
Beri M. Ridgeway, MD

  • Staff, Center of Urogynecology and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology, Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women? Health
  • Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio

My project then is as much a polemic directed at the disability rights movement as at a more general public erectile dysfunction shake ingredients discount 20 mg tadacip overnight delivery. My point to other activists is that the logic of disability oppression closely parallels the oppression of other groups erectile dysfunction causes weight buy tadacip 20mg with amex. It is a logic bound up with political-economic needs and belief systems of domination erectile dysfunction homeopathic order tadacip 20 mg with visa. From these priorities and values has evolved a world system dominated by the laws of capital and proft and the ethos of individualism and image worship diabetes and erectile dysfunction health purchase 20mg tadacip otc. As the social science of how politics and economics infuence and limit everyday life, political economy is primar ily concerned with issues of class because class positions groups of people in relation to economic production and exchange, political power and privilege. The logic of this system regulates and explains who survives and prospers, who controls and who is controlled, and, not simply metaphorically, who is on the inside and who is on the outside (of power). Perhaps the most ftting characterization of the socioeconomic condition of people with disabili ties is that they are outcasts. On one side are the panoply of reactionary and iconoclastic attitudes about disability. On the other side stands a political-economic formation that does not need and in fact cannot accommodate a vast group of people in its production, exchange, and reproduction. The 300 million to 400 million people with disabilities who live in the periphery, like the vast majority of people in those regions, exist in abject poverty, but I would go further and argue that, for social and cultural reasons, their lives are even more difcult. The Dimensions of Disability Oppression 219 As the global economy developed, it created more than just the wandering gypsies of southern Europe and the posseiros (squatters) of South America. People with disabilities, at least as a group, may have been the frst to join the ranks of the under class. Since feudalism and even earlier, they have lived outside the economy and political process. The emergence and development of capitalism had an extraordinarily profound and positive impact on people with disabilities. A century later the political-economic conditions were such that charities, which supported a large number of people, were established. Tose who were cared for by these charities most ofen were the mentally ill, the blind, the alcoholic, the chronically ill. My analysis throughout this book centers on the political-economic and sociocultural relationships born out of these times and how they have developed diferently in diferent economic zones and in diferent cultures. As members of such an economy, we have all been programmed to respond to the human diferences between us with fear and loathing and to handle that diference in one of three ways: ignore it, and if that is not possible, copy it if we think it is dominant, or destroy it if we think it is subordinate. Culture(s) and Belief Systems The modern world is composed of thousands of cultures, each with its own ways of thinking about other people, nature, family and community, social phenomena, and so on. Culture is sustained through customs, rituals, mythology, signs and symbols, and institutions such as religion and the mass media. Each of these informs the beliefs and attitudes that contribute to disability oppression. They hold that people with disabilities are pitiful and that disability itself is abnormal. This is one of the social norms used to separate people with disabilities through classifcation systems that encompass education, housing, transportation, health care, and family life. In Ideology and Modern Culture, John Tompson postulates a more reasonable position. Cultural phenomena, according to this conception, may be understood as symbolic forms in structured contexts, and cultural analysis may be construed as the study of the meaningful constitution and social contextualization of symbolic forms. Contrary to many traditions in anthropology, cultures are not independent or static formations. They interface and interact in the everyday world with history, politics and power, economic conditions and institutions, and nature. To neglect these important infuences seems to miss important interstices where culture happens, is expressed, and, most important, is experienced. The point is not that one culture makes people do or think this and another that but that ideas and beliefs are informed by and in cultures and that cultures are partial expressions of a world in which the dualities of domination/subordination, superiority/inferiority, normality/abnormality are relentlessly reinforced and legitimized. Anthropologists may be able to fnd obscure cultures in which these dualities are not determinant, but this does not minimize their overarching infuence. The essential problem of recent anthropological work on culture and disability is that it perpetuates outmoded beliefs and continues to distance research from lived oppression. The book does add to our understanding of how the conceptualization and symbolization of disability takes place, but its language and perspective are still lodged in the past. In the frst forty pages alone we fnd the words sufering, lameness, interest group, incapacitated, handicapped, deformities. Notions of oppression, dominant culture, justice, human rights, political movement, and self-determination are conspicuously absent. Unlike these anthropologists and of course many others, my thesis is that backward attitudes about disability are not the basis for disability oppression, disability oppression is the basis for backward attitudes. This creates a (false) consciousness and alienation that divides people and isolates individuals. Most people with disabili ties actually come to believe they are less normal, less capable than others. Self-pity, self-hate, shame, and other manifestations of this process are devastating for they prevent people with disabilities from knowing their real selves, their real needs, and their real capabilities and from recognizing the options they in fact have. They cannot recognize that their self-perceived pitiful lives are simply a perverse mirroring of a pitiful world order. In this regard people with disabilities have much in common with others who also have internalized their own oppression. Each of these examples highlights the centrality of consciousness to any discussion of oppression.

