Mark J. Krasna, MD, FACS
- Medical Director
- The Cancer Institute
- St. Joseph Medical Center
- Towson, Maryland
When Covered In some medically underserved areas there are only a few physicians available to provide services over broad geographic areas or to a large patient population treatment quadratus lumborum purchase oxybutynin from india. The lack of medical personnel (and treatment vitamin d deficiency oxybutynin 5 mg amex, in many instances treatment alternatives buy genuine oxybutynin on-line, a home health agency servicing the area) significantly reduces the availability of certain medical services to homebound patients 606 treatment syphilis buy discount oxybutynin line. Sputum collection for gram stain and culture, and possible acid-fast and/or fungal stain and culture; 11. Paraffin bath therapy for hands and/or feet in rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis; 12. Educational services that provide more elaborate instruction than is necessary to achieve the required level of patient education are not covered. After essential information has been provided, the patient should be relied upon to obtain additional information on his or her own. For purposes of the preceding sentence, any absence for the purpose of attending a religious service shall be deemed to be an absence of infrequent or short duration. It is expected that in most instances, absences from the home that occur will be for the purpose of receiving health care treatment. For example, a patient may leave the home (under the conditions described above. The aged person who does not often travel from home because of feebleness and insecurity brought on by advanced age would not be considered confined to the home for purposes of this reimbursement unless they meet one of the above conditions above. Sleep disorder clinics may provide some diagnostic or therapeutic services, which are covered under Medicare. These clinics may be affiliated either with a hospital or a freestanding facility. Whether a clinic is hospital-affiliated or freestanding, coverage for diagnostic services under some circumstances is covered under provisions of the law different from those for coverage of therapeutic services. Medical Conditions for Which Testing is Covered Diagnostic testing is covered only if the patient has the symptoms or complaints of one of the conditions listed below. Most of the patients who undergo the diagnostic testing are not considered inpatients, although they may come to the facility in the evening for testing and then leave after testing is over. Narcolepsy this term refers to a syndrome that is characterized by abnormal sleep tendencies. Although impotence is not a sleep disorder, the nature of the testing requires that it be performed during sleep. The tests ordinarily are covered only where necessary to confirm the treatment to be given (surgical, medical, or psychotherapeutic). It will have its medical staff review questionable cases to ensure that the tests are reasonable and necessary for the individual. Parasomnia Parasomnias are a group of conditions that represent undesirable or unpleasant occurrences during sleep. In many of these cases, the nature of these conditions may be established by careful clinical evaluation. In cases where seizure disorders have been ruled out and in cases that present a history of repeated violent or injurious episodes during sleep, polysomnography may be useful in providing a diagnostic classification or prognosis. Evidence at the present time is not convincing that polysomnography in a sleep disorder clinic for chronic insomnia provides definitive diagnostic data or that such information is useful in patient treatment or is associated with improved clinical outcome. Sleep disorder clinics may at times render therapeutic as well as diagnostic services. Therapeutic services may be covered in a hospital outpatient setting or in a freestanding facility provided they meet the pertinent requirements for the particular type of services and are reasonable and necessary for the patient, and are performed under the direct supervision of a physician. Direct Supervision in the office setting means the physician must be present in the office suite and immediately available to furnish assistance and direction throughout the performance of the procedure. It does not mean that the physician must be present in the room when the procedure is performed. Personal Supervision means a physician must be in attendance in the room during the performance of the procedure. Clinical laboratory services involve the biological, microbiological, serological, chemical, immunohematological, hematological, biophysical, cytological, pathological, or other examination of materials derived from the human body for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease or assessment of a medical condition. See the Medicare Claims Processing Manual Chapter 16 for related claims processing instructions. G Where it is medically necessary for an independent laboratory to visit a patient to obtain a specimen, the service would be covered in the following circumstances: 1. When facility personnel actually obtained and prepared the specimens for the independent laboratory to pick them up, the laboratory provides this pickup service as a service to the facility in the same manner as it does for physicians. Payment for psychological and neuropsychological tests is authorized under section 1842(b)(2)(A) of the Social Security Act. Generally, regulations governing the diagnostic tests provision require that only physicians can provide the assigned level of supervision for diagnostic tests. See qualifications under chapter 15, section 200 of the Benefit Policy Manual, Pub. See qualifications under chapter 15, section 190 of the Benefit Policy Manual, Pub. Payment for Diagnostic Psychological and Neuropsychological Tests Expenses for diagnostic psychological and neuropsychological tests are not subject to the outpatient mental health treatment limitation, that is, the payment limitation on treatment services for mental, psychoneurotic and personality disorders as authorized under Section 1833(c) of the Act. Audiological diagnostic testing refers to tests of the audiological and vestibular systems.
