
Gretchen E. Glaser, MD

  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Abington Memorial Hospital
  • Abington, Pennsylvania

Systemic corticosteroid therapy and immunosup 11 pressants are useful for severe cases with systemic symptoms blood pressure medication iso order coreg 12.5 mg mastercard. Definition Multiple palpable purpura occur mostly in the lower legs heart attack grill death cheap 12.5mg coreg amex, and they are accompanied by arthralgia heart attack symptoms in women over 40 generic coreg 25 mg with mastercard, digestive disorder and kid ney disorder blood pressure facts generic 25mg coreg with visa. It may be pre ceded by a headache, pharyngeal pain, and symptoms of the common cold. Disseminated palpable purpura of several millime Clinical images are available in hardcopy only. Arthritic symptoms in the legs, knees, hands and elbows, sharp pain in the abdomen, and gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, hematemesis, and melena are found. These antigens combine with antibodies (mainly IgA) in the body, and the immunocomplex deposits on the vascular walls. Pathology Leukocytoclastic vasculitis accompanied by fibrinoid degener ation is seen on the vascular walls in the upper dermal layer. Vasculitis in small vessels 139 tion of a vessel-strengthening drug and hemostatics, and systemic administration of steroids. Serious complica tions may occur in other organs, such as nephritis with IgA deposition in the mesangium area, enterorrhagia, intussusception, Fig. Urticarial vasculitis When an urticarial eruption remains for more than 24 hours with purpura, urticarial vasculitis is suspected. It may be accom panied by systemic symptoms such as fever and a decrease in complement titer (Chapter 8). It is a skin lesion that is accom panied by symmetrical infiltration on the extensor surface of elbows and knees. Appearing as soft, slightly elevated, produces not only erythema but also vesicles. Granuloma faciale Granuloma faciale, a soft, infiltrative, reddish-brown plaque with a sharp margin, occurs on the face. Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy, local injection of steroids, and dye laser treatment have been used in recent years. S ch am roth ’s sign P urpose -to determ ine ifnails are clubbed M eth od -h ave patientplace both forefingernails togeth er and look betweenth em. Ifyou cansee a sm all diam ond space between th em (S ch am roth ’s window)th enth e nails are notclubbed S pooned nails (K oilonych ia). W aterdroptest – Im agine placing a dropof wateronth e nailwith a m edicine dropper. C auses – irondeficiency – diabetes m ellitus – P roteindeficiency especially in sulfur-containing am ino acids (cysteine orm eth ionine) K oilonch ych ia com es from th e G reek words for“ spoon”and “ nail”. T em poral Th e locationh alfway upth e nail Suggests illness 3 month s ago relationsh ips (location ofth e line tells w h en th e illness w as experienced) N ote th e 2 Beau’s lines A bout2 month s apart T h in B rittle N ails. S evere m alnutrition N ote th e th innails inth is wom an with severe osteopenia S ystem ic A m yloidosis C entralN ailR idge. C auses – Irondeficiency – F olicacid deficiency – P roteindeficiency C entralN ailC anal (M edian N ailDystroph y). A ssociations – S evere arterial disease – S evere m alnutrition – R epetitive traum a N ailP itting. C onditions – P soriasis (random appearance ofpits) – A lopecia areata (geom etricrippled grid) – Ecz em a – L ich enplanus Images courtesy of Number of exposure periods for which there is new use and number of days of new 42 use (first exposure period for a women and any exposure period) Table 6. Medical records for events identified in computer databases were reviewed and adjudicated at a single site. We tested a large number of other potential covariates individually but none changed the risk estimates by more than 10% (our predetermined criterion for inclusion) so all were excluded from the final models. One review and one meta-analysis reported evidence of increased risk for these outcomes. The risk of stroke was significant only with thrombotic stroke and not with hemorrhagic stroke or death. Lidegaard reported on a follow-up study in 7 Denmark linking registries for prescriptions, education, and health. There was no association with risk of either acute myocardial infarction or stroke. We conducted this retrospective exposure cohort study to evaluate use of contraceptive product in a population of