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And when the message has been defined impotence venous leakage ligation buy cheap viagra with fluoxetine on line, it has always sounded a little simpleminded to me erectile dysfunction drugs grapefruit discount viagra with fluoxetine generic. His comments (in a letter to me dated December 24 impotence definition inability discount viagra with fluoxetine 100/60mg, 1979) about the first film version of the Body Snatchers raised a grin on my own face as well erectile dysfunction treatment at home buy cheap viagra with fluoxetine online. As Pauline Kael, Penelope Gilliatt, and all of those sobersided film critics so often prove, no one is so humorless as a big-time film critic or so apt to read deep meanings into simple doings ("In the Fury," Pauline Kael intoned, apparently in all seriousness, "Brian De Palma has found the junk heart of America. This may be because they are working on the fringes of a field which deals entirely with pictures and the spoken word; they must surely be aware that while it requires at least a high-school education to understand and appreciate all the facets of even such an accessible book as the Body Snatchers, any illiterate with four dollars in his or her pocket can go to a movie and find the junk heart of America. Movies are merely picture books that talk, and this seems to have left many literate movie critics with acute feelings of inferiority. Filmmakers themselves are often happy to participate in this grotesque critical overkill, and I applauded Sam Peckinpah in my heart when he made this laconic reply to a critic who asked him why he had really made such a violent picture as the Wild Bunch: "I like shoot-em-ups. The Don Siegel version of the Body Snatchers is an amusing case where the film critics tried to have it both ways. Then Siegel himself spoke up and said that his film was really about the Red Menace. Gregg Press is a small company which has re-issued some fifty or sixty science fiction and fantasy books?novels, collections, and anthologies?originally published as paperbacks, in hardcover. My own belief about fiction, long and deeply held, is that story must be paramount over all other considerations in fiction; that story defines fiction, and that all other considerations?theme, mood, tone, symbol, style, even characterization?are expendable. A doctoral thesis is what a million student papers have reduced this tale to , but the story still remains?"This is what happened to Ishmael. And story, thank God, after a certain point becomes irreducible, mysterious, impervious to analysis. It is just the fact of this filter that has set the table for all those would-be English M. Still, what we have here is a Jack Finney novel, and we can say certain things about it simply because it is a Jack Finney novel. First, we can say that it will be grounded in absolute reality?a prosy reality that is almost humdrum, at least to begin with. Again and again Finney returns to that word; things in Santa Mira, he tells us, are not great, not wild and crazy, not terrible, not boring. No one here is laboring under that old Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times. A few pages later: "It was nice out, temperature around sixty-five, and the light was good;. Miles thinks she would have made a good wife and mother, but she just never married. The Body Snatchers is the only Finney book which can rightly be called a horror novel, but Santa Mira?which is a typical "nice" Finney setting?is the perfect locale for such a tale. Perhaps one horror novel is all that Finney had to write; certainly it was enough to set the mold for what we now call "the modern horror novel. But Finney understands that there is no horror without beauty; no discord without a prior sense of melody; no nasty without nice. There are no Plains of Leng here; no Cyclopean ruins under the earth; no shambling monsters in the subway tunnels under New York. At about the same time Jack Finney was writing the Body Snatchers, Richard Matheson was writing his classic short story "Born of Man and Woman," the story that begins: "today my mother called me retch. Although Matheson published two early short stories in Weird Tales, neither writer is associated with this icon of American fantasy -horror magazines; they represent the birth of an almost entirely new breed of American fantasist, just as, in the years 1977-1980, the emergence of Ramsey Campbell and Robert Aickman in England may represent another significant turn of the wheel. Finney concentrates on sewing a seam between the prosaic reality of his little you-can-see-it-before-your-eyes town and the outright fantasy of the pods which will follow. He sews the seam with such fine stitchwork that when we cross over from the world that really is and into a world of utter make-believe, we are hardly aware of any change. You see the trick, but not the long hours of practice that went into creating the effect. But for me, Bradbury lives and works alone in his own country, and his remarkable, iconoclastic style has never been successfully imitated. Wilma, for instance, can present no proof that her Uncle Ira is no longer her Uncle Ira, but she impresses us with her strong conviction and with a