At lower zinc doses treatment 2 purchase oxybutynin amex, more subtle signs of impaired copper status medications kidney patients should avoid buy 5 mg oxybutynin free shipping, such as alterations in copper metalloenzyme activities treatment works generic 5 mg oxybutynin otc, are evident treatment hypothyroidism purchase oxybutynin in india. Copper deficiency is thought to result from a zincinduced decrease in copper absorption. Excess dietary zinc results in induction of intestinal metallothionein synthesis; because metallothionein has a greater binding capacity for copper than for zinc, copper absorbed into the intestinal mucosal cells is sequestered by metallothionein and not absorbed systemically (Walsh et al. Bile acids are synthesized from cholesterol in the liver and carry cholesterol breakdown products to the intestines with the bile, thus providing an excretory pathway for cholesterol. Following high-level oral exposure, zinc appears to exert adverse health effects primarily through interaction with copper. Specifically, high levels of zinc can result in a saturation of the 47 carrier-mediated pathway of zinc absorption and a shift to metallothionein-mediated absorption (Hempe and Cousins, 1992). It is believed that the copper deficiency results from a zinc-induced decrease in copper absorption. Zinc-induced copper deficiency is consistent with numerous reports of effects of zinc on various biomarkers of copper nutritional status following exposures to elevated levels of zinc in humans and animals, as well as by reports indicating that copper supplementation can result in an attenuation of zinc-induced toxicity. While co-exposure to zinc has been demonstrated to alter the toxicity of a number of other metals, few studies have been conducted on the effects of co-exposure to metals (other than copper) on zinc toxicity. The available studies suggest the plausibility that co-exposure to other divalent metals may decrease absorption of zinc, but offer only limited insight as to potential effects of these metals on zinc toxicity. The few studies that have been conducted on the effect of other metals on the toxicity of zinc are not adequate to support dose response assessments for the interactions, or even qualitative assessments of the type or direction of the interactions. Inhalation Exposure Most of the available information on the toxicity of inhaled zinc has focused on metal fume fever, a collection of symptoms observed in individuals exposed to freshly formed zinc oxide fumes or zinc chloride from smoke bombs. Flulike symptoms, chills, fever, profuse sweating, headache, and weakness follows (Drinker et al. The symptoms usually occur within several hours after exposure to zinc oxide fumes and persist for 24 to 48 hours. An increase in tolerance develops with repeated exposure; however this tolerance is lost after a brief nonexposure period, and symptoms are most commonly reported on Mondays and after holidays. There are many reports of metal fume fever in the literature; however, most describe individual cases and exposure levels are not known. In animals, exposure to zinc oxide results in similar effects as those reported in humans. However, subchronic or chronic studies of the toxicity of zinc following inhalation exposure in animals are not available. Similarly, no studies examining the effects of inhaled zinc on reproductive or developmental endpoints were located. The mechanisms behind metal fume fever are not known, but are thought to involve several different factors. Exposure to zinc oxide particles has been shown to elicit the release of a number of proinflammatory cytokines, leading to a persistent pulmonary inflammation which could result in some of the reported symptoms of metal fume fever, including decreased lung function and bronchoconstriction. An allergic response to zinc particles, leading to an asthmalike response, has also been proposed as a possible mechanism. However, additional mechanistic information will be required in order to adequately determine the mechanisms involved in the toxicity of inhaled zinc. Adequate studies examining the carcinogenicity of zinc in orally-exposed humans are not available. Additional data on the carcinogenicity of zinc following oral exposure are not available. While a number of studies of the effects of short-term exposure to zinc in the workplace are available, the vast majority of these focus on the more acute effects of zinc, particularly metal fume fever and its resulting sequelae. No studies adequately examining the carcinogenic effects of zinc in humans or animals were located in the available literature. Either zinc deficiency or excessively high levels of zinc