prevalent and new users to assess the public health impact, patterns of use, and other factors related to use that could place a woman at greater risk for a thromboembolic event and/or death. The study files included enrollment data (health plan or Medicaid), demographic information, ambulatory prescriptions from pharmacy records or claims, hospitalization and outpatient visit data with diagnoses from health plan records or claims, and mortality obtained from state mortality files. The study was approved by the institutional review boards at each of the four participating institutions. Study participants At each site except Washington, the cohort identification process outlined included the following steps: 1. Individuals were then excluded from the data set formed by steps 1 and 2 for any of the following criteria: a. Any woman who was in the study age range at any time during 2000-2007 and had at least 5 months (plus one day) of eligibility (for medical and drug benefits) during any moving 6-month period during the time frame July 1, 2000 to December 31, 2007 was selected for possible inclusion in the study. All prescription and medical claims for the years 2000-2007 for these women were then obtained and analyzed (together with membership data) as described above. Administrative enrollment gaps of no more than one month (31 days) were allowable. Cohort members could have one or more periods of administrative eligibility during the study period. For the all user analysis, a second period of eligibility would begin if a cohort member re-enrolled after a period greater than an administrative enrollment gap. Study subjects were considered censored at the end of the first exposure period for the new use analyses. Pregnancy Since there was no way to objectively assess when a woman was pregnant, periods of pregnancy were estimated in relation to two outcomes, abortion and delivery. Indeterminate use is the 42 day period of time immediately after a prescription period. Since this resulted in a very small proportion of exposure (2%) and very few endpoints occurred during periods of switcher use (n=22 out of 1,071), we considered it as prescription period use in analyses rather than as a separate category of use. Study period refers to the period of time over which study exposure periods and endpoints were assessed, January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2007. Pre-exposure eligibility period refers to the 182 days (6 months) of continuous membership required before a study exposure period. Because the study period began on January 1, 2001, pre-exposure eligibility could be assessed as far back as 182 days prior to that date. The study subject was censored at the end of the first exposure period for the new use analysis. Figure 1a shows an exposure period composed of a prescription and indeterminate use periods. The duration of a prescription was calculated as the number of days that the prescription covered. In rare instances, these periods extended to several months after the exposure period associated with the last fill date of the prescription sequence and did not seem plausible. All cases were abstracted at the study sites using standardized criteria [see Appendix E for forms]. There were no disagreements between adjudicators on the 10% sample probably because the adjudicators were encouraged to bring difficult to adjudicate cases to discussion. Mortality was assessed by linkage of membership data with state mortality files for all women in the study and for the entire study period. Covariates that were potential confounders or effect modifiers were ascertained from the electronic databases at each of the sites. In addition, some covariate exposures (major injuries and surgeries) were considered to have an effect for only 6 weeks. Figure 3 illustrates these analytic approaches in an individual who has 3 exposure periods during the study. Control for potential confounders at the study subject level can be implemented via inclusion of the covariate in the model, or via stratification. We conducted age stratified Cox models, allowing for separate baseline hazards for each age category (5-year intervals), providing tight control for age and freeing us from specifying the form of the relationship between age and outcomes in the regression models. Additional control for potential residual confounding within age strata was achieved via inclusion of age as a continuous covariate in the regression model.

