly packed bunches of blood vessels. Syncytial (or meningothelial) meningiomas are the most common and feature unusually plump cells. Another system uses the terms benign, atypical and malignant (or anaplastic) to describe the overall grade of meningiomas. In this system, benign meningiomas contain easily recognized, well-differentiated (resembling normal) cell types which tend to grow slowly. Malignant or anaplastic tumors are poorly differentiated forms that often recur rapidly. For example, a parasagittal meningioma is located near the sagittal sinus, a major blood vessel at the top of the cerebral hemispheres. A sphenoid ridge meningioma is found along the ridge of bone behind the eyes and nose. Some meningiomas can cause problems despite their benign nature, because they are diffcult to remove when they are located in functionally sensitive or hard to reach areas. Depending on the situation, stereotactic radiotherapy or radiosurgery may be particularly helpful in some of these cases. They are most likely to be diagnosed in adults older than 60 years of age, and the incidence appears to increase with age. The most described genetic alteration is the loss of chromosome 22, normally involved in suppressing tumor growth. Obesity (high body mass index), a history of breast cancer, head trauma, or cell phone use may be risk factors for developing meningioma, but the evidence is inconclusive. Some meningiomas have receptors that interact with the sex hormones such as progesterone, androgen and less commonly, estrogen. The expression of progesterone receptor is seen most often in benign meningiomas, both in men and women. The function of these receptors is not fully understood, and thus, it is often challenging for doctors to advise their female patients about the use of hormones if they have a history of a meningioma. Although the exact role of hormones in the growth of meningiomas has not been determined, researchers have observed that occasionally meningiomas may grow faster during pregnancy. Together, you can weigh the benefts and risks in light of your individual health situation. These tumors are most often found in the coverings of the parasagittal/falcine region (near the top of the brain) and the convexity (the outer curve) of the brain. Other common sites include the sphenoid ridge at the bottom of the brain, called the skull base. Headache and weakness in an arm or leg are the most common, although seizures, personality change or visual problems may also occur. Pain and loss of sensation or weakness in the arms or legs are the most common symptoms of spinal cord meningioma. An octreotide scan may be helpful in distinguishing meningiomas from other tumors. Used for tumors that have an extensive blood supply, embolization may help reduce bleeding during surgery. If you have a tumor, these tests help your doctor determine the location, size and probable type of tumor. Another factor that neurosurgeons consider is whether your vital organs (heart, lungs, kidneys and liver) are strong enough to withstand anesthesia and surgery. The goals of surgery are to obtain tumor tissue for diagnosis and to remove as much tumor as possible.
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