
Katarzyna Jadwiga Macura, M.D., Ph.D.

  • Assistant Director ICTR Imaging Translational Program
  • Professor of Radiology and Radiological Science


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Image-Guided Therapies While imaging, electrical, and magnetic technologies have primarily been used diagnostically (the latter two are also used for surgical mapping), there are emerging applications of these technologies to image-guided therapies. The frequency of repetitive stimulation is thought to determine whether the modulation is excitatory or inhibitory. Researchers continue to gain a better understanding of mechanisms of actions and optimal doses (such as frequency and patterns of delivery). Focused ultrasound uses acoustic lenses to focus ultrasound energy deep in the brain. This can have physiological consequences including changes in blood flow, increases in blood-brain-barrier permeability, and heating. An investigator supported by the Dana Foundation used optical fluorescence imaging, combined with targeted contrast agents that differentiate disease tissues from healthy tissue, to provide neurosurgeons with real time image guidance to improve the completeness of resection and decrease surgical complications in patients with brain tumors. Cellular and Molecular Imaging Cellular and molecular imaging techniques answer questions about the biochemical activities of cells and their molecules, and how these are altered by disease, injury, and their treatments. Optical Imaging in Live Laboratory Animals Optical scanning techniques image the actions of molecules and cells that are illuminated with bioluminescent or fluorescent probes in live laboratory animals. Optical tomographic imaging is the major technique for visualizing cells and molecules in live laboratory animals. Optical Imaging Probes Advances in molecular and cellular imaging are largely due to the development of novel types of light-emitting probes and ingenious ways of labeling them for use in living laboratory animals. These methods can be used to monitor cellular and molecular function, including studies in vivo in which microscopy using optical probes is carried out in the brain of a living animal. Currently, however, these methods are invasive in that they involve administering experimental chemicals or genetically modifying animals to produce optical probes through cellular protein synthesis, along with invasive surgery to allow microscope visualization of a brain region of interest. Thus, while optical imaging methods are transforming knowledge of cellular and molecular function by allowing these to be studied in situ and in three dimensions, these methods are generally not yet amenable for use in studying the human brain. Bioluminescent probes and fluorescent probes are two major types of optical probes used in neuroscience research. These are the best known examples of organisms that naturally produce bioluminescence, but deep-sea marine organisms and some bacteria and fungi also produce bioluminescence. Fluorescent protein probes are green fluorescent protein and its yellow, blue, and cyan-colored mutants; and red fluorescent proteins. In addition, there are hundreds of other fluorescent probes that are not fluorescent proteins. Fluorescent probes are introduced into and visualized in the animal or its tissue cultures when excited by ultraviolet or visible light and viewed with optical imaging techniques. Fluorescence is the absorption and subsequent re-radiation of light by an organism. Fluorescence was known and used for microscopy, including intravital imaging for many years prior to the discovery of fluorescent proteins. Tsien) was awarded for the discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein. The gene for green fluorescent protein was cloned in the early 1990s; but its utility as a molecular probe occurred later, after scientists used fusion products to track gene expression in bacteria and nematodes. Moreover, multiple (different colored) fluorescent probes can simultaneously identify several target molecules within a cell and show their actions. The fluorescent proteins are fused to specific proteins and enzymes in the laboratory. In another approach, engineered genes that encode fluorescent protein fusions, rather than the proteins themselves, are introduced into the animals by attaching them to harmless viruses, which serve as vectors to carry the fluorescent protein fusions into the animal. To introduce bioluminescent and fluorescent probes into the animal, a widely used technique is genetic transfer. The gene that produces bioluminescence or fluorescence is cloned in the laboratory and introduced into a laboratory animal in one of two ways. The gene may be inserted into a harmless virus (called a vector) and introduced into the animal. Or, the gene is inserted into a stem cell and introduced into the animal so that the differentiated cell that the stem cell develops into will express the luminescence or fluorescent protein. The scientists at the forefront of gene transfer technology (Mario Capecchi, Sir Martin J. Evans and Oliver