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Ademas, los cuatro incisivos superiores representan el lugar que quieres ocupar junto a tus padres, y los cuatro incisivos inferiores el lugar que estos ocupan. El mensaje implicito en todo problema dental es principalmente que actues, que concretices tus deseos. Si sufres un problema de desgaste en los dientes y el esmalte esta desapareciendo gradualmente, es muy posible que the estes dejando utilizar por quienes the rodean. En general, la persona que se deja manejar por los demas critica mucho internamente, pero no se afirma exteriormente. Tu mejor proteccion para que no dejes que the utilicen es el amor verdadero hacia tus seres queridos. El rechinar los dientes, que se manifiesta sobre todo en la noche, es signo de que la persona durante el dia reprime la ira y la tension. El cuerpo, inteligentemente, utiliza con frecuencia la noche, los momentos de sueno, para ayudarnos a liberar las tensiones vividas durante la vigilia. Debes ocuparte de esta ira contenida antes de que the ocasione muchos mas problemas que el rechinar de los dientes. El miedo que siente a hacer sus demandas con respecto a lo que quiere esta relacionado con el miedo a llevar a cabo su decision. El nino o el adulto dislexico tienen problemas con la organizacion del espacio, los errores que cometen al leer persisten o se agravan. En el plano metafisico, esto significa que este nino tiene problemas para armonizar sus principios femenino y masculino. Su cerebro tiene dificultades para armonizar las interacciones que se dan entre sus dos hemisferios cerebrales. Despues, es importante que decidas de una vez por todas, el genero que elegiste y con el cual aceptas avanzar en esta vida. Por otro lado, no tienes que crearte este problema fisico para tener una excusa por no ser perfecto intelectualmente. Es una persona con ideas autodestructivas inconscientes y a menudo interpreta el papel de victima para llamar la atencion. Se desvaloriza facilmente y le resulta dificil alimentarse de pensamientos hermosos de amor hacia si misma. Es por ello que, para su bienestar, se vuelve cada vez mas dependiente de los demas. Hasta ahora has creido que enfermandote o teniendo problemas lograras mas atencion y amor. Pero creer que un problema mas grave the dara amor, no es la solucion ideal para ti. Seria mas sensato que tomaras conciencia de todas tus capacidades y de tus talentos, que los hicieras valer y buscaras llamar la atencion de esta manera en lugar de recurrir a una enfermedad. Diccionario Jacques Martel: Dolor Frecuentemente, forma de auto castigo frente a un sentimiento de culpabilidad. El dolor cronico proviene de una culpa cronica, con frecuencia tan profundamente sepultada que ya ni siquiera tenemos la menor conciencia de ella. El sentimiento de culpa es una emocion totalmente inutil, que jamas hace que nadie se sienta mejor ni modifica para nada una situacion. El dolor repentino es una de las maneras que los humanos utilizan para castigarse: se hacen dano. Indica que la persona que lo sufre se ha declarado culpable de algo que hizo o no hizo, quiere o no quiere hacer, incluso sin comprobar si su culpa es real. Observando para que sirve la parte del cuerpo afectada, la persona sabra en que area siente esa culpa. Por desgracia esto no soluciona nada, porque cada vez que the sientes culpable tienes que volver a empezar. Es muy probable que los dolores que sientes tiendan a desaparecer si the detienes a comprobar tu culpabilidad. La gran mayoria de los individuos que se acusan facilmente rara vez son culpables. Esto significa que hiciste dano o quisiste danar intencionalmente a otro o a ti mismo. Sentirte culpable cuando no lo eres significa que necesitas revisar tu sistema de valores y tus creencias. Esa vocecita es el eco de la voz de otra persona (a menudo uno de los progenitores) que registraste y al que decidiste creer. A nivel medico es muy sencillo, no se preguntan porque hay dolor, dicen que es el edema que provoca el dolor, o la fractura Pero para nosotros no es suficiente, necesitamos saber si se trata del periostio, o se trata del ligamento, del tendon, del musculo, o de la fascia, porque tenemos que hacer un diagnostico muy preciso. Debemos afinar lo maximo posible, que tejido esta danado, porque en funcion del tejido tendremos una descodificacion particular. El dolor aparece tambien en fase de reparacion del hueso, debido al edema del periostio. Nivel clasico: Periostio = "Deseo de separacion, contacto no deseado, contacto doloroso. Nivel Psicosomatico: a) La comparacion: "Me comparo mal, no he hecho una correcta apreciacion. Debemos poner valor del 0 al 10 al dolor (el mismo paciente) para elemento de referencia. Las personas con reumatismo tienen un sentimiento de victima, una carencia afectiva y una amargura