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Patients who had at least one repeat procedure (angiogram or endoscopy) after the initial angiogram was similar (50% vs impotence quitting smoking tadacip 20mg generic. Among the available transfusion records (group 1=15; group 2=14) erectile dysfunction and coronary artery disease in patients with diabetes purchase tadacip in india, there was no difference in the units of packed red blood cells transfused after the initial angiogram (4 impotence help cheap 20 mg tadacip otc. A total of 183 coils and 34 coil pushers were used during 32 angiograms in group 2 impotence quit smoking order tadacip 20 mg otc. However, with one of the largest series, our review fails to support the same which is associated with higher fluoroscopy time and costs. Endovascular procedures were classified as technical success if bleeding origin was identified and treated, technical failure if identified bleeding was incompletely treated; and radiologic abstention if no abnormality was depicted and no treatment performed. Factors associated with postprocedural rebleeding were analyzed, together with second line treatments. Technical success, technical failure, or radiologic abstention were observed in 48 (70%), 9 (13%), and 12 patients (17%), respectively. Rebleeding rates were 29%, 58%, and 100% in case of success, abstention or failure at the first endovascular procedure, respectively (p < 0. Treatment efficacy was the only factor associated with rebleeding (success vs failure p < 0. Rebleeding was treated by endovascular treatment, surgery, or both, in 12 (40%), 11 (37%) and 7 (23%) patients, respectively. Overall, 72% of the patients were successfully treated by endovascular procedures alone. Whatever the anatomy, however, the general principle is that occlusion is performed at the site of the abnormal arteriovenous shunts and not in the vessel proximal to this point. The embolization of arterial feeding vessels, which was performed for many years with metallic coils or particulate matter such as polyvinyl alcohol, is akin to proximal surgical ligation and must be avoided. It has little effect upon symptoms in most individuals and renders subsequent treatment more difficult because the arterial inflow vessels have been occluded. This presentation will concentrate on the radiological management of these high-flow lesions. Associated symptoms including dyspareunia, vulvar pain or lower limb venous insufficiency as well as complications were also assessed. The most common incompetent veins were the left ovarian (82%), internal pudendal (right 49%; left 39%), inferior gluteal (right 32%; left 31%) and uterine (right 19%; left 23%) veins. Patient demographics, technical details, angiographic findings, complications, rate of recurrence, and need for repeat intervention were reviewed. Person-years were calculated to evaluate the incidence of recurrence by endovascular treatment method. One procedure for recurrent hemorrhage was impeded by previously placed embolization coils. Data from patient files was collected regarding method of embolization (Amplatzer plugs, coils or both) and regarding all complications. The radial artery has also proven to be a feasible approach to performing this procedure with implications for a safer access site. It is responsible for numerous comorbidities including diabetes mellitus and its complications, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, and premature osteoarthritis. This is the first use of left gastric artery embolization in the Western Hemisphere to treat morbid obesity. This is also the first radial artery access experience with implications for the morbidly obese where groin access may be more challenging. This talk outlines the background behind the procedure as well as the latest human experience. Twenty-five breast disease patients who underwent surgery from January 2014 and April 2014 were retrospectively analyzed. Two independent sample t test was employed and receiver operating characteristic curves were plotted for data analysis. K was significantly higher in the malignant lesions than in the benign lesions (0. Between January and October 2013, 73 patients with 81 calcifications (40 biopsy proven malignant calcifications, 24 biopsy-proven benign calcifications, 17 typical benign calcifications) were consecutively enrolled. Eight radiologists specialized in breast imaging were divided equally into two groups and each group reviewed images of 100 breasts retrospectively. However, the reconstructed s2D images frequently have a different appearance varying by breast density and lesion type, particularly "calcification-only" lesions. The percentage of screened patients recalled for calcifications, masses, asymmetries, architectural distortion and technical reasons was 1. Findings (calcifications, asymmetries, masses, architectural distortions) on C-view+Tomo were prospectively assessed as better, equally, or less well seen compared to 2D+Tomo. Multivariate logistic regression analysis determined effect of breast density or age on visualization of C-view+Tomo findings. This was most evident for architectural distortions and calcifications (architectural distortions 100%,12/12); calcifications 96. Logistic regression models showed neither density nor age had a significant effect on visibility of findings (p 0. Cancer detection rate was the same as both cancers were identified on both modalities. The sample included 120 consecutive patients with 73 biopsy-proven cancer (confirmed histologically) and 64 biopsy-proven benign lesions. Two dedicated breast radiologists, blinded to the clinical information and histological diagnosis, retrospectively reviewed all the studies. Mammographic features (mass, architectural