
Mitzi A. Dillon, MD

  • Clinical Assistant Professor
  • Emergency Department
  • University of Nevada, School of Medicine
  • University Medical Center
  • Las Vegas, Nevada

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As weening that the sad end of the warre, And gan to highest God entirely pray, That feared chance from her to turne away; With folded hands and knees full lowly bent All night she watcht, ne once adowne would lay Her daintie limbs in her sad dreriment, But praying still did wake, and waking did lament. The morrow next gan early to appeare, That Titan rose to runne his daily race: But early ere the morrow next gan reare Out of the sea faire Titans deawy face, Vp rose the gentle virgin from her place, And looked all about, if she might spy Her loued knight to moue his manly pace: For she had great doubt of his safety, Since late she saw him fall before his enemy. At last she where he vpstarted braue Out of the well, wherein he drenched lay; As Eagle fresh out of the Ocean waue, Where he hath left his plumes all hoary gray, And deckt himselfe with feathers youthly gay, Like Eyas hauke vp mounts vnto the skies, His newly budded pineons to assay, And marueiles at himselfe, still as he flies: So new this new-borne knight to battell new did rise. Whom when the damned feend so fresh did spy, No wonder if he wondred at the sight, And doubted, whether his late enemy It were, or other new supplied knight. He, now to proue his late renewed might, High brandishing his bright deaw-burning blade, Vpon his crested scalpe so sore did smite, That to the scull a yawning wound it made: the deadly dint his dulled senses all dismaid. I wote not, whether the reuenging steele Were hardned with that holy water dew, Wherein he fell, or sharper edge did feele, Or his baptized hands now greater grew; Or other secret vertue did ensew; darkwing. Else neuer could the force of fleshly arme, Ne molten mettall in his bloud embrew: For till that stownd could neuer wight him harme, By subtilty, nor slight, nor might, nor mighty charme. The same aduauncing high aboue his head, With sharpe intended sting so rude him smot, That to the earth him droue, as stricken dead, Ne liuing wight would haue him life behot: the mortall sting his angry needle shot Quite through his shield, and in his shoulder seasd, Where fast it stucke, ne would there out be got: the griefe thereof him wondrous sore diseasd, Ne might his ranckling paine with patience be appeasd. But yet more mindfull of his honour deare, Then of the grieuous smart, which him did wring, From loathed soile he can him lightly reare, And stroue to loose the farre infixed sting: Which when in vaine he tryde with struggeling. Hart cannot thinke, what outrage, and what cryes, With foule enfouldred smoake and flashing fire, the hell-bred beast threw forth vnto the skyes, That all was couered with darknesse dire: Then fraught with rancour, and engorged ire, He cast at once him to auenge for all, And gathering vp himselfe out of the mire, With his vneuen wings did fiercely fall darkwing. Much was the man encombred with his hold, In feare to lose his weapon in his paw, Ne wist yet, how his talants to vnfold; Nor harder was from Cerberus greedie iaw To plucke a bone, then from his cruell claw To reaue by strength the griped gage away: Thrise he assayd it from his foot to draw, And thrise in vaine to draw it did assay, It booted nought to thinke, to robbe him of his pray. Tho when he saw no power might preuaile, His trustie sword he cald to his last aid, Wherewith he fiercely did his foe assaile, And double blowes about him stoutly laid, That glauncing fire out of the yron plaid; As sparckles from the Anduile vse to fly, When heauie hammers on the wedge are swaid; Therewith at last he forst him to vnty One of his grasping feete, him to defend thereby. The other foot, fast fixed on his shield, Whenas no strength, nor stroks mote him constraine To loose, ne yet the warlike pledge to yield, He smot thereat with all his might and maine, That nought so wondrous puissance might sustaine; Vpon the ioynt the lucky steele did light, And made such way, that hewd it quite in twaine; the paw yet missed not his minisht might, But hong still on the shield, as it at first was pight. For griefe thereof, and diuelish despight, From his infernall fournace forth he threw Huge flames, that dimmed all the heauens light, Enrold in duskish smoke and brimstone blew; As burning Aetna from his boyling stew Doth belch out flames, and rockes in peeces broke, And ragged ribs of mountaines molten new, Enwrapt in coleblacke clouds and filthy smoke, That all the land with stench, and heauen with horror choke. The heate whereof, and harmefull pestilence So sore him noyd, that forst him to retire A little backward for his best defence, To saue his bodie from the scorching fire, Which he from hellish entrailes did expire. It chaunst (eternall God that chaunce did guide) As he recoyled backward, in the mire His nigh forwearied feeble feet did slide, And downe he fell, with dread of shame sore terrifide. There grew a goodly tree him faire beside, Loaden with fruit and apples rosie red, As they in pure vermilion had beene dide, Whereof great vertues ouer all were red: For happie life to all, which thereon fed, And life eke euerlasting did befall: Great God it planted in that blessed sted With his almightie hand, and did it call the tree of life, the crime of our first fathers fall. In