may enhance susceptibility to carcinogenesis, whereas supplementation with low to moderate levels of zinc may offer protection (Mathur, 1979; Woo et al. Possible Childhood Susceptibility and Susceptible Diabetics Data in humans are not available that examine whether children are more susceptible to the toxicity of zinc than adults. Animal studies have, however, suggested that neonates and/or developing animals may be more susceptible to the toxic effects of excess zinc. Several other studies have examined the effects of zinc exposure in young animals, but have not provided data on adult animals similarly exposed for comparison. Additional data will be required to adequately assess the susceptibility of children to zinc exposure, relative to adults. Possible Gender Differences Several studies in humans have suggested that females may be more sensitive to the adverse effects of excess zinc than males. For example, Samman and Roberts (1987, 1988) reported that women experienced adverse symptoms more frequently (84% in women vs. Further data examining the potential difference in response between men and women were not located. In animal studies, it appears that if any differences between sexes were noted, the male is the more susceptible gender. Studies of reproductive function have demonstrated alterations in spermatogenesis at zinc exposure levels below those inducing alterations in female reproductive parameters (Sutton and Nelson, 1937; Pal and Pal, 1987; Saxena et al. Additional studies will be required to determine whether sex-specific differences in adverse responses to zinc exist. Thus, insufficient as well as excessive oral intake can cause toxicity and disease and a quantitative risk assessment must take essentiality into account. The principal studies examine dietary supplements of zinc and the interaction of zinc with other essential trace metals, specifically copper, to establish a safe daily intake level of zinc for the general population, including pregnant women and children, without compromising normal health and development. Choice of Principal Study and Critical Effect Available studies of oral zinc toxicity have identified a number of zinc-induced physiological changes in humans, including decreased copper metalloenzyme activities (Fischer et al. The available data indicate that the most sensitive effects of zinc are alterations in copper status. It is thought that the copper deficiency results from a zinc-induced decrease in copper absorption. The identity of this protein, originally called erythrocuprein, from human tissues has been reported by McCord and Fridovich (1969). Erythrocuprein functions as a superoxide dismutase having the ability to catalyze the dismutation of monovalent superoxide anion radicals into hydrogen peroxide and oxygen. The consequences of the decrease in the enzyme activity would vary depending on the status of other components of the free radical defense system, such as the dietary adequacy of vitamins C, E, A, and selenium. In establishing an RfD for zinc, the data on essentiality were combined with the data on toxicity to define a level that would meet physiological requirements without causing toxic responses when consumed daily for a lifetime. The exposure values that were considered in determining the RfD suggest that there is only one order of magnitude between the minimum amount of zinc that will maintain physiological function (5. As the four studies identified physiological changes on similar, sensitive endpoints (indicators of body copper status) at similar dose levels (0. A benchmark dose approach was considered, but was not utilized for this assessment. All of the co-principal studies examined only one dose level, apart from controls, and therefore did not provide sufficient information to describe the dose-response function. Since the four studies have similar methodologies and outcomes with regard to effects, they were averaged together to obtain the point of departure (0. Individuals with genetic catalase deficiency and glucose-6phosphate dehydrogenase deficiencies have reduced capacities to metabolically cope with oxidative stress. Poor nutrition can also compromise the ability to respond to free radicals and oxidative stress. It is, accordingly, prudent to allow a threefold factor for human variability since the individuals used in the critical studies were apparently healthy adults.
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- Codeine
- How quickly the infection spreads
- Meperidine (Demerol)
- Tube through the nose into the stomach to wash out the stomach (gastric lavage)
- Septic shock
- This result means there are atypical cells of uncertain significance