Scott H. Plantz, MD, FAAEM
- Associate Clinical Professor of Emergency Services
- Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science
- Chicago Medical School
- Chicago, Illinois
The dosage of 10 mg was maintained during the last four weeks when sleep complaints subsided experimental erectile dysfunction treatment buy vardenafil cheap, or when patients reported side effects erectile dysfunction injections australia order vardenafil 10mg fast delivery. In case symp to ms had not (completely) subsided erectile dysfunction prevalence age order genuine vardenafil on line, or when there were no major side-effects erectile dysfunction pills amazon safe 10 mg vardenafil, the dosage was increased to 14 mg for 4 additional weeks. A last observation-carried-forward principle was applied when participants discon tinued. During the treatment period patients returned to the research centre three times for a physical check-up including blood pressure measurement. At the last visit participants were asked if they thought they had been randomized to prazosin or placebo, and whether they wished to continue with the medication after the trial. The investiga to rs also recorded whether they thought the participant had received placebo or prazosin. For an extra check of the drug accountability, participants were requested to return the 4 weeks blister in which they left the medication they missed. Before the treatment started, and in the last week of treatment, participants were requested not to drink alcohol on the days of the sleep registrations, and to not drink caffeine-containing beverages after 1600h. This component was left out in the to tal score, as all participants mentioned to have used sleep medication at week 8, referring to the study medication. A sleep log was flled out every morning upon awakening by the participants during one week at baseline and at week 8. Finally, participants were asked to grade habitual sleep in the last two weeks and sleep during the recording night with a rating between 0 and 10. Sleep recordings Sleep registrations during two consecutive nights were conducted at the homes of the participants. Participants were instructed to have a 8 hour sleep period on the registration nights. Sleep data were analyzed in 30-sec ond epochs according to criteria of Rechtschaffen and Kales (1968) by an experienced sleep technician who was blinded to group identity. One patient receiving placebo required switching anti-depressive medication dur ing the titration period (See fgure 1). Polysomnographic recordings at baseline and at week 8 was available of 12 participants (prazosin n = 6, placebo n = 6). A similar number of patients in the prazosin group and placebo group reported the wish to continue medication after the trial. The expectation to have received prazosin was similar in both groups, indicating that the groups were well blinded. Two patients reported normal dreaming after the start of prazosin, while they could not recall dream content at baseline. The number of awakenings did not signifcantly decrease after treatment in the to tal sample (Z =-1. Side effects, discontinuation, expectation of treatment characteristics Prazosin (n=7) Placebo (n=7) Comparison Missed dose (n, %) 1 (14%) 3 (43%) c2= 1. Re-experiencing symp to ms were reduced in the prazosin groups compared with the placebo group at a trend level (p=0. An exception was the effect on nightmares, which only improved in the two active treatment groups. In our study to o, nightmare score was somewhat reduced solely after prazosin treatment, however non-signifcantly. We expected that with the blocking of noradrenaline activity awakenings would de crease, while noradrenaline is involved in the regulation of sleep and waking, and is well known as a wake-promoting neurotransmitter (Saper et al. To our surprise, awakenings at week 8 were not signifcantly different from baseline. Nightmares may be related to increased activity of limbic structures during sleep (Nielsen and Levin, 2007). Pharmacological agents may alleviate (or induce) nightmares, without altering sleep architecture. An example is propranolol, which can cause nightmares, but does not seem to infuence sleep architecture (Smith et al. We therefore lacked the power to fnd group differences with effect sizes smaller than 0. Also, signifcant baseline differences were present between groups, despite randomization of the subjects. In larger samples is it less likely to have signifcantly different baseline values. Even though it is a more naturalistic way to record sleep, there was no surveillance on time spend in bed, or coffee and medication usage. In summary, our study failed to detect treatment-related differences after prazosin treat ment, compared with placebo. In contrast, inhibition of fi1-adrenocep to r mediated activity may specifcally affect re experiencing symp to ms, including nightmares. Sleep-specifc mechanisms underlying posttraumatic stress disorder: integrative review and neurobiological hypotheses. The alpha1-adrenergic antagonist prazosin ameliorates combat trauma nightmares in veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: a report of 4 cases. A manual of Standardized Terminology, Techniques and Scoring System for Sleep Stages of Human Subjects. It was hypothesized that persistently disturbed sleep may be related to therapy-resistance and have an infuence on daytime complaints. This has been studied in a sample of 453 military service members who were deployed to Afghanistan. A positive relationship between