all the world like was not to be found, Saue in that soile, where all good things did grow, And freely sprong out of the fruitfull ground, As incorrupted Nature did them sow, Till that dread Dragon all did ouerthrow. Another like faire tree eke grew thereby, Whereof who so did eat, eftsoones did know Both good and ill: O mornefull memory: That tree through one mans fault hath doen vs all to dy. From that first tree forth flowd, as from a well, A trickling streame of Balme, most soueraine And daintie deare, which on the ground still fell, And ouerflowed all the fertill plaine, As it had deawed bene with timely raine: Life and long health that gratious ointment gaue, And deadly woundes could heale, and reare againe the senselesse corse appointed for the graue. For nigh thereto the euer damned beast Durst not approch, for he was deadly made, And all that life preserued, did detest: darkwing. By this the drouping day-light gan to fade And yeeld his roome to sad succeeding night, Who with her sable mantle gan to shade the face of earth, and wayes of liuing wight, And high her burning torch set vp in heauen bright. The ioyous day gan early to appeare, And faire Aurora from the deawy bed Of aged Tithone gan her selfe to reare, With rosie cheekes, for shame as blushing red; Her golden lockes for haste were loosely shed About her eares, when Vna her did marke Clymbe to her charet, all with flowers spred; From heauen high to chase the chearelesse darke, With merry note her loud salutes the mounting larke. Then freshly vp arose the doughtie knight, All healed of his hurts and woundes wide, And did himselfe to battell readie dight; Whose early foe awaiting him beside To haue deuourd, so soone as day he spyde, When now he saw himselfe so freshly reare, As if late fight had nought him damnifyde, He woxe dismayd, and gan his fate to feare; Nathlesse with wonted rage he him aduaunced neare. Ran through his mouth with so importune might, That deepe emperst his darksome hollow maw, And back retyrd, his life bloud forth with all did draw. Faire Vna to the Redcrosse knight betrouthed is with ioy: Though false Duessa it to barre her false sleights doe imploy. The which afore is fairely to be kend, And seemeth safe from stormes, that may offend; There this faire virgin wearie of her way Must landed be, now at her iourneyes end: There eke my feeble barke a while may stay, Till merry wind and weather call her thence away. Scarsely had Phoebus in the glooming East Yet harnessed his firie-footed teeme, Ne reard aboue the earth his flaming creast, When the last deadly smoke aloft did steeme, That signe of last outbreathed life did seeme, Vnto the watchman on the castle wall; Who thereby dead that balefull Beast did deeme, And to his Lord and Ladie lowd gan call, To tell, how he had seene the Dragons fatall fall. Vprose with hastie ioy, and feeble speed That aged Sire, the Lord of all that land, And looked forth, to weet, if true indeede Those tydings were, as he did vnderstand, Which whenas true by tryall he out fond, He bad to open wyde his brazen gate, Which long time had bene shut, and out of hond Proclaymed ioy and peace through all his state; For dead now was their foe, which them forrayed late. Then gan triumphant Trompets sound on hie, That sent to heauen the ecchoed report Of their new ioy, and happie victorie Gainst him, that had them long opprest with tort, And fast imprisoned in sieged fort. Then all the people, as in solemne feast, To him assembled with one full consort, Reioycing at the fall of that great beast, From whose eternall bondage now they were releast. Forth came that auncient Lord and aged Queene, Arayd in antique robes downe to the ground, And sad habiliments right well beseene; A noble crew about them waited round Of sage and sober Peres, all grauely gownd; Whom farre before did march a goodly band darkwing. Of tall young men, all hable armes to sownd, But now they laurell braunches bore in hand; Glad signe of victorie and peace in all their land. Vnto that doughtie Conquerour they came, And him before themselues prostrating low, Their Lord and Patrone loud did him proclame, And at his feet their laurell boughes did throw. Soone after them all dauncing on a row the comely virgins came, with girlands dight, As fresh as flowres in medow greene do grow, When morning deaw vpon their leaues doth light: And in their hands sweet Timbrels all vpheld on hight. And after, all the raskall many ran, Heaped together in rude rablement To see the face of that victorious man: Whom all admired, as from heauen sent, And gazd vpon with gaping wonderment. But when they came, where that dead Dragon lay, Stretcht on the ground in monstrous large extent, the sight with idle feare did them dismay, Ne durst approch him nigh, to touch, or once assay. Some feard, and fled; some feard and well it faynd; One that would wiser seeme, then all the rest, Warnd him not touch, for yet perhaps remaynd Some lingring life within his hollow brest, Or in his wombe might lurke some hidden nest Of many Dragonets, his fruitfull seed; Another said, that in his eyes did rest Yet sparckling fire, and bad thereof take heed; Another said, he saw him moue his eyes indeed. One mother, when as her foolehardie chyld Did come too neare, and with his talants play, Halfe dead through feare, her litle babe reuyld, And to her gossips gan in counsell say; How can I tell, but that his talants may Yet scratch my sonne, or rend his