Risk ratings are reviewed on a regular and ongoing basis by Credit Risk Management and are adjusted as necessary for updated information about borrowers’ ability to fulfill their obligations blood pressure medication karvea cheap 25 mg coreg visa. For further information about risk-rated wholesale loan credit quality indicators heart attack 27 generic 12.5mg coreg, refer to page 236 of this Note blood pressure medication heart palpitations cheap coreg 6.25mg without a prescription. Typically the principal balance of the loans is insured and interest is guaranteed at a specified reimbursement rate subject to meeting agreed-upon servicing guidelines prehypertension nhs generic coreg 6.25mg line. For the remaining balance, interest is being accrued at the guaranteed reimbursement rate. These amounts have been excluded from the geographic regions presented based upon the government guarantee. The following table provides the Firm’s delinquency statistics for junior lien home equity loans and lines as of December 31, 2018 and 2017. All impaired loans are evaluated for an asset-specific allowance as described in Note 13. At December 31, 2018, Chapter 7 residential real estate loans included approximately 13% of residential mortgages and approximately 9% of home equity that were 30 days or more past due. When such loans perform subsequent to modification in accordance with Ginnie Mae guidelines, they are generally sold back into Ginnie Mae loan pools. The unpaid principal balance differs from the impaired loan balances due to various factors including charge-offs, net deferred loan fees or costs, and unamortized discounts or premiums on purchased loans. Treasury’s Making Home Affordable programs, as well as the Firm’s proprietary modification programs, generally provide various concessions to financially troubled borrowers including, but not limited to , interest rate reductions, term or payment extensions and deferral of principal and/or interest payments that would otherwise have been required under the terms of the original agreement. This table excludes Chapter 7 loans where the sole concession granted is the discharge of debt. The sum of the percentages exceeds 100% because predominantly all of the modifications include more than one type of concession. Concessions offered on trial modifications are generally consistent with those granted on permanent modifications. Forbearances suspend or reduce monthly payments for a specific period of time to address a temporary hardship. The following table presents only the financial effects of permanent modifications and does not include temporary concessions offered through trial modifications. This table also excludes Chapter 7 loans where the sole concession granted is the discharge of debt. The dollar amounts presented represent the balance of such loans at the end of the reporting period in which such loans defaulted. In the event that a modified loan redefaults, it is probable that the loan will ultimately be liquidated through foreclosure or another similar type of liquidation transaction. Redefaults of loans modified within the last 12 months may not be representative of ultimate redefault levels. The government agencies, with a carrying value of $653 million estimated remaining lives of these loans reflect estimated and $787 million, respectively, that were not included in prepayments, both voluntary and involuntary. Consumer & Auto Business Banking Total other consumer December 31, (in millions, except ratios) 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 Loan delinquency Current $ 62,984 $ 65,651 $ 26,249 $ 25,454 $ 89,233 $ 91,105 30–119 days past due 589 584 252 213 841 797 120 or more days past due — 7 111 122 111 129 Total retained loans $ 63,573 $ 66,242 $ 26,612 $ 25,789 $ 90,185 $ 92,031 % of 30+ days past due to total retained loans 0. Additional exceeds the recorded investment in the loan, the loan does not require commitments to lend to borrowers whose loans have been an allowance. The related interest income on impaired loans, including those on a cash basis, was not material for the years ended December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016. The unpaid principal balance differs from the impaired loan balances due to various factors, including charge-offs, interest payments received and applied to the principal balance, net deferred loan fees or costs and unamortized discounts or premiums on purchased loans. When the amount of the liquidation assumptions regarding default rates, loss severities, the proceeds. When the nonaccretable difference for a related forgone interest cash flows, discounted at the pool’s particular loan pool has been fully depleted, any excess of effective interest rate. The impact the liquidation of the loans; and (iii) any provision for loan of these modifications is incorporated into the Firm’s losses. In variable-rate liabilities and fixed-rate loans were funded evaluating the effect of modifications on expected cash with fixed-rate liabilities with a similar maturity profile. A flows, the Firm incorporates the effect of any forgone net spread will be earned on the declining balance of the interest and also considers the potential for redefault. The portfolio, which is estimated as of December 31, 2018, to Firm develops product-specific probability of default have a remaining weighted-average life of 7 years. In developing these probabilities of default, the Firm considers the relationship between the credit quality characteristics of the underlying loans and certain assumptions about home prices and unemployment based upon industry-wide data. The excess of cash flows expected to be collected over the carrying value of the underlying loans is referred to as the accretable yield. This amount is not reported on the Firm’s Consolidated balance sheets but is accreted into interest income at a level rate of return over the remaining estimated lives of the underlying pools of loans. Current property values are estimated, at a minimum, quarterly, based on home valuation