deep, free-floating anxiety as pervasive as a migraine headache. Here is a kind of paranoid dream, as seamless and as perfect as anything out of a Paul Bowies novel or a Joyce Carol Oates tale of the uncanny Wilma sat staring at me, eyes intense. Of course we believe Wilma at once, even though we have no real proof; if for no other reason, we know from the title of the book that the "body snatchers" are out there somewhere. It is easy enough to see why the book was eagerly seized upon by those who felt, in the early fifties, that there was either a Communist conspiracy afoot, or perhaps a fascist conspiracy that was operating in the name of antiCommunism. Because, either way or neither way, this is a book about conspiracy with strong paranoid overtones. To that we could add that paranoia may be the last defense of the overstrained mind. Much of the literature of the twentieth century, from such diverse sources as Bertolt Brecht, Jean-Paul Sartre, Edward Albee, Thomas Hardy, even F. Scott Fitzgerald, has suggested that we live in an existential sort of world, a planless insane asylum where things just happen. All of these things are mentally acceptable if we accept the idea that God has abdicated for a long vacation, or has perchance really expired. They are mentally acceptable, but our emotions, our spirits, and most of all our passion for order?these powerful elements of our human makeup?all rebel. I saw this happen at first-hand in the sixties, at the height of the generational shudder that began with our involvement in Vietnam and went on to encompass everything from parietal hours on college campuses and the voting franchise at eighteen to corporate responsibility for environmental pollution. I was in college at the time, attending the University of Maine, and while I began college with political leanings too far to the right to actually become radicalized, by 1968 my mind had been changed forever about a number of fundamental questions. Not until Vietnam did I finally realize that some of the most important decisions of all time can be made by men knowing really no more than most of the rest of us. But for all of that, I found it impossible to embrace the mushrooming paranoia of the last four years of the sixties completely. Johnson was their puppet; Humphrey and Nixon were also their puppets; it was a case of "meet the new boss, same as the old boss," as the Who would say a year or two later; the only solution was to take it into the streets. They finished with the Panther slogan, "all power comes out of the barrel of a gun," and adjured us to remember Fred Hampton. But these Black Panthers were suggesting a huge umbrella of conscious conspiracy that was laughable. During the Q-and-A period, they were asking sober, concerned questions about just how the conspiracy was working, who was in charge, how they got their orders out, et cetera. Finally I got up and said something like, "Are you really suggesting that there is an actual Board of Fascist Conspiracy in this country? Which I did posthaste, blushing furiously, knowing how those eccentrics who mount their soapboxes in Hyde Park on Sunday afternoons must feel. But some thought has convinced me that it was impossible for those of my generation, propelled harum-scarum through the sixties, hair flying back from our foreheads, eyes bugging out with a mixture of delight and terror, from the Kingsmen doing "Louie Louie" to the blasting fuzztones of the Jefferson Airplane, to get from point A to point Z without a belief that someone?even Nelson Rockefeller?was pulling the strings. Paranoia may be the last and strongest bastion of such an optimistic view?it is the mind crying out, "Something rational and understandable is going on here! We suggest, in our endless inventiveness, that Captain Mantell did not die of oxygen starvation back there in 1947 while chasing that odd daytime reflection of Venus which veteran pilots call a sundog; no, he was chasing a ship from another world which exploded his plane with a death ray when he got too close. It would be wrong of me to leave you with any impression that I am inviting the two of us to have a good laugh at these things together; I am not. These things are not the beliefs of madmen but the beliefs of sane men and women trying desperately, not to preserve the status quo, but just to find the fucking thing. Shortly we have concrete proof that something is terribly wrong: Becky actually moaned when we saw the [finger] prints, and I think we all felt sick. These four?now aware of the pod conspiracy?agree not to call the police immediately but to see how the pods develop. Miles takes Becky home and then goes home himself, leaving the Belicecs to stand watch over the thing on the pool table. On the bottom shelf of a cupboard in the Driscoll basement, Miles finds a blank which is developing into a pseudo-Becky. Finney does a brilliant job of describing what this coming-to-being would look like. He compares it to fine-stamping medallions; to developing a photograph; and later to those eerie, lifelike South American dolls. But in our current state of high nervousness, what really impresses us is how neatly the thing has been tucked away, hidden behind a closed door in a dusty basement, biding its time.