tender hand? So diuersly themselues in vaine they fray; Whiles some more bold, to measure him nigh stand, To proue how many acres he did spread of land. Thus flocked all the folke him round about, the whiles that hoarie king, with all his traine, Being arriued, where that champion stout After his foes defeasance did remaine, Him goodly greetes, and faire does entertaine, With princely gifts of yuorie and gold, And thousand thankes him yeelds for all his paine. Then when his daughter deare he does behold, Her dearely doth imbrace, and kisseth manifold. And after to his Pallace he them brings, With shaumes, & trompets, & with Clarions sweet; And all the way the ioyous people sings, And with their garments strowes the paued street: Whence mounting vp, they find purueyance meet Of all, that royall Princes court became, And all the floore was vnderneath their feet Bespred with costly scarlot of great name, On which they lowly sit, and fitting purpose frame. My narrow leaues cannot in them containe the large discourse of royall Princes state. Great pleasure mixt with pittifull regard, That godly King and Queene did passionate, Whiles they his pittifull aduentures heard, That oft they did lament his lucklesse state, And often blame the too importune fate, That heapd on him so many wrathfull wreakes: For neuer gentle knight, as he of late, So tossed was in fortunes cruell freakes; And all the while salt teares bedeawd the hearers cheaks. Then said that royall Pere in sober wise; Deare Sonne, great beene the euils, which ye bore From first to last in your late enterprise, That I note, whether prayse, or pitty more: For neuer liuing man, I weene, so sore In sea of deadly daungers was distrest; But since now safe ye seised haue the shore, And well arriued are, (high God be blest) Let vs deuize of ease and euerlasting rest. Ah dearest Lord, said then that doughty knight, Of ease or rest I may not yet deuize; For by the faith, which I to armes haue plight, I bounden am streight after this emprize, darkwing. As that your daughter can ye well aduize, Backe to returne to that great Faerie Queene, And her to serue six yeares in warlike wize, Gainst that proud Paynim king, that workes her teene: Therefore I ought craue pardon, till I there haue beene. Vnhappie falles that hard necessitie, (Quoth he) the troubler of my happie peace, And vowed foe of my felicitie; Ne I against the same can iustly preace: But since that band ye cannot now release, Nor doen vndo; (for vowes may not be vaine) Soone as the terme of those six yeares shall cease, Ye then shall hither backe returne againe, the marriage to accomplish vowd betwixt you twain. Which for my part I couet to performe, In sort as through the world I did proclame, That who so kild that monster most deforme, And him in hardy battaile ouercame, Should haue mine onely daughter to his Dame, And of my kingdome heire apparaunt bee: Therefore since now to thee perteines the same, By dew desert of noble cheualree, Both daughter and eke kingdome, lo I yield to thee. So faire and fresh, as freshest flowre in May; For she had layd her mournefull stole aside, And widow-like sad wimple throwne away, Wherewith her heauenly beautie she did hide, Whiles on her wearie iourney she did ride; And on her now a garment she did weare, All lilly white, withoutten spot, or pride, darkwing. That seemd like silke and siluer wouen neare, But neither silke nor siluer therein did appeare. The blazing brightnesse of her beauties beame, And glorious light of her sunshyny face To tell, were as to striue against the streame. My ragged rimes are all too rude and bace, Her heauenly lineaments for to enchace. Ne wonder; for her owne deare loued knight, All were she dayly with himselfe in place, Did wonder much at her celestiall sight: Oft had he seene her faire, but neuer so faire dight.

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Eftsoones both flowres and girlonds farre away She flong, and her faire deawy lockes yrent, To sorrow huge she turnd her former play, And gamesom merth to grieuous dreriment: She threw her selfe downe on the Continent, Ne word did speake, but lay as in a swowne, Whiles all her sisters did for her lament, With yelling outcries, and with shrieking sowne; And euery one did teare her girlond from her crowne. Soone as she vp out of her deadly fit Arose, she bad her charet to be brought, And all her sisters, that with her did sit, Bad eke attonce their charets to be sought; Tho full of bitter griefe and pensiue thought, She to her wagon clombe; clombe all the rest, And forth together went, with sorrow fraught. The waues obedient to their beheast, Them yielded readie passage, and their rage surceast. Great Neptune stood amazed at their sight, Whiles on his broad round backe they softly slid And eke himselfe mournd at their mournfull plight, Yet wist not what their wailing ment, yet did For great compassion of their sorrow, bid His mightie waters to them buxome bee; Eftsoones the roaring billowes still abid, And all the griesly Monsters of the See Stood gaping at their gate, and wondred them to see. A teme of Dolphins raunged in aray, Drew the smooth charet of sad Cymoent; They were all taught by Triton, to obay To the long raynes, at her commaundement: As swift as swallowes, on the waues they went, That their broad flaggie finnes no fome did reare, Ne bubbling roundell they behind them sent; the rest of other fishes drawen weare, Which with their finny