memory recall and growth hormone secretion has been observed. Evidence from previ ous studies show that sleep positively affected generalization of extinction memory in healthy humans (Pace-Schott et al. On the other hand, nightmares have been associated with increased noradrenaline levels (Raskind et al. In this dissertation we also found a putative working mechanism for how sleep distur bances may infuence daytime complaints. It is sug gested that growth hormone stimulates neuroplasticity in the hippocampus (Kim et al. Furthermore, the relationship between hippocampal volume, neurogenesis and treatment-response remains to be elucidated. In addition, perceived sleep quality was inversely related to the number of awakenings. Prazosin and quetiapine, another atypical antipsychotic, were similar in their short term effects (Byers et al. However, quetiapine more often led to discontinuation due to adverse side effects. Only the number of reported nightmares was reduced in the active treatment groups in comparison with placebo. We also measured the number of awakenings pre and post treatment, but did not fnd a signifcant difference. Alternative methods may further elucidate the suggested effect of blocking fi1 adrenocep to r activity on nightmares. However, prazosin does not increase the risk for a metabolic syndrome and has therefore a more favourable side effect profle. Distribution has been s to pped because prazosin was not regularly prescribed to patients suffering from hypertension and benign prostate hypertrophy. Alternatively, quetiapine, or the selective fi1-adrenocep to r antagonists doxazosin and alfuzosine, may be useful. The choice of treatment depends on the preference of the patient and availability of therapeutic options. Most studies report low or normal cortisol concentrations compared with controls (Klaassens et al. We therefore included two control groups in our study; one group that comprised veterans without lifetime psychiatric disorder, and one control group of non-deployed -or otherwise traumatized individuals.
Country Summary of Maximum length of post-natal parental leave Individual/ family Incentive for Flexibility leave available to family excluding childcare leave entitlement father to take (months) Total Paid Well paid 20 Austria fifi fi24 erectile dysfunction caused by nicotine order vardenafil with a mastercard. The leave period of 12 months is an individual entitlement; but the payment is a family entitlement impotence under hindu marriage act order vardenafil 20 mg fast delivery. Benefit can be paid for the full period at a lower rate or for a shorter period at 70 per cent of earnings erectile dysfunction medication prices buy vardenafil uk. Both parents are entitled to 6 months leave age for erectile dysfunction cheap vardenafil, but full-time workers must take leave part time, unless they get the agreement of their employer to full-time leave; in these cases, the leave period will be longer than 6 months. Length: indicates the to tal amount of leave available per family; fi indicates the age of the child up to when leave may be taken fi: no statu to ry entitlement/no payment/ no incentive for fathers to take. In addition, each parent is entitled to take unpaid leave until a child is 18 months 34 United Kingdom: leave entitlement is 13 weeks per parent, but only 4 weeks of leave can be taken per year, i. Five states and Puer to Rica provide some benefit payments to parents missing work at around the time of childbirth. With one exception, countries include some provision to take leave in case of the illness of a child. In some cases, the length of leave decreases as children get older: for example, from being unlimited for a child under 12 months to 14 days a year for children from six to 12 years old in Hungary; or being without limit for a child under three years in Italy but five days a year per parent for a child aged three to eight years. In the nine other countries, there is either no leave available (Iceland); or leave is confined to seriously ill children and employees in smaller organisations are excluded (United States); or is confined to public sec to r employees (Brazil;) or is for less than 10 days and/or unpaid (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and Switzerland). In Japan, leave for ordinary illness is five days for a child under compulsory school age (or 10 if there are two children of this age); but is considerably longer in the case of a child needing constant care for more than 2 weeks. Twenty of the countries in this review for whom information is available offer additional leave entitlements, plus Brazil but for public sec to r employees only, covering a wider range of family members than children. Conditions for taking leave vary between countries from ordinary illness through to serious or terminal illness or care of a very dependent relative. Thirteen countries (Brazil, Croatia, Es to nia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Spain and Switzerland) permit women to reduce working hours to enable breastfeeding. Women reducing their hours for this reason are entitled to earnings compensation, except in Japan and Switzerland. In 22 Greece provides an example of a country that provides both payment and a substantial degree of flexibility in how reduced hours may be taken. But these reduced hours may also be taken as a period of full time leave, up to three and three-quarter months in the private sec to r and nine months in the public sec to r. For example, paternity leave is usually taken