cronica. Ejemplos: a) Una persona se tira por la ventana desde un 15 piso y se fractura Es logico, se llama el efecto dosis. Biomecanicamente un hueso puede soportar un cierto impacto, pero tiene un limite, mas alla, se sobrepasa su resistencia. Si cada vez que un nino le da un golpe a un adulto tiene una fractura, no habria mas ninos. Dos extremos: Tenemos aqui los dos extremos y donde no hay que equivocarse, es pensar, en que el nino ha sido el que ha chocado con el senor, y que ha sido la fuerza del choque lo que ha fracturado el radio. Lo mas importante que hay que comprender, es esto, porque el traumatismo es el desencadenante, pero antes habia un conflicto que habia fragilizado una parte del hueso. Hay dos posibilidades: La primera, clasica: Voy por la calle y me tuerzo el tobillo. Voy al medico, me hace una radiografia y me dice que es un esguince simple y que debo reposar 3 semanas o un mes. La segunda: Es cuando al cabo de unos meses o dos o tres anos, todavia no se ha curado, es entonces cuando vienen a vernos. Es aqui donde vamos a tener un resultado, porque no hay el proceso normal de un esguince, por lo tanto quiere decir que hay conflicto. Cuando es una fractura es lo mismo, si al cabo de tres meses de la fractura no ha consolidado, hay conflicto. Proceso de curacion Tambien se puede descodificar durante el proceso de curacion y se acelerara el proceso de sanacion. Para ser un teorico, siempre que hay una lesion hay un conflicto, porque si camino por la acera y me hago un esguince, inconscientemente estoy viviendo un conflicto, pero yo no lo sabia y el traumatismo me lo revela. Y yo, sinceramente, prefiero ocuparme de un esguince de tobillo que un cancer de colon. El amor y la aprobacion de mi mismo y de los demas hacen que mis experiencias sean cada vez mejores. Asociado al acne (produccion de androgenos) Conflicto: La mujer desea que su bebe sea nino y gestiona mal las hormonas masculinas. Toma plena conciencia de la la importancia que la naturaleza nos reenvia a traves de nosotros, la respiracion.
The two clearly visible hyperintense lines (arrows) that represent the interface between the blood pool and intima layer and the interface between the media layer and adventitial layer should be noted on the image pulse blood pressure monitor order 25 mg dipyridamole amex. A gray-scale image of a longitudinal scan of the distal common carotid artery shows plaque with mixed echogenicity (arrow) arteria costa rica dipyridamole 25 mg. A transverse scan of the plaque at the distal common carotid artery shows central low echogenicity (arrow) blood pressure limits uk buy dipyridamole 25 mg lowest price. The more lucent plaque is known to be associated with a higher risk of the stroke low pressure pulse jet bag filter cheap dipyridamole online mastercard. It is To go into more detail on plaque echogenicity, it has been noted known that the sensitivity of detecting carotid plaque ulceration that symptomatic lesions are typically associated with purely or ranges from under 30% to over 80% when it is compared with predominantly hypoechoic plaques. The effort to detect ulceration should measure plaque echogenicity quantitatively. Recently, three-dimensional (3D) ultrasonography has been used for measuring plaque volume [13-15] (Fig. On a 2D gray scale image, plaque size can be measured based on length and height, but the total volume of the plaque cannot be measured. Three-dimensional ultrasonography to measure the volume without treatment and decrease with statin therapy [16]. The plaque contour is traced manually ultrasonography is thought to be useful for the monitoring of plaque and then the volume of the plaque is calculated. Tilting the probe from the head side to the toe side creates an angle between the probe surface and the vessel. For intima-media thickness measurement, the probe surface should be parallel to the vessel. The limitation of 2D gray-scale evaluation of plaque is that single Adjusting the velocity range is one of the important ways of or even multiple images cannot represent the entire plaque controlling Doppler ultrasonography parameters. Because the flow volume through the symptomatic and 104 asymptomatic patients with carotid plaque vessel is constant, the velocity of the fow is fastest at the stenotic disease, they assessed the mean gray value of the whole plaque segment. If the upper limit of the color velocity scale is just below and found a higher incidence of low echoic plaque in symptomatic that of the flow velocity in the normal vessel, the increased flow patients than in asymptomatic patients, suggesting a higher risk of velocity in the stenotic segment will be above the upper limit of cerebral ischemia from the low echoic plaque. If there is a segment showing an aliasing artifact at the proper velocity