oars the swelling sea did sheare. Now lyest thou of life and honor reft; Now lyest thou a lumpe of earth forlorne, Ne of thy late life memory is left, Ne can thy irreuocable destiny be weft? Fond Proteus, father of false prophecis, And they more fond, that credit to thee giue, Not this the worke of womans hand ywis, That so deepe wound through these deare members driue. I feared loue: but they that loue do liue, But they that die, doe neither loue nor hate. Farre better I it deeme to die with speed, Then waste in woe and wailefull miserie. Who dyes the vtmost dolour doth abye, But who that liues, is left to waile his losse: So life is losse, and death felicitie. Sad life worse then glad death: and greater crosse To see friends graue, the[m] dead the graue selfe to engrosse. But if the heauens did his dayes enuie, And my short blisse maligne, yet mote they well Thus much afford me, ere that he did die That the dim eyes of my deare Marinell I mote haue closed, and him bed farewell, darkwing. Yet maulgre them farewell, my sweetest sweet; Farewell my sweetest sonne, sith we no more shall meet. Tho when the lilly handed Liagore, (This Liagore whylome had learned skill In leaches craft, by great Appolloes lore, Sith her whylome vpon high Pindus hill, He loued, and at last her wombe did fill With heauenly seed, whereof wise P? Tho vp him taking in their tender hands, They easily vnto her charet beare: Her teme at her commaundement quiet stands, Whiles they the corse into her wagon reare, And strow with flowres the lamentable beare: Then all the rest into their coches clim, And through the brackish waues their passage sheare; Vpon great Neptunes necke they softly swim, And to her watry chamber swiftly carry him. Deepe in the bottome of the sea, her bowre Is built of hollow billowes heaped hye, Like to thicke cloudes, that threat a stormy showre, And vauted all within, like to the sky, In which the Gods do dwell eternally: There they him laid in easie couch well dight; And sent in haste for Tryphon, to apply Salues to his wounds, and medicines of might: darkwing. The whiles the Nymphes sit all about him round, Lamenting his mishap and heauy plight; And oft his mother vewing his wide wound, Cursed the hand, that did so deadly smight Her dearest sonne, her dearest harts delight. Yet did false Archimage her still pursew, To bring to passe his mischieuous intent, Now that he had her singled from the crew Of courteous knights, the Prince, and Faery gent, Whom late in chace of beautie excellent She left, pursewing that same foster strong; Of whose foule outrage they impatient, And full of fiery zeale, him followed long, To reskew her from shame, and to reuenge her wrong. Through thick and thin, through mountaines & through plains, Those two great cha[m]pions did attonce pursew the fearefull damzell, with incessant paines: Who from them fled, as light-foot hare from vew Of hunter swift, and sent of houndes trew. At last they came vnto a double way, Where, doubtfull which to take, her to reskew, Themselues they did dispart, each to assay, Whether more happie were, to win so goodly pray. But Timias, the Princes gentle Squire, That Ladies loue vnto his Lord forlent, And with proud enuy, and indignant ire, After that wicked foster fiercely went. But fairest fortune to the Prince befell, Whose chaunce it was, that soone he did repent, To take that way, in which that Damozell Was fled afore, affraid of him, as feend of hell. At last of her farre off he gained vew: Then gan he freshly pricke his fomy steed, And euer as he nigher to her drew, So euermore he did increase his speed, And of each turning still kept warie heed: Aloud to her he oftentimes did call, To doe away vaine doubt, and needlesse dreed: Full myld to her he spake, and oft let fall Many meeke wordes, to stay and comfort her withall. But nothing might relent her hastie flight; So deepe the deadly feare of that foule swaine Was earst impressed in her gentle spright: Like as a fearefull Doue, which through the raine, Of the wide aire her way does cut amaine, Hauing farre off espyde a Tassell gent, Which after her his nimble wings doth straine, Doubleth her haste for feare to be for-hent, And with her pineons cleaues the liquid firmament. With no lesse haste, and eke with no lesse dreed, That fearefull Ladie fled from him, that ment To her no euill thought, nor euill deed; Yet former feare of being fowly shent, Carried her forward with her first intent: And though oft looking backward, well she vewd, Her selfe freed from that foster insolent, And that it was a knight, which now her sewd, Yet she no lesse the knight feard, then that villein rude. His vncouth shield and straunge armes her dismayd, Whose like in Faery lond were seldome seene, That fast she from him fled, no lesse affrayd, Then of wilde beastes if she had chased beene: Yet he her followd still with courage keene, So long that now the golden Hesperus Was mounted high in top of heauen sheene, And warnd his other brethren ioyeous, To light their blessed lamps in Ioues eternall hous. All suddenly dim woxe the dampish ayre, And griesly shadowes couered heauen bright, That now with thousand starres was decked fayre; darkwing. Which when the Prince beheld, a lothfull sight, And that perforce, for want of lenger light, He mote surcease his suit, and lose the hope Of his long labour, he gan fowly wyte His wicked fortune, that had turnd aslope, And cursed night, that reft from him so