models using nationally recognized home price index valuation estimates incorporating actual data to the extent available and forecasted data where actual data is not available. These property values do not represent actual appraised loan level collateral values; as such, the resulting ratios are necessarily imprecise and should be viewed as estimates. New Jersey 6,739 6,506 the Firm generally originates new card accounts to prime Ohio 5,094 4,997 consumer borrowers. In most cases, the Firm December 31, (in millions) 2018 2017 does not reinstate the borrower’s line of credit. Impaired credit card loans with an allowance(a)(b)(c) $ 1,319 $ 1,215 New enrollments in these loan modification programs for Allowance for loan losses related to the years ended December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016, were impaired credit card loans 440 383 $866 million, $756 million and $636 million, respectively. Financial effects of modifications and redefaults the following table presents average balances of impaired the following table provides information about the financial credit card loans and interest income recognized on those effects of the concessions granted on credit card loans loans. These modifications of such loans as of the end of the quarter in which they defaulted. A substantial portion of these loans are expected to be charged-off in accordance with the Firm’s standard charge-off policy. Based on historical experience, the estimated weighted-average default rate for modified credit card loans was expected to be 33. The primary credit quality indicator for wholesale loans is the risk rating assigned to each loan. Risk ratings are used As noted above, the risk rating of a loan considers the to identify the credit quality of loans and differentiate risk industry in which the obligor conducts its operations. Refer takes into consideration collateral and structural support to Note 4 for further detail on industry concentrations. Management considers several factors to determine an appropriate risk rating, including the obligor’s debt capacity and financial flexibility, the level of the obligor’s earnings, the amount and sources for repayment, the level and nature of contingencies, management strength, and the industry and geography in which the obligor operates. The Firm’s definition of criticized aligns with the banking regulatory definition of criticized exposures, which consist of special mention, substandard and doubtful categories. Risk ratings generally represent ratings profiles similar to those defined by S&P and Moody’s. As of or for the Commercial Financial Governments & (d) Total year ended and industrial Real estate institutions Agencies Other retained loans December 31, (in millions, except ratios) 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 Loans by risk ratings Investment grade $ 73,497 $ 68,071 $100,107 $ 98,467 $ 32,178 $ 26,791 $ 13,984 $ 15,140 $119,963 $103,212 $339,729 $311,681 Noninvestment grade: Noncriticized 51,720 46,558 14,876 14,335 15,316 13,071 201 369 11,478 9,988 93,591 84,321 Criticized performing 3,738 3,983 620 710 150 210 2 — 182 259 4,692 5,162 Criticized nonaccrual 851 1,357 134 136 4 2 — — 161 239 1,150 1,734 Total noninvestment grade 56,309 51,898 15,630 15,181 15,470 13,283 203 369 11,821 10,486 99,433 91,217 Total retained loans $129,806 $119,969 $115,737 $ 113,648 $ 47,648 $ 40,074 $ 14,187 $ 15,509 $131,784 $113,698 $439,162 $402,898 % of total criticized exposure to total retained loans 3. Exposure consists primarily of secured commercial loans, of which multifamily is the largest segment. Multifamily Other Commercial Total real estate loans December 31, (in millions, except ratios) 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 Real estate retained loans $ 79,184 $ 77,597 $ 36,553 $ 36,051 $ 115,737 $ 113,648 Criticized exposure 388 491 366 355 754 846 % of total criticized exposure to total real estate retained loans 0. The table below sets forth information about the Firm’s wholesale impaired retained loans. Commercial Financial Governments & Total and industrial Real estate institutions Agencies Other retained loans December 31, (in millions) 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 Impaired loans With an allowance $ 807 $ 1,170 $ 107 $ 78 $ 4 $ 93 $ — $ — $ 152 $ 168 $ 1,070 $ 1,509 Without an allowance(a) 140 228 27 60 — — — — 13 70 180 358 Total impaired loans $ 947 $ 1,398 $ 134 $ 138 $ 4 $ 93 $ — $ — $ 165 $ 238 $ 1,250 (c) $ 1,867 (c) Allowance for loan losses related to impaired loans $ 252 $ 404 $ 25 $ 11 $ 1 $ 4 $ — $ — $ 19 $ 42 $ 297 $ 461 Unpaid principal balance of impaired loans(b) 1,043 1,604 203 201 4 94 — — 473 255 1,723 2,154 (a) When the discounted cash flows, collateral value or market price equals or exceeds the recorded investment in the loan, the loan does not require an allowance. This typically occurs when the impaired loans have been partially charged-off and/or there have been interest payments received and applied to the loan balance. The unpaid principal balance differs from the impaired loan balances due to various factors, including charge-offs; interest payments received and applied to the carrying value; net deferred loan fees or costs; and unamortized discount or premiums on purchased loans. Other 199 241 213 Total(a) $ 1,416 $ 1,710 $ 1,923 (a) the related interest income on accruing impaired loans and interest income recognized on a cash basis were not material for the years ended December 31, 2018, 2017 and 2016. Management also estimates an yet reflected in the factors used to derive the statistical allowance for wholesale and certain consumer lending calculation; these adjustments are accomplished in part by related commitments using methodologies similar to those analyzing the historical loss experience for each major used to estimate the allowance on the underlying loans. However, it is difficult to predict whether the Firm’s policies used to determine its allowance for historical loss experience is indicative of future loss levels.