scale Color Doppler Ultrasonography and Pulsed setting, it means that the segment is stenotic. The usual normal Wave Doppler Ultrasonography velocity of the common carotid artery is 30-40 cm/sec [19], but the velocity scale setting should be adjusted for each patient. Color Doppler is color-encoded velocity information on a gray-scale However, to measure the exact fow velocity, we cannot rely on image. Color Doppler is a good tool for visualizing the blood fow in color Doppler imaging; we need pulsed wave Doppler. The fow direction is usually not different from the the carotid artery is not a deeply located structure, and ensuring the vessel direction, but in cases of eccentric atherosclerotic plaque, the proper angle of the Doppler probe surface relative to the common fow direction and vessel direction can be different. One helpful technique for Variable Right Left achieving this angle is the heel and toe technique. The heel and Gray-scale imaging Intima-media thickness cm cm Table 1. Carotid Doppler ultrasonography is a powerful modality for evaluating the carotid arteries. Carotid Doppler ultrasonography is useful not only for detecting carotid artery stenosis, but also for detecting atherosclerotic plaque including visualizing the intima media thickness as a biomarker for atherosclerosis. Radiologists should be familiar with the physics and clinical fndings of Doppler ultrasonography in performing Doppler ultrasonography studies of the carotid arteries. The vertebral artery Doppler spectrum is similar to that of the internal carotid artery. It should be noted that the fow directions of the vertebral artery and Confict of Interest vertebral vein are opposite each other. In 2003, a consensus conference was held for Doppler ultrasonography diagnosis of carotid artery stenosis [20], and they 1. Common proposed consensus velocity criteria for carotid artery stenosis, carotid intima-media thickness and risk of stroke and myocardial which has been used since then (Table 1). Beyond secondary prevention: identifying ultrasonography, as shown in Table 2, should include all the the high-risk patient for primary prevention: executive summary. Signifcance of plaque ulceration in symptomatic patients with A calcified atheroma of the carotid artery can make it difficult to high-grade carotid stenosis. North American Symptomatic Carotid find a proper sonic window for color Doppler ultrasonography Endarterectomy Trial. Correlation of B-mode ultrasound imaging and obscuring a large vascular segment, another imaging modality such arteriography with pathologic fndings at carotid endarterectomy. Widder B, Paulat K, Hackspacher J, Hamann H, Hutschenreiter S, atherosclerosis development in subjects with and without type 2 Kreutzer C, et al. Heliopoulos J, Vadikolias K, Mitsias P, Artemis D, Tripsianis G, appearance with carotid endarterectomy specimen pathology. A three-dimensional ultrasonographic quantita Cardiovasc Surg (Torino) 1988;29:676-681. Quantification of atherosclerotic plaques correlation with aortic motion on dynamic 3D time-resolved in carotid arteries by three-dimensional ultrasound. Carotid artery stenosis: gray-scale and Doppler quantification of carotid artery atherosclerosis. Key words: Chronic renal disease, dental considerations, dental management, oral manifestations. In dental practice, the function of views), 4 transversal studies, 2 series of clinical cases, the kidneys can be assessed indirectly through plasma 1 randomized clinical assay, 1 letter to the editor and 1 tic creatinine (Cr). For this reason, thout a decrease in glomerular fltration rate uremic individuals have a characteristic halitosis (ure Filtration rate < 60 ml/min/1. This halitosis is related to another In Spain, the exact prevalence of renal pathology re manifestation: the perception of an unpleasant, metallic mains unknown. Treatment of the chronic renal insuffciency of dimethyl and trimethyl amines, or low zinc levels includes dietary changes, correction of systemic compli (due to the malabsorption derived from gastrointestinal cations, and dyalisis or a renal graft (3). There can also be a burning sensation in the the most common cause of death in patients with end lips and tongue, of a neuropathic origin (9) or even a stage renal failure is cardiac arrest, followed by infec sensation of an enlarged tongue (3). Sometimes these Bleeding tendency in these patients may be due to fac individuals are afficted by anemia due mainly to the de tors depending on the disease itself, like alterations in crease in the synthesis of erythropoietin, which can be platelet aggregation and renal anemia (secondary to clinically observed as a skin and mucosa paleness (5). For that in patients with an end stage or untreated renal disease reason, it can be concluded that hemodialysis