by fathers at the same time that mothers are on Maternity leave, i. While in some cases, both parents are entitled to a period of Parental leave but may only take that leave until their child reaches a certain age. Total leave (counting Canada and Quebec separately) ranges from none to 72 months, with a median length of 24 months, while to tal paid leave ranges from none to 38 months, with a median length of just over 12 months. Applying the two-thirds earnings standard the median length reduces to just over five months, with four countries offering nothing and only eight countries, plus the province of Quebec and the Greek public sec to r, offering 12 months or more. Countries providing earnings-related post-natal leave (at two-thirds or more replacement rate) of nine months or over: the five Nordic countries, five countries from Central and Eastern Europe (Croatia, Es to nia, Hungary, Lithuania and Slovenia), Germany plus Greece (private sec to r) and the Canadian province of Quebec. In all of these cases, the earnings-related leave includes a period of Parental leave. Countries providing four to six months of earnings-related post-natal leave, in all cases confined to Maternity leave: includes a number of Continental Western European countries. Ireland comes here, although the effect of a ceiling on the earnings-related benefit is that the maximum payment is only 270 a week, showing the need to take account of levels of ceilings in assessing the generosity of national schemes. Countries providing less than four months of earnings-related post-natal leave: includes five of the six mainly English-speaking countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States), plus Austria, Czech Republic, Luxembourg, Netherlands, the Russian Federation, Slovakia, South Africa and Switzerland. The United States is the only country to provide no period of paid statu to ry leave of any kind. Of the 27 countries that do provide such leave, seven provide less than one month of father-only leave, while 11 (plus the public sec to r in Greece) offer six months or more, with a median length of 3. Emphasis is placed here on payment for leave-takers, justified by the clear relationship between take-up and payment. Generally statu to ry leave payments come from some form of contribu to ry insurance fund, financed by contributions from employers and, often, employees, and sometimes with contributions from general taxation; the costs are pooled or collectivised, rather than individual employers paying their own workers. An exception is France, where such payments are funded by the family allowance fund, financed by contributions from employers and employees. Maternity, Paternity and Parental leave paid at 70-75 per cent of earnings, but proportion is lower for higher earnings. Total includes one period of Maternity leave; two periods (for mother and father) of Parental leave; and one period of flexible working entitlement taken as full-time leave. Well paid: payment at 66 per cent of earnings or above fi: no entitlement fi: ceiling on earnings-related payment 51 Norway: parents can opt for shorter, higher paid leave or longer, lower paid leave. In addition, each parent is entitled to take unpaid leave until a child is 18 months. Attendance rates for children under 3 years vary from less than ten per cent (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland), to over 50 per cent in Denmark, Iceland, Netherlands and Norway, with a median rate among the 28 countries for which there is information of just under a third (31 per cent). What these figures do not reveal is the opening hours of services and how far they are suited to the needs of working parents; in at least some cases they will not be. Only six countries have entitlement before 3 years: at 2fi years in Belgium, and at 12 months or younger or at the end of Parental leave in five countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Slovenia and Sweden, with full-time places available in all cases. This shortage usually applies to children under 3 years, and the bracketed figure indicates when the entitlement can usually be met in practice. Seventeen countries reported changes introduced during the period since April 2012. Of particular significance was Poland introducing a new Maternity leave option allowing 52 weeks of leave to be taken at 80 per cent of earnings in addition to the existing option of 26 weeks at 100 per cent; and Italy introducing an option for mothers to transfer their Parental leave for childcare vouchers, a quite new relationship between leave and early childhood education and care. Four countries (Belgium, Greece, Slovenia and Spain) reported cut backs in leave provision, either nationally or in particular regions. Extending Parental leave payment from 18 to 36 months has been under discussion in Russia, but with no conclusion. While in Spain, Paternity leave was again not extended, despite this being proposed in 2007. Mostly, there is no information on take-up of unpaid leave and limited information on paid leave, except for occasional survey data. There is the further question of what proportion of parents are eligible for leave, where again there is no consistent and comparable information. Eligibility conditions vary between countries and types of leave, making cross-national comparisons even more difficult. Ineligibility may be related to self employment, temporary contracts, other conditions related to prior employment his to ry or the exemption of smaller employers from leave policies.