distortion, microcalcification, asymmetry) were also indicated. Statistical analysis was performed using the two-tailed student t-test with unequal variance. Significant differences were observed in all categories between 2D and 3D1, 3D1 and 3D2, and 3D2 and 3D3 (p < 0. This data suggests a learning curve exists in developing comfort with utilizing tomosynthesis in the diagnostic setting and that, with time, fewer additional views are seen to be necessary. The majority of diagnostic cases require only the routine views, making the difference between screening and diagnostic mammography start to blend. Patient breast cancer risk, mammographic density, and tumor histology were assessed. Three radiologists blinded to clinical outcomes and study purpose reviewed each mammogram to determine if the cancers were truly mammographically occult. Two radiologists unblinded to clinical outcomes also reviewed each case in order to determine reasons why cancers were undetected. Breast cancer risk was average in 44% (14/32), intermediate in 22% (7/32), and increased in 34% (11/32). Breast density was scattered fibroglandular in 13% (4/32), heterogeneously dense in 69% (22/32), and extremely dense in 19% (6/32). Of 4 cancers missed due to interpretive error, three were spiculated masses and one was a subtle architectural distortion (avg. These cancers may be seen in women across all risk groups and may occur despite more than two years of reader experience. Subtle masses and architectural distortions were the common findings in tumors identified retrospectively. We enrolled the first 100 women who were referred to our center from 12/2014-3/2015, met inclusion criteria and agreed to participate. Gold standard for diagnosis of malignancy was histopathology from needle biopsy and/or surgery. In patients who did not have mastectomy, true negatives were defined by negative clinical and imaging assessment at 12-month follow-up (pending). Breast tissue density among the study group was predominantly fatty (1%), scattered fibroglandular (26%), heterogeneously dense (70%) and extremely dense (3%). All false negative exams were identified through PenRad and reviewed for method of diagnosis, breast density, and cancer type and size. Expert witnesses are commonly employed to help establish the standard of care for the setting in question, although some experts also provide guidance as to the expected economic costs that will be incurred by the damaged plaintiff.

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Unfortunately erectile dysfunction net doctor 20mg tadacip with amex, the authors did not mention the showed any recoverable micro-organisms including flow rate of Ozone used in this experiment herbal erectile dysfunction pills uk buy tadacip 20mg with mastercard. Additionally impotence 25 discount tadacip 20mg with visa, it would have been out for 10 and 20 minutes in two different groups of better to include bigger number of units in the Ozone units erectile dysfunction jogging purchase tadacip from india. Involvement of a control group with no trolled the waterline biofilm and provided safe treat treatment could have been asset to perfect the study. The ethical issue, however, must have dictated the ex In another study over a period of 12 weeks, the mu clusion of this group. The waterlines were purged at a varying frequency and the flow rate which are important parameters when (once weekly to daily) and duration (10 and 20 min dealing with such application of the gas. He found that as an irrigant controls the waterlines biofilm, and pro the level of Ozone was far below the maximum concen vides safe water for dental care (Puttaiah, 2001b). This led him to the conclusion that the flow rate of the Ozone used in these experiments. Ozone could reduce or remove the with water ozonated for different concentrations. Figure 4(b): the increase in formate (Form) concentration due to the oxidative consumption of carbohydrates. Water samples were collected immediately be Second protocol (single high dose of fore ozonation and immediately after flushing the line Ozone) in a sterile container. A baseline water was used with the other two units except that the water sample was collected via the high-speed handpiece and ozonation was done for 2 minutes in unit 2 and for 3 a 3-cm baseline sample of the waterline was collected 382 H the Use of Ozone in the Treatment of Dental Unit Waterlines in two separate sterile containers. The In unit 4 treated with higher concentration of high-speed handpiece line was subsequently flushed for Ozone, the baseline bacterial count was 2. The four units were monitored for any side effects the results of this experiment showed that the base of the Ozone treatment in terms of water leakage or line bacterial counts of water samples from units 1, 2 any other faults reported by the operating dental staff. The Use of Ozone in the Treatment of Dental Unit Waterlines H 383 used to view the biofilm status in unit 4. Before the Ozone treatment the scopic study of the baseline sample showed clearly the microbiological culture of water sample from this unit presence of the biofilm harbouring dead and live bac was pure Pseudomonas aeruginosa 3. However, as the idea is relatively biofilm was absent and there were only some remnants new and the research done in this field is not suffi of sloughing biofilm that is shown at high magnifi ciently extensive, more investigations are needed. Ozone from the HealOzone unit was intro Nonetheless, there are no reported such events in any duced into the water bottle in the unit (1 L) for 5 of the studies published. Ozone treat ment of primary pit and fissure caries: 12-month clinical severity changes. Ozone treat ment of primary pit and fissure caries: 12-month electri cal impedance results and clinical