predispo (1, 10). Clinically, it is characterized by the presence of ses to ecchymosis, petechiae and hemorrhage in the oral erythematous lesions which are localized or generalized. These lesions are covered by a pseudomembranous exu Oral hygiene of patients receiving hemodyalisis is usua date that can be removed, leaving an intact or ulcerated lly poor, so deposits of calculus (3) and plaque may be mucosa (8). It does not require chenoid disease may arise, associated with antihyper a specifc treatment and an involution will usually occur tensive medication (diuretics, beta blockers) (3). Where fungal infections are concerned, there ce of enamel hypoplasias, due to alterations in calcium are mainly lesions related to Candida albicans. Other forms of candidosis have been repor individuals receiving hemodialysis (3). So that these fgures may underestimate the increased sus metimes an antibacterial effect has been attributed to the ceptibility of immunosuppressed allograft recipients to increase of the pH (due to urea hydrolization by saliva), fungal infection, since systemic anti fungal agents are which suggests a protective function against caries (5). They can appear either in labial alterations in calcium and phosphorum metabolism, ab mucosa or intraorally, having a predilection, in the latter, normal metabolism of vitamin D and the compensatory for keratinized epithelium. Vesicles on mucosal surfaces hyperactivity of parathyroid glands (secondary hyperpa rapidly erode and leave an ulcerated area (12, 13).
By reviewing the results of testing for the patient in this vignette arrhythmia that makes you cough cheap 25 mg dipyridamole visa, you are able to determine that this child requires educational intervention via direct instruction to address his weaknesses in reading and writing heart attack high dead end counterpart 25 mg dipyridamole otc. You are able to guide his parents in advocating for appropriate educational services and support for their child blood pressure chart by age cheap dipyridamole 100mg mastercard. She was seen and treated at a local emergency department yesterday after having multiple episodes of vomiting with inability to tolerate oral fluids blood pressure medication lack of energy cheap dipyridamole 100mg with visa. Her mother tells you that the adolescent was diagnosed with "a stomach flu" and dehydration, received 2 bags of intravenous fluids, and was discharged home after she drank a few ounces of ginger ale. The mother brought her daughter to your office for re-evaluation this morning because "she still seems really run down," and has been complaining of worsening abdominal pain. The mother tells you that her daughter has also seemed very "stressed out" over the past 5 days since her boyfriend ended their relationship. The adolescent denies any vaginal discharge or bleeding; her last menstrual period was 2 weeks ago. On physical examination, she is tearful and seems to be in moderate distress due to pain. Genitourinary examination reveals no vaginal discharge or bleeding, and a bimanual examination reveals no adnexal or cervical motion tenderness. When you ask the patient why she is tearful, she discloses to you that, over a 2-day period that ended approximately 36 hours ago, she took more than fifty 500 mg acetaminophen tablets because she was "in so much pain" after her boyfriend ended their relationship. She denies suicidal ideation and states that she took the medicine because "I just wanted something to take away my pain. Her abdominal pain was preceded by multiple episodes of vomiting, which have now resolved. Acetaminophen is the most commonly used analgesic and antipyretic in the United States. It is one of the most common pharmaceutical products ingested by young children, and is one of the top drugs taken by adolescents and adults in intentional drug overdoses. All pediatric providers should be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of acetaminophen toxicity and to manage them appropriately. The risk for toxicity from acetaminophen ingestion in children and adolescents depends largely upon the situation surrounding exposure. Among adolescents, intentional ingestion due to suicidal intent is more prevalent. These ingestions tend to involve higher doses of acetaminophen, often taken as a single overdose. Intentional ingestion of other substances, in addition to acetaminophen, is not uncommon in these situations. Adolescents who ingest acetaminophen in an attempt to self-harm often underestimate its toxicity and develop hepatocellular injury more frequently than younger children with lower-dose, exploratory ingestions. These ingestions may be disclosed by the adolescent to friends, family members, and healthcare providers following ingestion, or they may be discovered only as a result of