The enzyme is also capable of catalysing the reverse reaction erectile dysfunction injection drugs discount vardenafil 20mg with amex, with the two Cys residues reversing their roles (Wiseman erectile dysfunction doctors in brooklyn generic 10mg vardenafil visa, & Nichols erectile dysfunction prescription medications 10mg vardenafil free shipping, 1984) impotence venous leakage ligation buy discount vardenafil 10 mg on line. The enzyme is a symmetrical monomer comprised of two domains containing eight fi-strands and two fi helices (Cirilli et al. The distal, non-reacting end of the substrate interacts via a number of hydrogen bonds to residues Asn157, Asp190, Arg209, Asn64, and Glu208 (Fig. In the absence of substrate, the enzyme exists in an open conformation, and upon binding substrate adopts a closed conformation (Pillai et al. These inhibi to rs take advantage of the anionic character at the fi-carbon during the reaction or mimic the planar transition state. It is assumed that the reaction occurs via an imine intermediate as a result of amination of L-2-amino-6-ke to pimelate. Monomer subunits interact via two fi-helices and a three-stranded antiparallel fi-sheet to form the dimer. The dimerisation (orange), dinucleotide binding (blue), and C-terminal (green) domains are indicated. Thus, the enzyme possesses a means to differentiate between two stereocentres (Gokulan et al. The C-terminal domain (residues 2-47 and 309-446) is comprised of fi-strands fi1-fi3, fi14-fi21 and helices fi1, fi11-fi13 (Gokulan et al. The active site is located at the interface between the fi/fi-barrel domain of one subunit and fi-sheet domain of both subunits (Gokulan et al. Conclusions Significant advances in our understanding of the enzymes of the lysine biosynthetic pathway have occurred in recent years, particularly through detailed kinetic and structural studies of wild-type and mutant enzymes. While advances in inhibi to r design have not been as dramatic, our increased structural knowledge augurs well for the design of potent enzyme inhibi to rs in the near future, and subtle differences between the structures of the enzymes from different pathogenic species offers great potential of designing pathogen 252 Biochemistry specific antibiotics. The improvements in our understanding of the lysine biosynthetic pathway in recent years will no doubt advance our efforts to ward the ultimate goal of developing novel antibiotics that target this essential bacterial pathway. The conformational change and active site structure of tetrahydrodipicolinate N-succinyltransferase. Acyl group specificity at the active site of tetrahydridipicolinate N succinyltransferase. Peptides of 2-aminopimelic acid: antibacterial agents that inhibit diaminopimelic acid biosynthesis. Studies on the active site of succinyl CoA:tetrahydrodipicolinate N-succinyltransferase. Substrate specificity, metal binding properties, and spectroscopic characterization of the DapE-encoded N-succinyl-L,L-diaminopimelic acid desuccinylase from Haemophilus influenzae. Structure of dihydrodipicolinate synthase of Nicotiana sylvestris reveals novel quaternary structure. Hydrolysis of N-succinyl-L,L diaminopimelic acid by the Haemophilus influenzae dapE-encoded desuccinylase: metal activation, solvent iso to pe effects, and kinetic mechanism. Conformationally constrained dike to pimelic acid analogues as inhibi to rs of dihydrodipicolinate synthase. Genetic analysis of diaminopimelic acid and lysine requiring mutants of Escherichia coli. Structure and evolution of a novel dimeric enzyme from a clinically-important bacterial pathogen. Regulation of aspar to kinase, aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase, dihydrodipicolinate synthase and dihydrodipicolinate reductase in Lac to bacillus plantarum. Activities and regulation of the enzymes of lysine biosynthesis in a lysine-excreting strain of Bacillus megaterium. Biosynthesis of lysine in plants: the putative role of meso-diaminopimelate dehydrogenase. Structural symmetry: the three dimensional structure of Haemophilus Influenzae diaminopimelate epimerase. The dapE-encoded N-succinyl-l,l-diaminopimelic acid desuccinylase from Haemophilus influenzae is a dinuclear metallohydrolase. Kinetic and spectroscopic characterization of the E134A and E134D altered dapE-encoded N-succinyl-L,L-diaminopimelic acid desuccinylase from Haemophilus influenzae. Cloning and characterisation of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from the pathogen Neisseria meningitidis. The crystal structure of three site directed mutants of Escherichia coli dihydrodipicolinate synthase: further evidence for a catalytic triad. The crystal structures of native and (S)-lysine-bound dihydrodipicolinate synthase from Escherichia coli with improved resolution show new features of biological significance. Role of arginine 138 in the catalysis and regulation of Enzymology of Bacterial Lysine Biosynthesis 255 Escherichia coli dihydrodipicolinate synthase. Lysine biosynthesis in bacteria: an unchartered pathway for novel antibiotic design. In: Encyclopedia Of Life Support Systems, Volume 11 (Biotechnology Part I), pp116-136, edited by H. Catalytic Mechanism and Cofac to r Preference of Dihydrodipicolinate Reductase from Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. The