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It is an outside reality with precise, determined laws that govern the amazingly complex machine of the cosmos, the earth and even our bodies and minds! Could quantum $eld theory possibly shatter the brittle glass separating our subjective experience from outward objective reality? Modern quantum $eld theory has a new story to tell, placing consciousness in the drivers seat as causal and most fundamental. In the next chapter we?ll review the new physics, namely quantum $eld theory, and a new paradigm to consider in the health and healing of your 35 Bryant a. He proved Newtonian laws of physics are by no means static, but relative to the observer and the observed. Depending on the di#erence in speed between the observer and the object under observation, space begins to either shrink or expand and time slows down or speeds up. Space was seen as a three dimensional stage, and time the ticking of a well-made clock. In the time of pioneers distance was measured in time, for example getting from one city to another might have been agreed upon as a four days journey. For example our nearest star (besides the sun) is Alpha Centauri, which is about 4 light years from earth. One of the illusions of space-time is that to see anything out there? in space, you are always seeing it backwards in time. But because light travels so fast it is almost instantaneous for distances on earth, so this illusion is not apparent. Matter and energy are interchangeable with energy being the more fundamental unit. Meyers that we can apply to new understandings of the human body; namely that we are primarily energetic beings and secondarily physical ones! What if reality is not solid at all, and can exist in multiple places simultaneously? What if our universe is only one of a nearly in$nite number of universes in a much larger, all encompassing Multiverse? What if bilocation (being two places at once) and teleportation are true possibilities? Modern physics is showing us that these are real possibilities, and yet our worldview is still dominated primarily from a Newtonian perspective. As we examine the $ve pillars of Newton, we can see how they have been completely turned upside down and inside out by modern quantum $eld theory. It should be duly noted that quantum $eld theory is the basis of modern computers, electronic devices, lasers as well as the human body. Experimental evidence has shown quantum $eld theory to be accurate within 10 parts per billion making it one of the most accurate theories ever conceived. Our actions may be random to others, but our personal conscious choices and decisions are our own and we know full well what we are doing. So particles exist as both waves and particles simultaneously until observed by a conscious observer. According to this accurate view of quantum mechanics, a quantum element will follow all possible paths or trajectories simultaneously creating multiple parallel universes? at the quantum level. Imagine $lling this earth-sized apple with normal size cherries; the size of an atom inside a real apple is proportionally the size of a cherry inside our $ctitious earth-sized apple. Big things are made of little things, and quantum $eld theory most accurately describes little things, like atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons, quarks, photons, gluons, etc. And the quarks and electrons themselves in quantum $eld theory are in$nitely small point? particles with zero volume? What we view as solid is really nothing, and the vacuum of space we view as nothing, is really in$nite! In quantum $eld theory, space is a universal $eld or source of energy and information, and all the particles and forces arise out of this uni$ed $eld. Quantum entanglement is at the heart of understanding how signi$cant events across the universe operate at the macro and microscopic level in split-second synchronicity despite considerable distance between them. Entanglement will be very important when we talk about quantum biology and the miracle of our bio-energetic bodies. Our $ve senses give us a clear, unadulterated perception of a very real, solid universe that exists out there? or outside our subjective processes of thinking, dreaming, and experience of life within. But consider how real dreams seem while you are dreaming (especially if you have experienced lucid dreaming). Richard Feynman, Noble Prize winner said, I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics. Behind all the uncertainty in quantum theory, the measurement problem brings consciousness to the rescue. But that is not the way the universe works according to the more accurate quantum $eld theory. Without a conscious observer the universe is only a superposition of states, a sea of randomness where all possibilities exist, but no reality is formed. According to quantum mechanics, waves are particles and particles are waves, so the excitation of the $eld