goodly scope. Tho when her wayes he could no more descry, But to and fro at disauenture strayd; Like as a ship, whose Lodestarre suddenly Couered with cloudes, her Pilot hath dismayd; His wearisome pursuit perforce he stayd, And from his loftie steed dismounting low, Did let him forage. Downe himselfe he layd Vpon the grassie ground, to sleepe a throw; the cold earth was his couch, the hard steele his pillow. But gentle Sleepe enuyde him any rest; In stead thereof sad sorrow, and disdaine Of his hard hap did vexe his noble brest, And thousand fancies bet his idle braine With their light wings, the sights of semblants vaine: Oft did he wish, that Lady faire mote bee His Faery Queene, for whom he did complaine: Or that his Faery Queene were such, as shee: And euer hastie Night he blamed bitterlie. Night thou foule Mother of annoyance sad, Sister of heauie death, and nourse of woe, Which wast begot in heauen, but for thy bad And brutish shape thrust downe to hell below, Where by the grim floud of Cocytus slow Thy dwelling is, in Herebus blacke hous, (Blacke Herebus thy husband is the foe Of all the Gods) where thou vngratious, Halfe of thy dayes doest lead in horrour hideous. Indeed in sleepe the slouthfull bodie, that doth loue to steepe His lustlesse limbes, and drowne his baser mind, darkwing. Doth praise thee oft, and oft from Stygian deepe Calles thee, his goddesse in his error blind, And great Dame Natures handmaide, chearing euery kind. But well I wote, that to an heauy hart Thou art the root and nurse of bitter cares, Breeder of new, renewer of old smarts: In stead of rest thou lendest rayling teares, In stead of sleepe thou sendest troublous feares, And dreadfull visions, in the which aliue the drearie image of sad death appeares: So from the wearie spirit thou doest driue Desired rest, and men of happinesse depriue. For day discouers all dishonest wayes, And sheweth each thing, as it is indeed: the prayses of high God he faire displayes, And his large bountie rightly doth areed. Dayes dearest children be the blessed seed, Which darknesse shall subdew, and heauen win; Truth is his daughter; he her first did breed, Most sacred virgin, without spot of sin. O when will day then turne to me againe, And bring with him his long expected light? O Titan, haste to reare thy ioyous waine: Speed thee to spred abroad thy beames bright? And chase away this too long lingring night, Chase her away, from whence she came, to hell. She, she it is, that hath me done despight: There let her with the damned spirits dwell, darkwing. Thus did the Prince that wearie night outweare, In restlesse anguish and vnquiet paine: And earely, ere the morrow did vpreare His deawy head out of the Ocean maine, He vp arose, as halfe in great disdaine, And clombe vnto his steed. Prince Arthur heares of Florimell: three fosters Timias wound, Belphebe finds him almost dead, and reareth out of sownd. Ne suffereth it vncomely idlenesse, In his free thought to build her sluggish nest: Ne suffereth it thought of vngentlenesse, Euer to creepe into his noble brest, But to the highest and the worthiest darkwing. Lifteth it vp, that else would lowly fall: It lets not fall, it lets it not to rest: It lets not scarse this Prince to breath at all, But to his first poursuit him forward still doth call. Who long time wandred through the forrest wyde, To finde some issue thence, till that at last He met a Dwarfe, that seemed terrifyde With some late perill, which he hardly past, Or other accident, which him aghast; Of whom he asked, whence he lately came, And whither now he trauelled so fast: For sore he swat, and running through that same Thicke forest, was bescratcht, & both his feet nigh lame. Panting for breath, and almost out of hart, the Dwarfe him answerd, Sir, ill mote I stay To tell the same. I lately did depart From Faery court, where I haue many a day Serued a gentle Lady of great sway, And high accompt throughout all Elfin land, Who lately left the same, and tooke this way: Her now I seeke, and if ye vnderstand Which way she fared hath, good Sir tell out of hand. Royally clad (quoth he) in cloth of gold, As meetest may beseeme a noble mayd; Her faire lockes in rich circlet be enrold, A fairer wight did neuer Sunne behold, And on a Palfrey rides more white then snow, Yet she her selfe is whiter manifold: the surest signe, whereby ye may her know, Is, that she is the fairest wight aliue, I trow. Now certes swaine (said he) such one I weene, Fast flying through this forest from her fo, A foule ill fauoured foster, I haue seene; Her selfe, well as I might, I reskewd tho, But could not stay; so fast she did foregoe, Carried away with wings of speedy feare. Ah dearest God (quoth he) that is great woe, And wondrous ruth to all, that shall it heare. Perdy me leuer were to weeten that, (Said he) then ransome of the richest knight, Or all the good that euer yet I gat: But froward fortune, and too forward Night Such happinesse did, maulgre, to me spight, And fro me reft both life and light attone. But Dwarfe aread, what is that Lady bright, That through this forest wandreth thus alone; For of her errour straunge I haue great ruth and mone. A Sea-nymphes sonne, that Marinell is hight, Of my deare Dame is loued dearely well; In other none, but him, she sets delight, All her delight is set on Marinell; But he sets nought at all by Florimell: For Ladies loue his mother long ygoe Did him, they say, forwarne through sacred spell.