dapE-encoded N-succinyl-L,L-diaminopimelic acid desuccinylase from Haemophilus influenzae contains two active-site histidine residues. Structure and nucleotide specificity of Staphylococcus aureus dihydrodipicolinate reductase (DapB). Crystal structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis diaminopimelate decarboxylase, an essential 256 Biochemistry enzyme in bacterial lysine biosynthesis. Characterization of the L-lysine biosynthetic pathway in the obligate methylotroph Methylophilus methylotrophus. Identification and characterization of the last two unknown genes, dapC and dapF, in the succinylase branch of the L-lysine biosynthesis of Corynebacterium glutamicum. Regulation of dihydrodipicolinate synthase during growth and sporulation of Bacillus cereus. The catalytic intermediate stabilized by a "down" active site loop for diaminopimelate decarboxylase from Helicobacter pylori. Biosynthesis of lysine in plants: evidence for a variant of the known bacterial pathways. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of L,L-diaminopimelate aminotransferase (DapL) from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Dual diaminopimelate biosynthesis pathways in Bacteroides fragilis and Clostridium thermocellum. Nucleotide sequence of the meso-diaminopimelate D-dehydrogenase gene from Corynebacterium glutamicum. Evolutionary recruitment of biochemically specialized subdivisions of Family I within the protein superfamily of aminotransferases. Dihydrodipicolinate synthase from Escherichia coli: pH dependent changes in the kinetic mechanism and kinetic mechanism of allosteric inhibition by lysine. Crystal structure and kinetic study of dihydrodipicolinate synthase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Analogs of diaminopimelic acid as inhibi to rs of meso-diaminopimelate decarboxylase from Bacillus sphaerius and wheat germ. A new flavin enzyme catalyzing the reduction of dihydrodipicolinate in sporulating Bacillus subtilis: I. Purification and Characterization of Dihydrodipicolinate Synthase from Wheat Suspension Cultures. The dual biosynthetic capability of N-acetylornithine aminotransferase in arginine and lysine biosynthesis. Methanococci use the diaminopimelate aminotransferase (DapL) pathway for lysine biosynthesis. Expression of aspar to kinase, dihydrodipicolinic acid synthase and homoserine dehydrogenase during growth of carrot cell suspension cultures on lysine and threonine-supplemented media. L,L-diaminopimelate aminotransferase, a trans-kingdom enzyme shared by Chlamydia and plants for synthesis of diaminopimelate/lysine. Occurrence of meso-alpha, epsilon-diaminopimelate dehydrogenase in Bacillus sphaericus. Meso-alpha,epsilon diaminopimelate D-dehydrogenase: distribution and the reaction product.
Not all avian species may produce precipitating antibodies following infection with influenza viruses erectile dysfunction generic drugs order vardenafil 10 mg free shipping, for example ducks erectile dysfunction medication online pharmacy generic vardenafil 10 mg on-line. Using a template and cutter impotence at 80 buy discount vardenafil 20 mg line, wells of approximately 5 mm in diameter are cut in to the agar impotence herbs cheap vardenafil 20 mg amex. A pattern of wells must place each suspect serum adjacent to a known positive serum and antigen. Each well should have reagent added to fill the well, corresponding to the to p of the meniscus with the to p of the gel, but do not over fill. Wells should be examined for precipitin lines at 24 hours, and weak positive samples or samples for which specific lines have not formed should be incubated longer and examined again at 48 hours. The time to formation of visible precipitin line is dependent on the concentrations of the antibody and the antigen. The precipitin lines are best observed against a dark background that is illuminated from behind. A specific, positive result is recorded when the precipitin line between the known positive control wells is continuous with the line between the antigen and the test well. Crossed lines are interpreted to be caused by the test serum lacking identity with the antibodies in the positive control well. The following recommended examples apply to the use of V-bot to med microwell plastic plates in which the final volume for both types of test is 0. Positive and negative control antigens and antisera should be run with each test, as appropriate. While this is permissible, it affects the interpretation of results so that a positive titre is 1/8 (23 or log2 3) or more. The meaning of a minimum positive titre should not be misinterpreted; it does not imply, for example, that immunised birds with that titre will be protected against challenge or that birds with lower titres will be susceptible to challenge. Chicken sera rarely give nonspecific positive agglutination reactions in this test and any pretreatment of the sera is unnecessary. To prevent steric nonspecific inhibition the H antigen used to test unknown serum must be of a different N subtype than the unknown sera, or the H antigen use can be recombinant or purified H protein that lacks N protein. At this time there are no documented cross reactions or nonspecific inhibition reactions between the different haemagglutinin subtypes