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The lower vaccination cov provided by Well-Baby Clinics and school health services erage in Wallonia and Brussels is related to various factors prehypertension risk factors discount coreg 25mg visa, are also free of charge heart attack zone coreg 12.5 mg cheap. Vaccinations provided to infants such as vaccine hesitancy and commodity issues pulse pressure narrow purchase coreg 6.25mg overnight delivery. With the increased number of measles cases in Europe blood pressure kit walgreens cheap coreg 25 mg without prescription, since September 2018 in Flanders the vaccines Certain vaccines indicated for professional risks and from the public tender (free or charged) may be used for ofered by occupational medicine services are reimbursed catch-up vaccination in adults. Tese include hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and yellow fever It remains very difcult to improve vaccination coverage vaccines, but not infuenza vaccines. Barriers include misinformation and misperceptions The vaccines used for the vaccination of asylum seekers on infuenza and infuenza vaccination among this group, in Belgium (including measles and infuenza vaccines as and a lack of awareness about the role health profes aforementioned) at entry are provided by the Flemish sionals may play in disease transmission. General Once asylum-seekers are appointed to an asylum centre, vaccine campaigns to inform and increase awareness vaccination is supported by the regional vaccination ser (brochures, press-releases, etc) are organized by all three vices, as for the general population. In Flanders a campaign is running to improve infuenza vaccination in health care workers, especially in hospitals and nursing homes. At the same time, pockets of under easily accessible, geographically well distributed across the vaccination can be identifed by the Communities and country and mostly free of charge. Figure 2 Immunization schedule in the French community Recommandé Nourrissons Enfants et adolescents Adultes par la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles 8 12 16 12 15 5-6 11-12 13-14 15-16 tous 65 sem. Maternal pertussis and infu enza immunization coverage and attitude of health care workers towards these recommendations in Flanders, Belgium. Enquête de couverture vaccinale des enfants de 18 à 24 mois en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Bruxelles exceptée). Bulgaria Maria Rohova Governance The Health Act (2004) regulates general principles for the control of communicable diseases and epidemic out breaks, including immunizations. The Minister of Health determines by ordinance who is subject to immunizations (mainly in terms of age or risk groups), as well as the methods and the terms for carrying out vaccinations. The Ministry of Health is responsible for developing vaccination plans and programmes and overseeing imple mentation at the national level. An Expert Advisory Council on Surveillance of Immunoprophylaxis is estab lished under the Minister of Health, and functions as a consultative body on the planning and implementation of vaccination programmes. The immunization policy is a part of the state health policy and is carried out by the Ministry of Health. The 28 Regional Health Inspectorates, which represent the Ministry of Health in every district of the country, are responsible for the organization of vaccination plans and programmes at the regional level. Teir functions include supervising vaccination activities in their respective dis tricts, planning mandatory and targeted immunization for the next year (number of persons to be vaccinated), and providing information on vaccination coverage, etc. The National Centre of Public Health and Analysis sum marizes the Regional Health Inspectorates’ reports on the number of performed vaccinations and provides informa tion for the whole country to the Ministry of Health and the National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases. Information about immunizations is availa ble on the Ministry of Health website, and many other According to the Health Act, there are three types of agencies and nongovernmental organizations provide immunization in Bulgaria: mandatory, targeted and rec such information as well. All kinds of vaccination (whether mandatory, tal organizations together with the Ministry of Health targeted or recommended) are specifed in the ordinance started an awareness campaign in response to growing mentioned above. Every year the media pro and re-immunizations are scheduled by age group in the vide information about infuenza, risk groups and recom Bulgarian Immunization Calendar, as regulated by the mended vaccinations. Some of the non-mandatory vac cinations recommended by the Ministry of Health for In emergency epidemic situations, or where there are sig specifc high-risk populations are included in national nifcant declines in immunization coverage, the Minister programmes for prophylaxis and prevention (such as of Health can order additional mandatory vaccination vaccines against rotavirus and human papillomavirus). In addition, general prac the frst for infants over 13 months and the second for titioners should inform risk groups about vaccination children aged 12. The registers