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The diagnosis of cyst type relies on imaging characteristics potential to develop into pancreatic cancer; however antibiotic resistance in humans order tinidazole cheap online, the risk is and antibiotics for mild uti order tinidazole with american express, for some cysts antibiotic resistance finder order tinidazole paypal, on the analysis of cyst fuid antibiotic quality premium cheap tinidazole generic. The diferentiation of a pseudocyst from a neoplastic cyst are more common in women (10:1). Patients with asymptomatic cysts that are diagnosed as pseudocysts on initial imaging and clinical history, or that have a very low risk of malignant transfor mation (such as serous cystadenomas) do not require treatment or further evaluation (Conditional recommendation, low quality of evidence) 6. Their use may be considered in cases in which the diagnosis is unclear and the results are likely to change management (Conditional recommendation, very low quality of evidence) Pancreatic cyst surveillance 9. Patients with a solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm should be referred to a multidisciplinary group for consideration of surgical resection (Strong recommenda tion, low quality of evidence) 13. Surveillance should be discontinued if a patient is no longer a surgical candidate (Strong recommendation, very low quality of evidence) 16. It is reasonable to assess the utility of ongoing surveillance in those >75 years old. An individualized approach for those 76?85 years should be considered including an informed discussion about surgery (Conditional recommendation, very low quality of evidence) 17. Patients with a surgically resected serous cystadenoma, pseudocyst, or other benign cysts do not require any follow-up after resection (Strong recommen dation, very low quality of evidence) 18. They creatic ductal adenocarcinoma, and the extremely rare acinar cell can occur in any part of the pancreas. A systematic review of adenocarcinoma, may have cystic degeneration on imaging and 484 studies showed that the most common presentations were mimic other pancreatic cysts. Unlike pancreatic adenocarci A literature search was performed by a health sciences librarian of noma, outcomes are excellent with a 5-year disease-specifc sur Pubmed and Embase through July 2016 using the subject headings vival of over 98% (14). They may occur sporadically or in individuals with multiple guage, and excluded case reports, comments, editorials, or letters. They are equally common in women Additional articles were obtained from review of references from and men with peak presentation in the 60s. Other, very rare pancreatic cysts include simple cysts with true The strength of recommendation was assigned as ?strong when epithelia lining, lymphoepithelial cysts, and mucinous non-neo the evidence shows the beneft of the treatment clearly outweighs plastic cysts. Refer to Change in main duct caliber with Follow clinically *** multidisciplinary upstream atrophy? High-risk characteristics for mucinous pancreatic cysts moderate, low, and very low. Main pancreatic duct diameter of >5 mm Change in main duct caliber with upstream atrophy Recommendations Size >3 cm 1. We recommend caution when attributing symptoms to a Increase in cyst size >3 mm/year pancreatic cyst. The majority of pancreatic cysts are asymp tomatic and the nonspecifc nature of symptoms requires Cytology clinical discernment (Conditional recommendation, very High-grade dysplasia or pancreatic cancer low quality of evidence). This emphasizes the important point that neoplastic cysts Deciding whether a cyst is the cause of symptoms may be can cause acute pancreatitis, a consideration that must always be straight forward as in the case of biliary obstruction or may be considered in patients over the age of 40 with acute pancreatitis very difcult as in the case of nonspecifc abdominal symptoms. Although most pancreatic cysts are incidentally found in asympto matic patients, symptomatic cysts are reported in 50?84% in sur Question: What imaging techniques should be used to charac gical case series (16?18). Nineteen studies (three pro creatic cyst, although the communication was visualized solely spective) of 1,060 patients with defnitive histology results were on the secretin-stimulated study in only 5% of patients (27). In this systematic review, there were eight studies directly undergo further evaluation of incidentally found pancreatic comparing imaging modalities. Afer a median fol examination for small cysts with a clear diagnosis and no concern low-up of 5 years, 24% of the patients had died and 78% of the ing features. The exception to the rule of avoiding fur is hampered by the low cellularity of the samples. This is high ther evaluation in inoperable patients is in symptomatic cysts, for lighted in a prospective study that found that only 34% of cytology example, palliative stenting in patients with jaundice. Two If an asymptomatic cyst is diagnosed as a non-neoplastic cyst systematic reviews and meta-analyses evaluated studies from 937 on initial imaging, no further treatment or evaluation is warranted and 1,438 patients, respectively, and found a pooled sensitivity of (Figure 1). The majority of these are evaluation is warranted, given their very low risk of malignancy. In cases in which the diagnosis is pancreatic cancer (Conditional recommendation, very unclear, and a change in diagnosis will alter management, analysis low quality of evidence). Preliminary case management (Conditional recommendation, very low reports are promising, but larger, prospective, multicenter studies quality of evidence). The frst It has been evaluated in a number of studies showing a sensitiv is characterizing the type of pancreatic cyst. The most commonly used Although promising, only a small number of cases in these studies cutof level is 192ng/ml (33). Varying the cutof level to either a were compared with the gold-standard histopathology. Other cyst fuid protein biomarkers have been Identifying high-grade dysplasia or pancreatic cancer. Furthermore, systematic review and meta-analysis found that cytology has an patients who do undergo surgery for high-grade dysplasia or very excellent pooled specifcity for pancreatic cancer of 90. Tere are a large number of studies examining Surveillance of pancreatic cysts, therefore, afords us the oppor diferent molecular markers for identifying high-grade dysplasia tunity of reducing cancer deaths related to pancreatic cancer (68). Similarly, new their approximate life expectancy, their comorbid conditions, and devices such as the needle micro biopsy forceps may be helpful, whether they are a surgical candidate. It is important to convey but there are no data currently published to support its use for to the patient that uncertainty remains in the value of surveil this indication. The risks of pancreatic surgical resection need to be weighed against the risk of malignant transformation of the cyst and the Cyst ablation. A number of studies have examined whether etha inherent limitations of surveillance. The site of the cystic lesion nol alone, or in combination with paclitaxel, can be used to ablate must also be taken into account; the threshold for a distal pan pancreatic cyst epithelium and thus obviate the need for surgery. A preliminary study of radiofre have a tiny risk of malignant transformation (13). It Recommendations may be considered in patients who refuse, or are not a candidate 10. Ideally, these patients should be enrolled in a clinical worsening diabetes mellitus, or a rapid increase in cyst trial to further evaluate the efcacy of this therapy. Patients with a solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm should be pancreatitis secondary to the cyst is associated with an increased referred to a multidisciplinary group for consideration risk of cancer in several (72,75), but not all studies (76). Tere is of surgical resection (Strong recommendation, low qual also an association between new-onset diabetes mellitus and the ity of evidence). This risk varies greatly depend worsening control of diabetes mellitus, have an increased risk of ing on the clinical and imaging fndings. In addition, it is essential to include the patient in the from the cyst, which is called a ?concomitant pancreatic cancer. Patients should understand the poten In a large, multicenter retrospective study in almost 350 patients tial risks and benefts of surgery and surveillance. We therefore 2% of patients developed concomitant pancreatic cancer (80), recommend referral to a multidisciplinary team with expertise in whereas a smaller prospective study found that 4% of patients pancreatic cysts and pancreatic surgery. This highlights the importance of evaluating ment, including changing the management plan from surgery not only the cyst, but also the entire parenchyma on imaging. Large surgical series have consistently reported an to the cyst is concerning for the presence of pancreatic cancer, and increased risk of high-grade dysplasia of ~60% (range 36?100%), these patients should be urgently referred for further evaluation with a rate of pancreatic cancer of ~44% (range 11?81%) (82,83). Most patients with only minimal ductal dilation should be referred for evaluation at a multidisciplinary clinic. It may be appropriate for many of these patients to undergo if patients are expected to undergo long-term or frequent surveil surveillance in the absence of any other concerning features. One key requirement of surveillance is to identify malignant surveillance can be discussed. A recent meta-analysis of 37 studies A rapid increase in cyst size was associated with an increased incorporating 4,073 patients evaluated this question (99). The same study evaluated variability in measuring pancreatic cysts may be as high as 4 mm.