Smithies) were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology of Medicine in 2007 for their discoveries of principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells. Adoptive transfer, another technique, involves tagging specific cells, such as in an animal model of a disease, and transferring those tagged cells into another laboratory animal to see how the cells work. As an example, lymphocytes (a family of white blood cells, either T or B cells) produce antibodies that are taught by immune dendritic cells to attack a specific foreign invader such as an infectious agent. Scientists label the antibody protein with a fluorescent tag and inject the material into another laboratory animal; or, they "stain" tissue sections or isolated cells within tissues and image the tissues or cells using a technique called flow cytometry. Unlike antibodies, which are proteins produced by living cells, dendrimer nanoparticles are compounds that are synthesized in the laboratory. Dendrimers can serve as fluorescent imaging probes for improved neuroimaging of tumors. They also have been explored as a vehicle for delivering targeted therapies in the brain. Successfully delivering a drug across the blood-brain-barrier to enter the brain has been an issue that has limited the efficacy of many anti-cancer treatments for patients with brain tumors. Other systemic drug delivery techniques, however, will likely be critical to achieving long term disease control with malignancies of the brain. These include liposomes, microspheres, polymer microcapsules, polymer conjugates, and nanoparticles. Since checkpoint mechanisms block immune activation, they create a permissive tumor microenvironment that protects gliomas and enables them to grow. Research supported by the Dana Foundation is leveraging optical imaging methods to characterize the molecular genetics of glioblastoma cells and their interactions with the immune system to try to optimize therapeutic strategies to synergistically to target glioblastoma and its tumor microenvironment. Dendrimer therapies are being used for the specific purpose of clearing out the tumor microenvironment. Other current research is focusing on modulating the tumor microenvironment using checkpoint inhibitors. These two types of therapies clearly can be synergistic and have the potential to work together in the future. Another technique for imaging and targeting drug delivery is the use of aptamers, which are made from nucleic acids.


  • Blood in the urine (urine appears dark, tea-colored, or cloudy)
  • Eye strain
  • Injection drug users
  • Normal or low blood pressure
  • What other symptoms are present?
  • Severe change in the acid level in the blood (pH balance), which leads to damage in all of the body organs
  • Ask the center how many transplants they perform every year and what their survival rates are. Compare these numbers to those of other transplant centers.

How would the segregation of a pair of alleles be exhibited in the progeny of a testcrossfi How does this test enable a geneticist to determine whether two different mutations are or are not mutations in the same genefi Give two examples of a modified dihybrid F2 ratio and explain the gene interactions that result in the modified ratio anxiety symptoms medications discount 5mg emsam with mastercard. Guide to Problem Solving Problem 1: In tomatoes anxiety zone dizziness buy genuine emsam line, the shape of the fruit is inherited anxiety for dogs cheap emsam american express, and both round fruit and elongate fruit are true breeding anxiety ulcer discount emsam 5 mg free shipping. The cross round fi elongate produces F1 progeny with round fruit, and the cross F1 fi F1 produces 3/4progeny with round fruit and 1/4 progeny with elongate fruit. Answer: In this kind of problem, a good strategy is to look for some indication of Mendelian segregation. The 3: 1 ratio in the F2 generation is characteristic of Mendelian segregation when there is dominance. This observation suggests the genetic hypothesis of a dominant gene R for round fruit and a recessive allele r for elongate fruit. Problem 2: In Shorthorn cattle, both red coat color and white coat color are true breeding. Crosses of red fi white produce progeny that are uniformly reddish brown but thickly sprinkled with white hairs; this type of coat color is called roan. Each exercise suggests a specific, written report that makes use of the information available at the site. Although modern geneticists make a clear distinction between genotype and phenotype, Mendel made no clear distinction between these concepts. Although the incidence of Huntingon disease is only 30 to 70 per million people in most Western countries, it has received great attention in genetics because of its late age of onset and autosomal dominant inheritance. The red and purple colors of flowers, as well as of autumn leaves, result from members of a class of pigments called anthocyanins. The biochemical pathway for anthocyanin synthesis (text box continued to next page) heterozygotes when dominance is incomplete. The problem states that red