of infants and children sub General practitioners maintain registers of children ject to mandatory vaccination against measles (at the (enrolled on their lists) who are subject to mandatory required age) are used as the denominator in calculat planned vaccinations against measles. Regional Health Inspectorates analysed annually by the National Centre of Infectious summarize the information from general practitioners’ and Parasitic Diseases. However, not all the performed registers at the regional level and monitor the uptake of vaccinations against infuenza are fully recorded by health vaccines in their respective districts. Moreover, there are no specifc requirements immunizations for the next year, based on general practi on reporting vaccinations against infuenza by age or risk tioners’ annual plans and population registers maintained groups. Tus, vaccination coverage estimates are often by the National Statistical Institute, is also the respon inaccurate, or data are insufcient for calculating cov sibility of the Regional Health Inspectorates. However, erage rates (National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic this is not the case for recommended vaccinations against Diseases, 2017). Provision Participation in vaccinations against measles is manda General practitioners provide vaccination against measles tory for all children. For children not refuse to have their children vaccinated, as regulated registered with a general practitioner, mandatory vaccina by the Health Act. Unvaccinated children cannot go to tions can be provided by health professionals in so-called kindergarten, and the parents must pay fnes. However, immunization ofces established by the 28 Regional the fnes are not very high and some parents prefer to be Health Inspectorates. Exceptionally, vaccination can also Bulgaria 55 be delivered through other health care establishments infection. In 2009 an outbreak of measles was detected, or medical ofces in schools, kindergartens and social following an eight-year period without any indigenous institutions for children, but only under the supervision measles transmission. Generally, were identifed among the Roma community living in professional standards and guidelines for mandatory vac the second largest city in Bulgaria. In recent years vac cinations (medical contraindications, for instance) are cination rates have been falling because of both growing regulated by the ordinance on immunizations; further anti-vaccination movements among parents and nega more, the Regional Health Inspectorates provide consul tive perceptions among vulnerable groups of individu tations and expertise in the feld of immunoprophylaxis als. Parasitic Diseases (2017), there is currently a real risk of an outbreak of measles and rubella, especially among the Adult vaccinations against infuenza can be provided by Roma community and migrants. Such vaccinations can popular underestimation of the severity of the disease and be requested by patients and the patients choose the its complications in Bulgaria. All health care providers involved in vaccination are accountable to the relevant Regional Health Inspectorate. All children in Bulgaria are entitled to free access to man datory immunization programmes (including vaccination National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases against measles). Analysis of immunization activities in Bulgaria Health and vaccination services provided by general prac in 2016. Services tion=com docman&view=download&alias=122-anal provided in immunization ofces under the Regional ysis-immuno-activities&category slug=epidemiologi Health Inspectorates are also free of charge for children. All children in Bulgaria are insured and contributions for them are paid from the state budget. Although vaccines and vaccination services are not expensive, out-of-pocket payments create barriers to access for some risk groups, such as older people with low incomes. Key barriers and facilitators Bulgaria has a long tradition of childhood vaccination against measles and a well-established system for man datory immunization regulated by several legislative acts. Moreover, vaccination is covered entirely from public sources without fnancial barriers to access for patients. Despite these positive factors, which could be consid ered facilitators for efective coverage, there are groups of vulnerable individuals who are still susceptible to Croatia Aleksandar Džakula Governance In Croatia childhood vaccination is mandatory. For years vaccination coverage for all the vaccines in the immuni zation programme was very high, over 95%, but in the last few years there has been a decrease of coverage in the whole country, and in some counties coverage is very low. This situation is of major concern, particularly in regard to measles outbreaks in Europe. The Ministry of Health, together with the public health institutes, is continuously working to increase vaccination coverage. Information about the type of mandatory vaccinations for diferent age groups is set out in the immunization programme (Figure 1). The vaccination of pre-school and school-aged children, travellers, sailors, health workers and others is regulated under the Law on the Protection of the Population against Communicable