applications. Con tamination of dental unit cooling water with oral micro organisms and its prevention. Antimicrobial effect of a novel Ozone-generating device on micro-organisms as sociated with primary root carious lesions in vitro. Ozone is the most effective disinfectant for tory model of a dental unit water system. The Formation of biocid resistant biofilms in thelial wound healing process in the oral cavity. Bacterial biofilm: Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis and the possible a source of contamination in dental air-water syringes. Microbial contami Legionella Pneumophila antibodies in genral general nation of dental unit waterlines: the scientific argument. These ozonoids are effective anti-mi ozone treatment is not new to medicine or dental care. He But the purity of olive oil is variable from one region is credited with introducing a friend, the German sur to another, and depends on the soil type, the country geon Erwin Payr to the properties of ozone, who began of origin, and the method of oil extraction from the to use this treatment modality in his operating rooms pressed olive fruit pulp. Ozone from the HealOzone unit has Lynch and Grootveld have investigated different types been researched in more than one hundred studies to of oils for ozonisation. Professor Lynch presented orig date and every single study has proven the clinical rever inal research in this field at the annual meeting of the sal of caries. This chapter discusses ozonated oils and American Association for Dental Research in 2003, and the best results have been obtained when they have been this was published in the Journal of Dental Research in used in conjunction with the use of ozone from the 2003. They have been used the antimicrobial actions of ozonated oils represent for the treatment of intra-oral and extra-oral infections a novel pharmaceutical approach to the management of and lesions. The aim of There are many incidences where an alternative de this study was to determine which compounds might livery system is beneficial. An example of this would be be responsible for the therapeutic benefits offered by Amoxycillin. The first was Hence the development of the HealOzone unit, treated with Ozone (O3) generated by the HealOzone which releases ozone only if a seal is formed around the unit (KaVo) for 10 minutes; the second group of por periphery of the delivery cup. Further O3-induced modifications to Herpes simplex the oils included the production of aldehydes, i. Not only are they potentially debilitating for the oils), terminal products arising from the decomposition patient, but also it is possible for members of the dental of ozonides. This study concluded that ozone treatment team to become infected if vesicles burst and cross-in of commercially-available vegetable oils gives rise to the fect skin lesions or wounds. There are a number of production of ozonides and aldehydes, agents that are commercial anti-viral agents available, such as aciclovir, likely to account for the antimicrobial properties of famciclovir, valaciclovir and inosine pranobex. The oils are begins to prickle, just before the blisters or vesicles ap presented as a thick gel, which should be cooled and pear. They are supplied in 20-ml the HealOzone unit at this stage, the vesicles do not containers. Thousands of patients have prevented cold sores developing after Ozone appli cation from the HealOzone. Patients have also com the Uses and Indications mented that once treated in this way, herpes does not recur at the same site. The cycle of infection and dor the uses and indications for this type of product are mancy of the virus depends on the nervous pathways numerous: and ganglion to reside in. At the moment this obser vation cannot be explained, and needs to be further researched. All patients have re ply the best delivery products for these oils) the oil-gel ported a decrease in the time taken for the ulcers to heal can be delivered into a periodontal pocket with ease. Surgical areas After surgery for removal of teeth, abscess drainage, Denture sore mouth third molar tooth removal, apicectomy, etc, patients are dispensed 20 ml of ozonated oil. Patients are use a clean qtip or cotton wool to apply the oils to instructed to apply the oil to the fitting surface of the 388 H Synergistic Combination of HealOzone and Ozonated Oil Treatment denture, and then replace the denture in their mouth. There have been no adverse re to eradicate the yeast infection, and see soft tissue heal sults reported by the group of users. Also, the denture-fitting surface reported decreased pain, accelerated healing, and mini appears to be much cleaner, due to the stain removal mal scarring after use. The huge advantage these ozone technologies have Nail infections over traditional anti-microbial agents is that as the anti microbial effect is so fast, there is no time for the mi Several of the dentists who were the first to trial these crobial populations to establish a resistance to them. In ozone oils also reported success in clearing nail infec effect, this is the perfect antibiotic! Nail infections are chronic (yeasts and fungi) or consider any infective process as a bio-film problem, acute (bacterial). Ozone gas is easy to apply if the prac ozonated oil has a potential part to play in its eradi tice has a Healozone unit. Ozone from the HealOzone cation, and also in the healing process of the surround and oils in these cases were effective in eradicating these ing tissue. The uses outside dental care have huge po infections within 5 to 10 days, and promoting normal tential in medicine and animal care. To order these oils, and for cur rent costs, please visit contact Dr Julian Holmes on Other uses

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