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Physiological Tests: + Positive antibiotics for uti liquid generic 1000 mg tinidazole otc, Negative antibiotics for inflammatory acne order generic tinidazole online, v variable antibiotics for acne and ibs order genuine tinidazole, w Weak antibiotic macrobid purchase tinidazole pills in toronto, s Slow germ Tube l-Sorbose +,s L-arabinose + D-glucitol + Fermentation Sucrose + D-arabinose M-D-glucoside + glucose + Maltose + D-Ribose v D-gluconate v galactose + cellobiose l-Rhamnose Dl-lactate Sucrose + Trehalose + D-glucosamine v myo-Inositol Maltose -,s lactose N-a-D-glucosamine + 2-K-D-gluconate + lactose Melibiose glycerol + D-glucuronate Trehalose -,s Raffnose Erythritol Nitrate Assimilation Melezitose + Ribitol v Urease glucose + Soluble Starch galactitol 0. Ascospore Formation: asci are unconjugated, persistent, and are transformed from budding cells. O Physiological Tests: + Positive, Negative, v variable, w Weak, s Slow germ Tube l-Sorbose + L-arabinose D-glucitol + Fermentation Sucrose + D-arabinose -? Descriptions of Medical Fungi 49 Candida rugosa complex Candida rugosa has recently been recognised as a species complex of C. Physiological Tests: + Positive, Negative, v variable, w Weak, s Slow germ Tube l-Sorbose v L-arabinose D-glucitol v Fermentation Sucrose D-arabinose -? It is also found as part of the normal human mucocutaneous fora and environmental isola tions have been made from faeces, shrimp, kefr and soil. Microscopy: Spherical to subspherical budding yeast-like cells or blastoconidia, 3. Dalmau Plate Culture: abundant, long, wavy, branched pseudohyphae with numerous ovoid blastoconidia, budding off. Physiological Tests: + Positive, Negative, v variable, w Weak, s Slow germ Tube l-Sorbose v L-arabinose D-glucitol + Fermentation Sucrose v D-arabinose M-D-glucoside v glucose + Maltose + D-Ribose v,s D-gluconate v galactose + cellobiose v l-Rhamnose Dl-lactate v Sucrose v Trehalose + D-glucosamine v myo-Inositol Maltose + lactose N-a-D-glucosamine + 2-K-D-gluconate + lactose Melibiose glycerol v D-glucuronate Trehalose +,s Raffnose Erythritol Nitrate Assimilation Melezitose v Ribitol v Urease glucose + Soluble Starch + galactitol 0. O Chaetomium species are important agents for the decomposition of cellulose waste and plant materials, and are only rarely isolated in medical mycology laboratories. Morphological Description: Chaetomium is a common ascomycete characterised by the formation of darkly-pigmented, globose, ovoid, barrel to fask-shaped, ostiolate ascocarps (perithecia) beset with dark-coloured terminal hairs (setae) which are straight, branched or curved. Key Features: ascomycete producing darkly-pigmented ostiolate perithecia beset with long dark terminal setae. Antifungal Susceptibility: Chaetomium very limited data (Mcginnis and Pasarell 1998a, Serena et al. There are about 70 species of Chrysosporium, several are keratinolytic with some also being thermotolerant, and cultures may closely resemble some dermatophytes, especially Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Morphological Description: colonies are moderately fast growing, fat, white to tan to beige in colour, often with a powdery or granular surface texture. Hyaline, one-celled conidia are produced directly on vegetative hyphae by non-specialised conidiogenous cells. Molecular Identifcation: Chrysosporium is phylogenetically heterogeneous; the polyphyletic origin of the genus was frst demonstrated by vidal et al. Chrysosporium tropicum Carmichael Morphological Descriptions: colonies are fat, white to cream-coloured with a very granular surface. Microscopically, conidia are numerous, hyaline, single-celled, clavate to pyriform, smooth, slightly thick-walled (6-7 x 3. The conidia are formed at the tips of the hyphae, on short or long lateral branches, or sessile along the hyphae (intercalary). References: carmichael (1962), Rebell and Taplin (1970), Sigler and carmichael (1976), van Oorschot (1980), Domsch et al. Descriptions of Medical Fungi 53 Cladophialophora Borelli the genus Cladophialophora is characterised by: (1) the absence of conidiophores, ?shield cells, or prominent hila (attachment points); (2) the ability to grow on media containing cycloheximide; and (3) having dry, non-fragile chains of conidia (Revankar and Sutton 2010). It has recently been re-evaluated by multilocus sequencing and currently contains seven species associated with human infection (badali et al. Cladophialophora bantiana is the causative agent of numerous cases of cerebral phaeohyphomycosis many of which occur in immunocompetent individuals and most of which are fatal (chakrabarti et al. Cladophialophora bantiana has been isolated from soil and