Diseases and the Ordinance on the Method of Implementation of Immunization, Seroprophylaxis and Chemoprophylaxis against Infectious Diseases. In an emergency, the Law states that the Ministry of Health, upon a proposal from the Croatian Institute of Public Health, declares an infectious disease epidemic, or a danger of an infectious disease epidemic, and determines an infected or endangered area. Tere are three categories of vaccine: mandatory (for example, vaccination against measles), recommended (for example, infuenza vaccination for older people) and additional (for example, vaccination against hepatitis A for travellers). The main body the most important and most successful preventive health responsible for implementation of the mandatory vac programme in the country. The local County Public cination programme and its monitoring, as defned by Health Institutes are responsible for its implementation laws and regulations at the national level, is the Croatian and monitoring.

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These researchers develop their own and process the raw data before depositing the software and models in laboratories across the world. Similar approaches the large number of independent groups involved in for abstracting and storing data are used in almost all the project ensures that the conclusions of any one scientific disciplines. This virtual simplified detector Database Collaboration, consisting of the European allows users to model collisions without the large Nucleotide Archive (Box 2. The nearly 40,000 heterogeneity variables, 55 time points and 94 data collection There are cases where such large scale coordination events of this study can be explored through a presents severe problems. Researchers from national governments or agencies, often curated approved collaborations can view ‘deep metadata’ of through the World Health Organisation. But datasets variables of studies and export these to support data are often heterogeneous, with different information sharing requests. Researchers then liaise with a ‘data collected at irregular intervals and with poor data buddy’ who releases the required data according to collection in developing or unstable regions. Genotype Improving standards and supporting regulation data are only made available via data transfer in nanotechnology agreements. There are significant Oceanography Centre concerns, particularly in Europe, over the inclusion Researchers at the National Oceanography Centre of nanomaterials in everyday products. The drive to in Southampton238 run high resolution global ocean share nanomaterial data therefore has two motives, models to study the physics of ocean circulation to increase the efficiency of an interdisciplinary and the bio-geochemical consequences of changes field and to help regulators charged with licensing in this circulation over timescales spanning multiple products that include nanomaterials. Data on the ocean properties, sea-ice cover, moves by researchers236 to improve and standardise ocean currents and biological tracers are recorded the way they describe nanomaterials. The data are stored locally and at data centres factors that affect health and development. To process and classify the 2 terabytes of data involved, researchers have developed novel Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave techniques and automated production tools. Users can visually some or all of which is also maintained at various explore large and complex environmental datasets European sites. A long term satellite derived products relating to clouds, plankton, data preservation plan has also recently been air-sea gas exchange and fire, and model output. The establishment of centres is common practice in astronomy, especially such standards is vital so that datasets and analysis since it is a condition of access to large facilities. On for indexing data but as one amongst several the face of it, scientific data should not be expected to mechanisms. In practice, a great deal of scientific data does improve, the free-text indexing in today’s search evolve rapidly because of refinements in methods of engines will also work for data. Many are already highly accessible through generic curated databases, including several cited in this internet search. For example a Google search report, are constantly updated with new data, and up on“Metabotropic glutamate receptors” yields one to 10% of existing data is overwritten each year. It contains descriptive text, substantial tabular data and this poses problems for systems of linked databases, links to external sources. Unless metadata in the web of data is updated too, then the data quickly becomes out of Servicing and managing the data lifecycle date. For example, the World Factbook247 is probably Data first need to be appraised for whether they the most widely used source of demographic are to be retained, for how long,251 how they need information and although the information is to be treated and the audience for which they are frequently updated, the host institution does not intended, whether a research group, users of an expose the history of these updates. Scientists increasingly publish on their requires precise specification of the processes of own or their organisation’s