creates a particle. Quantum $eld theory includes special relativity, so that mass and energy are equivalent, and this equivalence allows the energy that is produced in the $eld excitation to potentially be transformed to mass. Also, unlike quantum mechanics alone, quantum $eld theory can actually explain how particles create and annihilate from the void of space, how quarks interact, how mass is created, how electrons and photons interact and much more! Meyers surrounds a magnet is such that the $eld lines project out from the north pole and enter into the south pole. If you cut a magnet in half, you still have a north and south (so you create two magnets). With magnetic forces, opposites attract, so a south pole will attract a north pole (and vice versa). Also, like poles repel, so a south pole will repel another south pole (and likewise with two north poles). When you pick up staples or paperclips with a magnetic bar, the magnetic $eld in the horseshoe aligns the electrons in the staples or paperclips and creates a temporary magnetism. In its original concept, gravity was a force between two or more masses, an action at a distance. Laplace was the $rst to model gravity as a form of radiation $eld or "uid (like a magnetic $eld), and since then, the explanations for gravity have usually been sought in terms of a $eld model, rather than a point attraction. But in early attempts to use $elds to describe gravity, it was just a mathematical model, with no real existence (unlike the very real $elds of electricity and magnetism). In such a model one states that matter moves in certain ways in response to the curvature of space-time. Richard Feynmann further developed quantum $eld theory with his incorporation of electromagnetism. Ubiquitous electrons interact with the electromagnetic $eld through the action of force carrying particles the photon, our usual ray of light! Many other uni$cation theories have been proposed such as string theory, supergravity, and the all-encompassing M-! As Richard Feymann once said: It doesn?t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn?t matter how smart you are. If the universe and our bodies are made mostly of empty space, then let us take a closer look at what space is, and something called the zero point $eld. Each energy exchange is only around half of a watt, but when you add up the staggering number of interactions in a tiny region of empty space.

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The addition of radiotherapy a poor prognosis and local control is unlikely to be to surgery allows preservation of function with similar achieved even with addition of post-operative radiother local control rates erectile dysfunction treatment alprostadil order viagra with fluoxetine in india, and survival erectile dysfunction nursing interventions cheap viagra with fluoxetine uk, to radical resection erectile dysfunction injections youtube discount viagra with fluoxetine online american express. The major Patients with tumours that erectile dysfunction pills photos purchase viagra with fluoxetine paypal, because of size or position, ity of patients with low-grade tumours will not require are considered borderline resectable should be consid radiotherapy. However, it should be considered for those ered for neo-adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy (sys with large, deep tumours with close or incomplete mar temic or regional), or radiotherapy [44]. This decision will gins of excision, in whom re-excision is not possible, be guided by the histology of the tumour, likely sensitivity especially if adjacent to vital structures that could limit to systemic treatment, and the performance status of the further surgery in the future. Pre-operative radiotherapy should gone a compartmental resection or amputation do not always be considered for myxoid liposarcoma due to the require adjuvant radiotherapy assuming that the margins high response rate [45]. Clin Sarcoma Res (2016) 6:20 Page 8 of 26 sarcomas; 50 Gy to the initial larger volume followed by followed by surgery approximately 4?6 weeks after com 10?16 Gy to a smaller volume [49]. A further 10?16 Gy may be given to be reduced if the feld includes critical structures post-operatively if tumour margins are positive, after (for example the brachial plexus). Health The use of radiotherapy alone is unusual in the treatment Research Authority) [51]. In these is comparing the standard post-operative two-phase, cases, radiotherapy can occasionally provide a durable shrinking feld, radiotherapy technique, with a single remission although local recurrence rates are high. The aim comes appear related to tumour size, grade, and radiation is to potentially spare normal tissue, and hence improve dose [56?59]; doses of over 60 Gy may be employed. In subsequent limb function, without compromising local patients with signifcant life-limiting comorbidities lower control. The preliminary results of