is a recognised agent of cerebral phaeohyphomycosis. The fungus is neurotropic and may cause brain abscess in both normal and immunosuppressed patients and is usually fatal. The fungus is likely introduced via inhalation and direct transfer to the brain via the paranasal sinuses, or traumatic head injury. Morphological Description: colonies are moderately fast growing, olivaceous grey, suede-like to foccose and grow at temperatures up to 42-43 c. Synonymy: Cladosporium carrionii Trejos Cladophialophora carrionii is a recognised agent of chromoblastomycosis and it has been isolated from soil and fence posts made from Eucalyptus spp. Isolates from phaeomycotic cysts and opportunistic infections have also been reported. Morphological Description: colonies are slow growing, reaching 3-4 cm in diameter after one month, with a compact suede-like to downy surface and are olivaceous-black in colour. Microscopy shows ascending to erect, olivaceous-green, apically branched, elongate conidiophores producing branched acropetal chains of conidia. Key Features: conidia are smaller and comprise heavily branched chains which fall apart much more easily than in the other Cladophialophora species. The well-known thermotolerant ?true human pathogenic species, formerly known as C. More recently, extensive revisions based on polyphasic approaches have recognised 169 species, and demonstrated that C. Surprisingly, the most frequent species was Cladosporium halotolerans (15%), followed by C. However, 40% of the isolates did not correspond to any known species and were deemed to represent at least 17 new lineages for Cladosporium. The most frequent anatomic site of isolation was the respiratory tract (55%), followed by superfcial (28%) and deep tissues and fuids (15%). Species of the two recently described Cladosporium-like genera Toxicocladosporium and Penidiella were also reported for the frst time from clinical samples (Sandoval Denis et al. Morphological Description: colonies are slow growing, mostly olivaceous-brown to blackish-brown but also sometimes grey, buff or brown, suede-like to foccose, often becoming powdery due to the production of abundant conidia. The term blastocatenate is often used to describe chains of conidia where the youngest conidium is at the apical or distal end of the chain. Note: the conidia closest to the conidiophore, and where the chains branch, are usually ?shield-shaped. The presence of shield-shaped conidia, a distinct hilum, and chains of conidia that readily disarticulate, are characteristic of the genus Cladosporium. Key Features: Dematiaceous hyphomycete forming branched acropetal chains of conidia, each with a distinct hilum. Descriptions of Medical Fungi 59 Clavispora lusitaniae Rodrigues de Miranda Synonymy: Candida lusitaniae van Uden & do carmo-Sousa. Clavispora lusitaniae is a known cause of disseminated candidiasis, including septicaemia and pyelonephritis. Physiological Tests: + Positive, Negative, v variable, w Weak, s Slow, nd No Data germ Tube l-Sorbose + L-arabinose v D-glucitol + Fermentation Sucrose + D-arabinose -? The two species are morphologically identical and can be distinguished only by genetic analysis and different rates of growth in the presence of high salt concentrations (C. Microscopy shows typical single-celled, hyaline, rectangular to barrel-shaped, alternate arthroconidia, 2. This arthroconidial state has been classifed in the genus Malbranchea and is similar to that produced by many non-pathogenic soil fungi. Endospores (sporangiospores) are later formed within the spherule by repeated cytoplasmic cleavage. Rupture of the spherule releases endospores into the surrounding tissue where they re-initiate the cycle of spherule development. Morphological Description: colonies usually darkly pigmented with white aerial mycelium, consisting of numerous black sclerotia and light brown-coloured conidial masses, reverse is dark brown. Descriptions of Medical Fungi 63 Conidiobolus coronatus (Costantin) Batko Synonymy: Entomophthora coronata (costantin) Kevorkian. The species of the genus Conidiobolus produce characteristic multinucleate primary and secondary (replicative) conidia on top of unbranched conidiophores. Each subspherical conidium is discharged as a result of the pressure developed within the conidium, and each bears a more or less prominent papilla after discharge (King 1983). The lid of the petri dish soon becomes covered with conidia, which are forcibly discharged by the conidiophores. References: Emmons and bridges (1961), King (1983), Mcginnis (1980), Rippon (1988), Kwon-chung and bennett (1992), de Hoog et al. Conidiobolus coronatus culture showing satellite colonies formed by germinating conidia ejected from the primary colony.