and white are true breeding, which is consistent with their being homozygous genotypes. Problem 3: the tailess trait in the mouse results from an allele of a gene in chromosome 17. The cross tailless fi tailless produces tailless and wildtype progency in a ratio of 2 tailless: 1 wildtype. All tailless progency from this cro when mated with wildtype, produce a 1: 1 ratio of tailless to wildtype progeny. Answer: (a) If the tailles phenotype were homozygous recessive, then the cross tailless fi tailless should produce onl tailless progeny. This is not the case, so the tailless phenotype must result from a dominanat allele, say T. Because this dominant, the Tt animals ar tailless and the tt animals are wildtype. Because all surviving tailless animals must be Tt, this genetic hypothesis would also explain w all of the tailless animals from the cross, when mated with tt, give a 1: 1 ration of tailless (Tt) to wildtype (tt). The enzyme responsible for the first step i the pathway limits the amount of pigment formed, which explains why red and white flowers in Antirrhinum show incomplete dominance. If assigned to do so, identify the enzyme responsible for the first step in the pathway, and give the molecular structures of the substrate (or substrates) and product. Also, examine all of the intermediates in the anthocyanin pathway, and identify which atom that is so prominent in the purine and pyrimidine bases is not found in anthocyanin. Each new update includes a different exercise that makes use of genetics resources avilable on the World Wide Web. Select the Mutable Site for Chapter 2, and you will be linked to the current exercise that relates to the material presented in this chapter. Answer: (a) Cross 6 gives the Mendelian ratios expected when two genes are segregating, so a genetic hypothesis with two genes is necessary. Crosses 1 and 3 give the results expected if rose comb were due to a dominant allele (say, R). Crosses 2 and 4 give the results expected if pea comb were due to a dominant allele (say, P). Problem 5: the pedigree in the accompanying illustration shows the inheritance of coat color in a group of cocker spaniels. The genotypes of the offspring can be deduced from their own phenotypes and the genotypes of the parents. Overall, the probability of a red pup from the mating is 1 3 fi 0 + 2 3 fi 1 4 = 1 6. The pollen was collected and used en masse to fertilize plants from the true-breeding wrinkled strain. How many phenotypes are there, and in what ratio, if there is no dominance between R and rfi If a mating has already produced two girls, what is the probability that the next child will be a boyfi What does this tell you about the genotype of the parent with the dominant phenotypefi Black coat color is determined by the dominant allele A of a second gene, tan by homozygosity for the recessive allele a. A female having a solid tan coat is mated with a male having a solid black coat and produces a litter of six pups. The phenotypes of the pups are 2 solid tan, 2 solid black, 1 spotted tan, and 1 spotted black. A normally pigmented man and woman, each of whom has an albino parent, have two children. Suppose that plants of a variety that is true breeding for red kernels are crossed with plants true breeding for white kernels. From matings between chickens heterozygous for both of Page 78 these genes, what phenotypic classes will be represented among the viable progeny, and what are their expected relative frequenciesfi What proportion of the F2 progeny obtained from mating White Leghorn fi White Wyandotte F1 hybrids would be expected to have colored feathersfi What is the probability that the offspring are born in either the order white-black-white or the order black-white-blackfi Black and splashed white are true breeding, and slate blue is a hybrid that segregates in the ratio 1 black: 2 slate blue: 1 splashed white. If a pair of blue Andalusians is mated and the hen lays three eggs, what is the probability that the chicks hatched from these eggs will be one black, one blue, and one splashed whitefi How much confidence could you have in this conclusion for each litter size from 1 to 15fi The usual mechanism is one in which both types of gametes are formed, but one of them fails to function normally. The excess of the driving allele over the other can range from a small amount to nearly 100 percent. Suppose that D is an allele showing meiotic drive against its alternative allele d, and suppose that Dd heterozygotes produce functional D-bearing and d-bearing gametes in the proportions 3/4: 1/4. This female is heterozygous for an allele for black fur and for an allele for orange (also called 'yellow") fur. Because both alleles express their characteristic phenotype when heterozygous, they are considered codominant. Why the black and orange alleles are expressed in alternate patches of cells, rather than in overlapping patches, is explained in Chapter 7. The white spots are caused by an allele of a different gene that prevents any color formation. The hereditary units remain stable and unchanged in passing from one generation to the next.