the study should be dose, palliative radiotherapy is an option. Pre-operative radiotherapy in limb sarcoma utilises a Proton therapy lower dose of 50 Gy as well as a smaller treatment vol Proton therapy is a highly specialised method of deliv ume covering the pre-operative tumour volume rather ering high-dose radiotherapy to a target volume, whilst than the post-operative tumour bed. It is con to be associated with increased acute, post-operative sidered for a number of defned indications which may complications compared to the standard post-operative include spinal or paraspinal soft-tissue sarcomas in both treatment, but less late toxicity, with equivalent tumour adults and children [60]. The services in these centres are due to com might render the tumour operable [44], or devitalise the mence in 2018 and 2019 [61]. If pre-oper ative radiotherapy is used there is a slightly higher inci Chemotherapy dence of post-operative morbidity including acute wound Adjuvant chemotherapy healing problems. A two team surgical approach risk tumours and potentially chemo-sensitive subtypes (resection and reconstruction) reduces the operative on the basis that beneft cannot be excluded. Pre-operative radiotherapy may be less appropri vides a general guide as to likely relative chemosensitiv ate in cases where wound healing is more likely to be ity. Due to a lack of published comparative data the table problematic, such as proximal thigh/groin or axillary is based on the referenced paper [62], modifed in light locations. In addition, if a patient has a rapidly growing, of the clinical experience of the authors and reviewers painful tumour early surgery may be preferred. In most cases treatment of relapsed tain radiosensitive histological subtypes, such as myxoid disease is palliative and the best chance of obtaining liposarcoma, pre-operative radiotherapy may be particu cure is therefore with primary treatment. In those sub larly advantageous, given the degree of tumour shrink types with particularly poor prognosis, such as cardiac age that can be achieved [44, 45]. The standard regimen sarcoma, where salvage treatment for relapse would be for pre-operative radiotherapy is 50 Gy, over 5 weeks, difcult, the threshold for using adjuvant chemotherapy Dangoor et al. Clin Sarcoma Res (2016) 6:20 Page 9 of 26 Table 3 Soft tissue sarcomas grouped by chemosensitivity more efective treatments are developed for specifc sar Relative chemosensitivity Examples of soft tissue sarcomas coma subtypes, these could be tested in the adjuvant set ting with a greater chance of beneft. The age, and any Moderately chemosensitive Pleomorphic liposarcoma comorbidity of the patient, together with the histology of Epithelioid sarcoma the tumour need to be taken into account. Tere is a wide Pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma variation in chemosensitivity between diferent histologi Leiomyosarcoma cal subtypes (Table 3). If the tumour is chemosensitive Angiosarcoma and adjacent to critical organs, then chemotherapy may Relatively chemo-insensitive Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour potentially render the tumour suitable for conservative Myxofbrosarcoma surgery whereas otherwise more radical surgery would Dediferentiated liposarcoma be necessary. For example, for synovial sarcoma response Clear cell sarcoma rates of 28% [70] in a recent review of European trials, Endometrial stromal sarcoma to over 50% in a single-centre series, have been reported Chemoinsensitive Alveolar soft part sarcoma [71, 72]. With variable response of individual tumours to authors and other guideline contributors chemotherapy, the tumour should be monitored closely due to the risk of progression on treatment, in which case may be lower. For those patients with resectable disease, a wide vival; however, although there was a trend towards an excision through normal uninvolved tissues is the overall survival beneft this was not statistically signif surgical procedure of choice. Where a wide excision is not possible due to ana eft for adjuvant chemotherapy; although this has not tomical constraints, a planned marginal or micro been maintained with long-term follow-up [66]. Interestingly however, it the only surgical option to achieve adequate mar did demonstrate improved survival in both study arms gins. For patients with borderline resectable tumours, pre surgical techniques and increased use of adjuvant operative treatment with chemotherapy and/or radio radiotherapy. Pre or post-operative radiotherapy is recommended until now is the blanket approach of a standard chemo along with surgical resection of the primary tumour therapy combination for all sarcomas. It is hoped that as for the majority of patients with high-grade tumours, Dangoor et al. Clin Sarcoma Res (2016) 6:20 Page 10 of 26 and for selected patients with large or marginally 1. Pre-operative radiotherapy is advantageous in terms of difcult to examine