toxicological screening. Unintentional ingestions of acetaminophen, often due to developmentally-normal exploratory behaviors, are more commonly observed among young children. Most of these ingestions involve small doses, and can often be managed in the primary care setting or even at home with appropriate anticipatory guidance. Cases of significant acetaminophen toxicity due to unintentional repeated administration of supratherapeutic doses to children by well-meaning caregivers have been reported. Deliberate poisoning of infants with acetaminophen as a form of child abuse has also been reported. Acetaminophen is metabolized in the liver to a highly reactive metabolite by the cytochrome P450 pathway. Its toxic intermediate is normally inactivated by conjugation with hepatic glutathione. In massive acetaminophen overdoses (or in situations of chronic acetaminophen ingestion), glutathione becomes depleted, allowing the toxic intermediate to bind to liver cells and cause cellular injury. This injury can lead to elevation of liver enzymes, hepatic dysfunction, and even hepatic failure and death. An acute acetaminophen ingestion of greater than 150 to 200 mg/kg in children or greater than 7. Patients who have taken supratherapeutic doses over the course of consecutive days are also at risk for hepatocellular injury. Early signs and symptoms of acute acetaminophen poisoning in children are nonspecific and can often be mild. In severe cases, evidence of nephrotoxicity (elevated blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, decreased urine output) and pancreatitis may be apparent. N-acetylcysteine is most beneficial if administered within 8 hours of an acute acetaminophen ingestion. Given the serum acetaminophen level and the number of hours post-ingestion, this nomogram can be used to classify the patent as at no risk, possible risk, or probable risk of hepatotoxicity. Hepatic enzyme levels, a coagulation profile, serum electrolytes, and a complete blood cell count should be obtained before initiating treatment, as well as following treatment. Recommending that the adolescent follow up in the office within 24 hours would be an inappropriate choice related to her management. Delaying referral to the emergency department in order to obtain a serum acetaminophen level would not be appropriate in the management of this patient. Although assessment by a child psychiatric specialist is certainly indicated for the adolescent in the vignette due to her recent depressive symptoms and concern for suicidality, the more immediate priority in her management should involve emergent clinical interventions to prevent her from developing hepatic failure and failure of other organ systems. Child psychiatric consultation may be obtained after she has been medically stabilized. While the administration of activated charcoal for gastrointestinal decontamination is recommended for children and adolescents presenting very soon after an acute acetaminophen overdose (provided that the airway is protected), the patient in the vignette is presenting days(not hours) after ingestion of a large amount of acetaminophen. She has unfortunately already had complete gastrointestinal absorption of the acetaminophen she ingested and is now displaying signs of hepatic toxicity. Activated charcoal would not have a clinical benefit at this point in her clinical course. For any intravascular infection in which there are multiple positive cultures while on appropriate therapy, the likelihood of successfully eradicating the pathogen with antimicrobial therapy alone is low. Therefore, removal of the source of infection is the best next step in management. There are certain pathogens for which prompt line removal is indicated, even in the absence of multiple positive cultures. In addition, certain gram-positive pathogens that can cause severe infections, such as Staphylococcus aureus, would necessitate line removal. Clinical instability and sepsis are absolute indications for removal of infected intravascular catheters. Since the neonate in the vignette does not demonstrate these features, clinical status is not the preferred response. In general, drug susceptibility is not utilized in the decision process for central line removal, unless there are no reasonable therapeutic options. Coagulase-negative staphylococci tend to be methicillin-resistant and resistant to most cephalosporins, which is why vancomycin is often the treatment of choice. Clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of intravascular catheter-related infection: 2009 update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. On review of systems, she reports that she has frequent episodes of abdominal pain. The periumbilical episodes of pain come on quickly, with a pain level of 7 to 10 out of 10.