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Selection of an initial treatment motion with treatment anxiety symptoms in toddlers discount emsam 5mg with mastercard, availability of social supports anxiety symptoms urinary generic 5mg emsam, and the dality should be influenced by clinical features anxiety joint pain buy discount emsam 5mg on line. Any change to an antidepressant that is not associated with treatment should be integrated with psychiatric managethat side effect [I] anxiety 30000 buy emsam 5mg without a prescription. Because the effectiveness of antiindividuals with major depressive disorder who have assodepressant medications is generally comparable between ciated psychotic or catatonic features [I], for those with an classes and within classes of medications, the initial selecurgent need for response. Factors from medication, but no treatment should continue unthat may suggest the use of psychotherapeutic intervenmodified if there has been no symptomatic improvement tions include the presence of significant psychosocial after 1 month [I]. Considertreatment is often associated with poor functional outations in the choice of a specific type of psychotherapy incomes. Psychotherapy plus antidepressant medication A number of strategies are available when a change in the combination of psychotherapy and antidepressant the treatment plan seems necessary. For patients treated medication may be used as an initial treatment for patients with an antidepressant, optimizing the medication dose is with moderate to severe major depressive disorder [I]. Parecurrent major depressive disorder or co-occurring meditients who have a history of poor treatment adherence or cal and/or psychiatric disorders, some form of maintenance incomplete response to adequate trials of single treattreatment will be required indefinitely [I]. To prevent a relapse of Due to the risk of recurrence, patients should be mondepression in the continuation phase, depression-focused itored systematically and at regular intervals during the psychotherapy is recommended [I], with the best evidence maintenance phase [I]. Factors that suggest a need for antidevance of the final session [I], although the exact process by pressant treatment soon after cessation of substance use which this occurs will vary with the type of therapy. Because the symptoms of some of a co-occurring substance use disorder, and past and famwomen may fluctuate with gonadal hormone levels, the ily history of suicidal behavior [I]. When patients exhibit cognitive medications to women who are taking oral contraceptives, dysfunction during a major depressive episode, they may the potential effects of drug-drug interactions must be have an increased likelihood of future dementia, making it considered [I]. Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Major Depressive Disorder, Third Edition 21 available treatment options for the patient and the fetus [I]. A family history of bipolar disorder may wish to consult with a specialist in perinatal psychiaor acute psychosis suggests a need for increased attention try [I]. In women who are pregnant, planning to become to possible signs of bipolar illness in the patient. Assessment of pain these disorders may mimic depression or affect choice or is also important as it can contribute to and co-occur with dosing of medications [I]. In addition, the psychiatrist should conparticularly sensitive to medication side effects. In other respects, treatment for depression should parpsychiatric condition [I]. In cations should be cautioned about drug-drug interactions treating the depressive syndrome that commonly occurs with St. In patients with hepatitis C infection, potential for interactions between antidepressants and interferon can exacerbate depressive symptoms, making anticoagulating (including antiplatelet) medications [I]. These eleabout depression, discussing treatment options and interments of psychiatric management are described in more ventions, and enhancing adherence to treatment. By virtue of their depressed state, psychosis, as well as a psychiatric history that particularly patients often view themselves in a negative light. Assessing members or the clinician, and distant or alienated from the severity of the specific symptoms of depression may others. Consequently, sive illness, his or her receptiveness to psychiatric treatment, each of these factors should be carefully assessed. Management of the therapeutic alliance ing physical, sexual, or emotional abuse or neglect; detershould also include awareness of transference and countermination of responses to life transitions, major life events, transference issues, even if these are not directly addressed or significant traumas; a social history; and an occupational in treatment. Thus, a general medical history is patient in choosing among effective treatments. The latter may be done by the psychiatrist or by of poor alliance or nonadherence to treatment may be another physician or medically trained clinician. They may status examination is crucial in identifying signs of depresalso represent psychological conflicts or a psychopathosion, associated psychosis, cognitive deficits, and factors logical condition for which psychotherapy should be coninfluencing suicide risk. Similarly, medications used to treat general medical for manic and hypomanic episodes include the Mood Disconditions may induce depressive syndromes. Depressive symptoms are a comcharacterized by symptoms of both a major depressive epmon response to psychosocial stressors, particularly beisode and a manic episode that occur nearly every day for reavement. In clinical studies, chronic depression has a intent, or plans lower response rate than nonchronic depression, but