clinically. The recommended dose for pre-operative radiother In certain cases, this standard follow-up can be apy is 50 Gy. If a patient were deemed unft either for pul mended but could be considered in situations where monary metastasectomy or systemic treatment, then achieving local control is likely to be compromised, diagnosing metastases when the patient is asymptomatic or the risk of metastatic disease is particularly high, has little purpose, so for example, the chest X-ray could with a lower threshold for its use in the more che be dispensed with; indeed, referral back to primary care mosensitive sarcoma subtypes. Patients who have received radi Patients may be reassured by follow-up, and early detec otherapy may, for example be at risk of second malignan tion of local relapse or pulmonary metastases may cies or accelerated atherosclerosis in the radiotherapy feld. Follow-up should be Following chemotherapy there may be deterioration of discussed with the patient and the rationale and limita renal function, and reduced fertility. Investigations for late-efects of treatment should approach is at diferent centres, with no agreement on be considered such as full blood count, renal profle, hor imaging, follow-up intervals, or total duration of follow mone profle, and echocardiography. Practices such as discharging patients treated childhood for paediatric sarcomas may be handed on to for low-grade tumours at 5 years, when evidence sug adult services, and it is important that suitable follow-up gests they recur late, require review. Survivorship is an area of cancer management trial comparing standard follow-up, with greater inten on which there has been more focus in recent times. Physi sity follow-up and more imaging, failed to show any cal disability is a major feature of the survivorship experi diference in outcome [79]. Furthermore, a recent retro ence of patients treated for soft tissue sarcoma [81], and spective study of follow-up for detection of local recur follow-up should support the patient in trying to mini rence, demonstrated that most are detected clinically, mise the impact of their treatment. Clin Sarcoma Res (2016) 6:20 Page 11 of 26 Key recommendations for pain or other complications such as bone metastases 1. Bisphosphonates or denosumab may ate or high-grade sarcoma are followed up every be useful in reducing fracture risk or bone pain, based on 3?4 months for the frst 2?3 years, then twice a year data from other cancers, although radiotherapy or sur for up to 5 years, and annually thereafter for a total of gery may also be indicated. Patients with low-grade sarcoma should be followed treatment are often appropriate. Standard follow-up practice should consist of: ist palliative care services, in coordination with primary care. Review of any new symptoms reported by the For a number of patients, particularly those with poor patient, performance status or signifcant comorbidities, stand b. Clinical examination to focus on local recur ard supportive care with symptom control alone, is often rence, with imaging follow-up where indicated the most appropriate option. Early involvement of com by clinical suspicion, munity palliative care teams should be considered in all c. New models of follow-up warrant further investiga The development of optimal treatment protocols is ham tion. The incidence of many of the individual sub-types of soft tis Prognosis and treatment of advanced disease sue sarcoma is too small to permit large-scale prospective In almost all cases, the treatment intention for metastatic randomised controlled trials. Approximately 50% of patients with ered from a range of studies which include single-site and high-grade sarcoma develop distant metastases and even multisite phase 2 trials, retrospective case series, sub tually die of disseminated disease, with a median survival analyses of trials for which a range of histological sub of approximately 12 months from diagnosis of metasta types are included and, for the rarer sub-types, individual ses [82?84]. This is likely to be endorsed approach to palliative treatment depends to some extent by the British Sarcoma Group and should therefore be on whether or not symptoms are present, and the poten used alongside this guideline. It is increasingly understood that response rate is defned by absence of disease progression, not degree of only one measure of treatment efcacy with many of the response. A diferential response to chemotherapy bination of various strategies, often used in a stepwise according to histological subtype has been noted, and as fashion, particularly for those patients with a prolonged knowledge increases it is expected that it will become disease course. The options will take into account the dis increasingly possible to individualise treatment. For ease histology, distribution, volume, plus likely sensitiv example; synovial sarcoma, leiomyosarcoma and myxoid ity to systemic treatment.