- Decreased sexual drive
- Pericarditis
- Parkinson disease
- Sucking motions are made with the mouth.
- Enlarged liver (hepatomegaly)
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- Pale coloring
Nos podemos encontrar a criminales blood pressure medication and breastfeeding order discount dipyridamole on-line, pedofilos arteria humeral profunda buy dipyridamole overnight, gente que se dedica a hacer dano sin ton ni son arrhythmia heart murmur order dipyridamole 25 mg otc. Porque una manera de disociar a una persona que ya esta disociada son las metaforas arteriosclerosis buy dipyridamole 25 mg with amex. Otra terapia muy util es la del teatro o la pelicula: Los dos observamos la escena y la comentamos. Los valores y las creencias dominan a estas personas y se comportan de manera que puedan realizar lo que piensan. Es totalmente imposible que vean sus propios defectos porque serian demasiado insoportables para ellos. Tambien en esta etapa esta el conflicto de direccion, que tiene que ver con las glandulas suprarrenales. Son personas que sienten por ejemplo, que han tomado una mala direccion en el trabajo y con la mujer que han escogido. Son personas que en terapia hablan y hablan para asegurarse de que las entiendes y que no the equivoques de direccion. Hacen varias terapias, siguen varias religiones y varios maestros, asi se aseguran de no equivocarse. Las personas con conflictos de 3 etapa, suelen ser personas que o se ven demasiado o se ven poco. O pisan fuerte por donde pasan (megalomania) o pasan como un fantasma sin molestar (conflicto de direccion). Conflicto: Diversos conflictos: a) Depresion maniaco-depresiva: Son conflictos de territorio en ambos hemisferios. La mania se presenta en reles del hemisferio izquierdo y la depresion en los del derecho. Una gran masa conflictual puede hacer que el individuo tenga levitaciones (delirios, imaginar su muerte, su propio entierro) b) Constelacion de flotar: No tocar de pies en el suelo. Personas que presentan a menudo conductas agresivas (sobretodo si hay predominio del hemisferio izquierdo o de identidad) d) Constelacion de Autista en la corteza: Se presenta entre dos reles, el de panico (laringe, hemisferio izquierdo) y contrariedad en el territorio (vesicula biliar, derecho) o los brazos de la madre. Estan formadas por constelaciones entre dos conflictos localizados en el mesencefalo y la corteza. Normalmente es muy maniatico y el rele afectado esta en el hemisferio femenino (izquierdo). Trastornos del talamo localizados centralmente, el que integra un amplio rango de informacion cortical y subcortical. Las manifestaciones incluyen perdida sensorial, trastornos del movimiento; ataxia, sindromes dolorosos, trastornos visuales, una variedad de condiciones neuroquirurgicas, y coma. Hay un sinfin de legados familiares invisibles con aspectos de enfermedades, accidentes, episodios psicoticos u otros, tantos como maneras de senalar la fragilidad de un aniversario, de los duelos no realizados, o de los traumas no asimilados, no verbalizados. El no decir una cosa ("por tu bien") es un mal que golpea precisamente a los que hemos querido proteger. Celebraciones de derrotas son duelos sin fin, traumas elegidos en cultos nacionales, en vendettas familiares, nacionales y culturales, se convierten en banos de sangre que el nacionalismo no consigue detener. Esta protuberancia es el punto en el que los grandes musculos de las nalgas que mueven la cadera conectan con el femur. El gluteo mayor es el mas grande de estos