because the placebo-response rate is also lower, the relative Access to means for suicide and the lethality of those clinical benefit is comparable. Unimpulsivity fortunately, however, in many patients, chronic depression Presence and history of aggression and violence remains undiagnosed or, if diagnosed, undertreated (21). Family histories of major dethinking, closed-mindedness, poor coping and pressive disorder and bipolar disorder are common in problem-solving skills those with major depressive disorder, but a family history Presence of psychotic symptoms, such as command of bipolar disorder may indicate increased risk of bipolar hallucinations or poor reality testing disorder in the patient. The psychiatrist should evaluate the presence of suicidal ideation and behaviors, the extent Demographic features, such as age, race, marital status, to which the patient has made plans for or begun to prepare sexual orientation for suicide, the availability and lethality of the means for Presence of acute or chronic psychosocial stressors, which suicide, and the degree to which the patient intends to act may include actual or perceived interpersonal losses, on suicidal plans. Absence of protective factors, such as children in the Despite the best efforts of the psychiatrist, some pahome, sense of responsibility to family, pregnancy, tients may engage in self-harm (22). For this Patients with suicidal or homicidal ideation, intention, reason, in addition to using direct questioning, the psychior plans require close monitoring. For those at significant atrist should also obtain information through observation risk, measures such as hospitalization should be considand collateral history whenever possible (22, 25). Patients who refuse can be hospitalized may be associated with fluctuations in suicide risk. Psychosis, substance abuse, to pay for care, and/or limitations imposed by third party impulsivity, and a history of aggression increase this risk payers. Additional asthe assessment of a patient with major depressive disorder sessment may be necessary under specific circumstances. Even mild depression can impair function and rental depression (including peripartum depression) on threaten life and the quality of life. Severely depressed pected, careful documentation of the decision-making propatients may be immobilized to the point of being bedridcess is essential. Treatment settings for patients with major depressive disthis will likely involve helping the patient to establish inorder include a continuum of possible levels of care, from termediate, pragmatic steps in the course of recovery. For involuntary hospitalizations to partial hospital programs, example, the psychiatrist may help patients who are having skilled nursing homes, and in-home care. The estimated degree of risk to should also be assessed, which can be done by asking paCopyright 2010, American Psychiatric Association. Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Major Depressive Disorder, Third Edition 27 tients what bothers them the most about their depression ordination of the overall treatment plan is essential and is and determining how their current activities and enjoyenhanced by clear role definitions, plans for the management of life have been altered by their depressive sympment of crises or relapses, and regular communication toms. Primary care doctors, obstement of general medical conditions is performed in order tricians, and physicians of other disciplines may screen for to identify factors that may precipitate or exacerbate dedepression and initiate treatment for patients.

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However, it is worth looking at psychiatrists, concerned to help or treat some currently used instruments to individuals, seem to favour a clinical 44 consider whether there is any reason to approach, but many psychologists and believe that neuroscience might be used to criminologists would agree with Meehl improve them. To the others, based on previous follow up extent that a professional judgement is the studies of released prisoners. The final deciding factor, this would count as a condition for release or further detention is clinical procedure. One study has reported often defined in terms of a specific score that even when a clinician is provided with on such instruments. A study conducted in the city of Is it possible that evidence from Philadelphia48 provides another example of neuroscience or behavioural genetics could a strictly actuarial approach to predicting one day be used, along with existing whether criminals on probation or parole techniques, to increase the accuracy of risk would murder or attempt to murder within assessmentfi In addition, evidence somehow related to brain processes or from neuroscience or behavioural genetics structural variations in the brain. But it is might help to provide a basis for effective important to remember the caveat about treatment or rehabilitation. While behavioural outcome; they cannot prove offences committed by individuals that the difference in the brain is the cause diagnosed with psychopathy are a small of the behaviour, let alone that the proportion of all offences51, people behaviour would occur in other diagnosed as psychopaths or with environments. Furthermore, given what is antisocial personality disorder commit a known about environmental infiuences on disproportionate number of crimes neural development, it is always possible compared to their number in the general that the difference is at least in part a population. Some researchers have consequence of an adverse early argued, on the basis of brain imaging, that environment. So the critical question is whether differences in the structure and functioning