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Price titled "Apology to Rhine and Soal erectile dysfunction lipitor discount viagra with fluoxetine online american express," in which Price expressed his conviction that his original article was highly unfair to both S impotence pronunciation discount viagra with fluoxetine uk. As a response to criticism psi researchers have slowly erectile dysfunction causes drugs buy viagra with fluoxetine in united states online, sometimes erratically and sometimes steadily erectile dysfunction images purchase cheap viagra with fluoxetine on line, improved the quality of their experiments while continuing to obtain data which they believe is anomalous. John Palmer argues that, while psychic researchers have not proven the existence of psi, they have established a scientific anomaly that cannot be explained away by skeptics. Some honest skeptics, meanwhile, while contining to reject the psi hypothesis, reluctantly acknowledge that some of the research deserves careful scrutiny from the mainstream scientific community. Increases or decreases in blood and lymph volume, resulting from emotional responses, are measured by this instrument. Douglas Dean conducting a plethysmograph study A telepathic agent in another room then concentrated on different names, some of which were known to be emotionally significant to the subjects. The results indicated changes in the blood volume which significantly correlated with the emotionally laden target messages. This finding was c Birmed in a second series of studies conducted by Dean and Carroll B. Most of the subjects were totally unaware of the changes in their blood supply which were responding to the target material. A similar study was conducted by Charles Tart in which subjects were hooked up to a plethysmograph, an electroencephalograph, and a device for measuring galvanic skin response. However, their physiological measurements showed abrupt changes when the shocks were administered to the agent in ano@�er room. Using equipment which monitored brain waves and eye movements, the investigators could determine accurately when subjects were having dreams. By waking the subjects at these times they were then able to obtain immediate reports of the dream contents. Earlier in the day, in another room, the telepathic senders had concentrated on target pictures designed to create a particular impression. In one such test, telepathic transmission was obtained by having about 2,000 persons attending a Grateful Dead rock concert focus on a color slide projection image and attempt to send it to the dream laboratory 45 miles away in Brooklyn. Many of these individuals were in altered states of consciousness from the music and the ingestion of psychedelic drugs. Psychologist David Foulkes at the University of Wyoming, in consultation with the Maimonides team, attempted unsuccessfully to replicate the dream studies. Hansel, a psychologist at the University of Wales in England, attributed the failure to tighter controls against fraud in the Wyoming experiments, whereas dream researcher Robert Van de Castle from the University of Virginia, one of the subjects in both the Wyoming and the Maimonides experiments, stressed the debilitating effect of the skeptical attitude of the Wyoming team. In 1985, Yale University psychologist Irvin Child published a review of the Maimonides dream studies in the American Psychologist. Child, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Yale University the experiments have received little or no mention in the pertinent psychological literature. When these studies were reviewed, Child claims that they were so severely distorted as to given an entirely erroneous impression of how they were conducted. Child used the example of the dream research to illustrate the general point that books by psychologists purporting to offer critical reviews of psi research do not use the scientific standards of discourse prevalent in psychology. The first stage of these sessions is to instill confidence in his subjects that they could visualize clear mental images containing accurate extrasensory information. This process, according to Ryzl, continued until the subject was able to perceive clairvoyantly with accuracy and detail. Finally, Ryzl attempted to wean the subject away from his own tutelage so that he or she could function independently. While still in Czechoslovakia, Ryzl claimed to have used this technique with some 500 individuals, fifty of whom supposedly achieved success. A particularly notable series of experiments were described in 1910 by EmilIe Boirac, rector of the Dijon Academy in France, which produced what he described as an "externalization of sensitivity. The most striking