musculos y se inserta mas abajo en el femur. Conflicto: Conflicto de oposicion (como en la cabeza del femur) pero con el siguiente matiz: Un hombre siempre es el lider en el colegio. En la facultad, las chicas son tan fuertes como el, no capitula, no cede, pero huye antes de capitular. Tambien se denomina asi al propio proceso patologico, en el cual, un agregado de plaquetas o fibrina ocluye un vaso sanguineo. Parte muscular: Conflicto: 1 Etapa: Sentir miedo por el oido medio y lo que contiene, por ello se mantiene cerrado. Cuando no podemos atrapar o liberarnos de una informacion se produce una congestion y se bloquea el sistema. C Hay dos conflictos en la trompa de Eustaquio: uno localizado en el cerebelo y otro en el tronco cerebral. Tendra derecho a coger un trozo de chocolate, pastel, caramelos, cuando oiga la voz de su madre que le dara permiso para ello. Es lo mismo que las amigdalas, que las vegetaciones, solo que con las amigdalas estamos en una tonalidad digestiva y con las vegetaciones, en una tonalidad respiratoria. Los padres, involuntariamente, muy a menudo hacen chantaje, y esto angustia al nino. Por lo tanto, le resulta dificil crear su vida como lo desea y relacionarse con los hombres. Hay 2 etapas: La muscular (3) y la mucosa (1) Conflicto: Guarrada vivida a nivel sexual (violacion, intercambio de insultos a nivel sexual muy fuerte, transgeneracional, una mujer que se enamora del marido de una amiga o Directora de una fabrica se entera que uno de sus empleados principales fue encontrado con chicas menores de dad. Ejemplos: Diferencias violentas con una persona del otro sexo, intercambio de insultos groseros. Nuevo modelo mental: Me amo y me apruebo; asi me creo un mundo dichoso y en paz para vivir. Tratamiento: Aplique un masaje a los pulmones y la zona toracica, prestando tambien atencion al higado y los rinones, sin olvidar las glandulas tiroides y pituitaria, el pancreas, las suprarrenales, el bazo, los ovarios o la prostata. Si a una ostra le entra un granito de arena, para protegerse lo rodea de un revestimiento duro y brillante. Si nos encarnizamos con una vieja herida, la cultivamos y no la dejamos cicatrizar, con el tiempo se convertira en un tumor. Y creo que la razon de que las mujeres tengan tantos tumores en el utero es que se centran en un golpe emocional que ha afectado a su feminidad y lo cultivan. Cada celula de su cuerpo responde a cada una de las cosas que usted piensa y a cada palabra que dice. La persona que tiene continuamente un gesto cenudo no se lo creo teniendo ideas alegres ni sentimientos de amor. La cara y el cuerpo de los ancianos muestra con toda claridad la forma en que han pensado durante toda una vida. Ademas de estas breves enumeraciones, me detendre en algunas de las afecciones mas comunes, para darles una idea de como nos creamos estos problemas. No todos los equivalentes mentales son validos en un ciento por ciento para todos. Sin embargo, nos serviran como punto de referencia para comenzar a buscar la causa de la enfermedad. En Estados Unidos muchas personas que trabajan en el campo de las terapias alternativas usan mi libro Curar el cuerpo en su trabajo cotidiano, y encuentran que las causas mentales explican entre un noventa y un noventa y cinco por ciento de los casos. Tenemos miedo de no ser lo que quieren nuestros padres o de no contentar a nuestro jefe. No podemos tragarnos tal como somos, y nos desgarramos las entranas tratando de complacer a los demas.
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