any differences revealed by imaging between the brains of people diagnosed as studies are either better predictors of psychopaths and those who are not should recidivism than the score on a checklist, or really not come as a surprise: if they even, if they are not, whether they would behave differently, it is only to be expected increase the accuracy of any such that such behavioural differences will be prediction if used in conjunction with other behavioural measures. At present this is unknown because the relevant studies 51 One survey of prisoners in England and Wales found a prevalence of categorically diagnosed have not been conducted. But, however strong the a small effect, and there will be many evidence for the heritability of antisocial different pathways leading to the same behaviour, it will not necessarily help behavioural outcome (antisocial assess the risk that a particular individual behaviour)54. One example of a single allele that does, Evidence of heritability merely establishes however, appear to have a significant that some of the differences between effect on violent behaviour is the gene people in antisocial behaviour are encoding the neurotransmitterassociated with genetic differences metabolising enzyme monoamine oxidase between them. Furthermore, differences), nor how many and which differences in amygdala and orbitofrontal particular genes are involved. In Kiehl and Sinnott57 Feresin 2009 Lighter sentence for murderer with armstrong (eds. There are many assessment in an actuarial system, and, in obvious problems, such as the fact that decisions as to the kinds of sentence that studies of college students may not might reduce the chances of reoffending. This may come to believe their own suggests the possibility that their activation protestations of innocence even if they may be correlated with suppressing the are in fact guilty. But it is certainly need to inhibit the truthful response not uniquely indicative of any such thing, when they deny their guilt, because they believe they are responding 58 news. In one case that recognition (described below in section went to a pre-trial hearing, the company 4. On the first when a defendant believes that they test, it was claimed that the results are telling the truth when they are not. But answering a particular question even if the evidence had been more truthfully. False specific events tends to improve up to memories are particularly likely to the late teens and gradually declines, occur in situations of heightened with a steeper decline beyond the age suggestibility (eg in therapy), and when of 60. In other A great deal of research into the factors cases, the traumatic event may fail to infiuencing retrieval has been carried out in be retrieved, which may or may not be recent years, and has been built into the intentional. High levels of emotion may Cognitive Interview, a method of also reduce the capacity of the witness optimising the accurate retrieval of to recall detail. The Royal Society Brain Waves 4 I December 2011 I 27 have led to improved methods for neural activity when participants correctly interviewing children. A of participants have been improved and small but unreliable difference was methods of optimising the collection of observed between instances when the information from line-ups have been participant correctly or incorrectly believed developed. But in all these experiments the interval between studying a list and being asked to identify False memories old and new faces or words was of the the law is concerned about the reliability order of a few minutes. It remains to be of eyewitness testimony, and for example seen whether this difference would persist whether recollection of childhood abuse is when the interval between study and test truthful. A an up to date understanding of the problem would be the balance to be struck relevant neuroscience, such that some between victim protection and the medical witnesses equate observed demands of due process of law. Scientific understanding of synthesis inhibitors have dangerous side pain suggests that this is not correct. Pain is a sensation felt in parts of the body that serves an essential purpose in the 4. Pain has been defined Much is now known about the as an unpleasant sensory and emotional neurological basis for pain, but the latest experience associated with actual or findings are not widely known or potential tissue damage, or described in understood, including in some parts of the terms of such damage78. An important legal and medical professions where key aspect of this definition is that pain is not insights may soon be of practical necessarily caused directly by tissue relevance. The Royal Society Brain Waves 4 I December 2011 I 29 There are different types of pain. It is possible to show how nociceptors is transmitted to the brain for pain processing mechanisms can be further processing. As this signal is infiuenced by factors such as anxiety, transmitted through the peripheral nervous depression, and other conditions. The signal that arrives at and is future developments are relayed to the further processed by the brain can legal profession, and to medical expert therefore be very different from the one witnesses. This means that the pain being used for diagnostic purposes to described by the subject may be very guide treatment and surgery, and so it is different from the pain that an observer conceivable that this information will one might predict. This is a controversial area in which experiences is difficult to predict and is there has been disagreement among those rarely linearly related to the extent of giving expert evidence as to the cause of tissue damage.

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