experiments were those in which the subject was told to project his sensibility into a glass of water. If the water was pricked, the subject would react by a visible jerk or exclamation. When the experimenter pinched the air-zone above the water-glass nearest him, or plunged his finger or pencil into it, the subject immediately reacted. Instantly the sensitive ejaculated with pain, and a small red spot appeared on the back of her hand. Boirac, as well as Soviet investigators, have reported the ability to induce a hypnotic trance simply through telepathic concentration directed toward their subjects. Of nineteen experiments reported, only seven failed to produce significant results. In a particularly interesting precognition study, conducted by Fahler and Osis with two hypnotized subjects, the task also included making confidence calls predicting which guesses would be most accurate. The correlation of confidence call hits produced impressive results with a probability of 0. Hypnosis typically involves relaxation and suggestion in an atmosphere of friendliness and trust. We do not know which of these factors, or combination of factors, accounts for heightened psi scores. Schechter himself, as well as other psi researchers, has been reluctant to conclude that hypnosis does facilitate psi performance. In a retrospective critique of research on altered states of consciousness and psi, St. Johns University psychologist Rex Stanford argued that many alternative explanations of heightened psi effects were not controlled for in the research studies. Stanford called for more rigorous process oriented research to determine why hypnosis and other altered states enhance psi scores - if, in fact, they actually do. During a long period of experimental investigations, Stepanek proved to be one of the most successful subjects ever tested. In a book titled How Not To Test A Psychic, skeptic Martin Gardner reanalysed the tests with Stepanek, offering detailed hypotheses as to how the results obtained for over a decade by several independent experimental teams may have resulted from cheating by Stepanek. Martin Gardner, author of How Not To Test a Psychic, Fads and Fallacies in theName of Science, and other skeptical books (courtesy Martin Gardner) Bill Delmore In a study with an exceptional subject, Bill Delmore, confidence calls were made using a deck of ordinary playing cards as the target. The technique used was a "psychic shuffle" in which the experimenters randomly select a predetermined order which the subject must match by shuffling the target deck. In each of two shuffle series, with fifty-two cards in a series, Delmore made twenty-five confidence calls - all of which were completely correct. Delmore does not seem to use an altered state of consciousness as a means of gaining psychic information. In fact, the research in altered states seems to point to other variables which are really more significant. Skeptical statistician Persi Diaconis, who observed some informal tests with Delmore which amazed a group of Harvard faculty and students, hypothesized that the results were due to a set of complicated maneuvers that would be familiar to magical practitioners. Their results, covered studies taking place over an eighteen month period: 290 In the experiments with [Uri] Geller, he was asked to reproduce 13 drawings over a week-long period while physically separated from his experimenters in a shielded room. Geller was not told who made any drawing, who selected it for him to reproduce or about its method of selection. It was never discussed by the experimenters after being drawn or brought near Geller. All but two of the experiments conducted with Geller were in the shielded room, with the drawings in adjacent rooms ranging from four meters to 475 meters from him. In other experiments, the drawings were made inside the shielded room with Geller in adjacent locations. Examples of drawings Geller was asked to reproduce included a firecracker, a cluster of grapes, a devil, a horse, the solar system, a tree and an envelope. They matched the target data to the response data with no errors, a chance probability of better than one in a million per judgment. In another experiment with Geller, he was asked to "guess" the face of a die shaken in a closed steel box. The experiment was performed ten times but Geller declined to respond two times, saying his perception was not clear. Because of the publicity which these studies received, they have been highly criticized by skeptics. To test this theory, they utilized a ganzfeld technique of covering the eyes of their subjects with halved ping pong balls so that the visual field was seen as solid white.

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