website and let search tools initial data acquisition, manipulation and storage. Authors’ credentials can be replication achieved by the use of a downloadable checked using an online bibliography,249 rather than virtual machine (eg the Virtual Observatory – Case using the digital object identifiers and special-purpose X in appendix 1). In areas Data management may in the future benefit from such as genomics, the cost of sequencing genetic similar systems. Large volumes of data will always information is falling more quickly than the cost of require the special mechanisms of compilation, storing it, suggesting that it may soon be cheaper to preservation and dissemination that characterise re-sequence samples as required than to store the major databases, but these formal systems must data (see Figure A). Some data are valuable now and will be ex pected to continue to be valuable in the future. The value of others will decay quickly over time, whilst others, for example longitudi nal studies, will increase in value as time passes. This requires custodians of data and those who wish to have access to understand the data lifecycle, when in that lifecycle sharing best adds value, and the risks associated with inappropriate access (eg to confidential information). The long term trend (blue line, which is a straight line here because the plot is logarithmic) shows exponential growth in storage per dollar with a doubling time of roughly 1. These curves are not corrected for inflation or for the ‘fully loaded’ cost of sequencing and disk storage, which would include personnel costs, depreciation and overhead. As funding is dispersed who collects large or complex datasets to undertake to various agencies, a coordinating body is much these tasks. Most usable data that is curated in a all the properties that are vital for accessing, database is not raw data from an instrument, but assessing and reusing data. There are similarly well identifiers are required to ensure that credit can be established systems for identifying researchers that given to data originators. Such tools are vital to ensure could be modified to identify producers of datasets. It was developed explicitly to track is these feature that have created problems urgently the processes through which data are reshaped and require solutions and tools to cope with them. Research data needs its own form of Tracking the provenance of data from its source257,258 version-control, tracking changes in a way that is is vital for its assessment and for attribution to its linked to the metadata description and that should originators. Second, links to other relevant Citation data sources need to be included to allow researchers Citation plays an important role in modern science. It is important researchers to understand the linkage methods and to in evaluating and the contributions of individual assess the quality of the data and its context. Linked scientists and influences their reputation and career semantic data (see section 2. Each standard helps that to recognise the contribution of novel collaborative community share the data accompanied by the kind processes or open sources. Second, although there of descriptive metadata that makes sense for research is widespread recognition of the need for data citation purposes. As with the web of linked data, creating interdisciplinary Tools and standards for data citation exist but need standards for scientific data is made difficult by the distinctive vocabularies in a particular field. Recognition for collaborative ways of working is most Integrating datasets in the future requires a leap forward developed among software programmers, and built in the systems that can create this interoperability. GitHub262 allows members to collaborate in writing software in a way Box A the World Bank’s Microdata that retains provenance for all changes and allows Management Toolkit265 members to see the number of members “watching” their published projects for updates. There is prestige 266 the World Bank’s Microdata Library associated with the most-watched projects. Common structures allow Microdata Library has done more than collect reusers not only to manipulate data but also to integrate survey results. There are attempts to create financial support for implementing these in 60 global standards for the curation of scientific data. Microdata Library (Box A) illustrates how quickly these global standards can spread. The World Bank Data Group has also created a tool to automate this standardisation of survey A drive for broad standards should not, however, data. In collaboration with the International override the specific needs of disciplinary communities. It also allows users to Exchange is designed to facilitate the sharing of official export data in various common formats for statistics typically generated by governments for the reuse in different contexts. Recognition of this problem has led to are regularly unearthed and are still readable. Digital searches for more power-efficient ways of running records only ten or fifteen years’ old can become database systems:270 Google claim to use less than unreadable. There must be more that the ability to read their contents would be emphasis on distributed data, accessible in the cloud, lost.