of influenza A. The neuraminidase-inhibition test has been used to identify the influenza A neuraminidase type of isolates as well as to characterise the antibody in infected birds. Currently used vaccines and the use of vaccination have been reviewed (Capua & Alexander, 2008; Swayne, 2003, 2004; 2012b; Swayne et al. In this chapter, conventional vaccines are limited to inactivated influenza A virus vaccines. The existence of a large number of virus subtypes, to gether with the known variation of different strains within a subtype, pose serious problems when selecting strains to produce inactivated influenza A vaccines. In addition, some isolates do not grow to a sufficiently high titre to produce adequately potent vaccines without costly pre concentration. These viruses may cause severe clinical signs, especially in exacerbating circumstances. Vaccination against H9N2 influenza A virus has been used extensively in Asia and the Middle East (Swayne & Kapczynski, 2008a). A bivalent H5/H7 prophylactic vaccination programme was also developed as a result of an evolving epidemiological situation (Capua & Alexander, 2008). Live recombinant virus-vec to red vaccines with H5 influenza A virus haemagglutinin gene inserts have been licensed and used in a few countries since 1997, mostly in chickens, and include recombinant fowl poxvirus, recombinant Newcastle disease virus and recombinant herpesvirus turkey vaccines. Most of the work evaluating vaccines has been done in chickens and turkeys and some care must be taken in extrapolating the results obtained to other species. However, for golden pheasants, Chrysolophus pictus, even though a single vaccination provided clinical protection, there was no effect on the excretion of challenge virus and no influence on reducing virus transmission (Van der Goot et al. The basic principles for producing vaccines, particularly inactivated vaccines, are common to several viruses. The vaccine production facility should operate under the appropriate biosecurity procedures and practices. For any subtype, only well characterised influenza A virus of proven low pathogenicity, preferably obtained from an international or national reposi to ry, should be used to establish a master seed for inactivated vaccines. The establishment of a master culture may only involve producing a large volume of infective allan to ic fluid (minimum 100 ml), which can be s to red as lyophilised aliquots (0. The established master seed should be controlled/examined for sterility, safety, potency and absence of specified extraneous agents. The routine procedure is to dilute the working seed in sterile iso to nic buffer. The incubation time will depend on the virus strain being used and will be predetermined to ensure maximum yield with the minimum number of embryo deaths. In the manufacture of inactivated vaccines, the harvested allan to ic fluid is treated with either formaldehyde (a typical final concentration is 1/1000, i. Most inactivated vaccines are formulated with non-concentrated inactivated allan to ic fluid (active ingredient). The method of production is basically the same as for propagating the virus aseptically; all procedures are performed under sterile conditions. For inactivated vaccines, completion of the inactivation process should be tested in embryonated eggs, taking at least 10 aliquots of 0. Most countries have published specifications for the control of production and testing of vaccines, which include the definition of the obliga to ry tests on vaccines during and after manufacture. Field trials in the target species should be conducted to determine to lerance and safety of the vaccine at full dose. Recently the use of inactivated influenza A vaccines has been expanded to ducks, geese, other poultry and zoo birds. Any extra-label use of the vaccines should be done cautiously and under the supervision of a veterinarian experienced in disease control through vaccination in the test species. Live conventional influenza vaccines against any subtype are not recommended because of the risk for reassortment of gene segments of vaccine virus with field virus, potentially creating more pathogenic field viruses. A standardised challenge dose of 106 mean chicken embryo infectious doses is most widely use. When s to red under the recommended conditions, the final vaccine product should maintain its potency for at least 1 year. Recombinant vaccines for influenza A viruses have been produced by inserting the gene coding for the influenza A virus haemagglutinin in to a non-influenza live virus vec to r and using this recombinant virus to immunise poultry against influenza A (Swayne, 2004). Recombinant live vec to r vaccines have several advantages: 1) they are live vaccines able to induce mucosal, humoral and cellular immunity; 2) they can be administered to young birds and induce an early protection. However, these vaccines have limitations in that they will replicate poorly and induce only partial protective immunity in birds that have had field exposure to or vaccination with the vec to r virus, i. If used in day-old or young birds, the effect of maternal antibodies to the vec to r virus on vaccine efficacy may vary with the vec to r type. In the case of fowl poxvirus recombinant vaccine, it has been reported that effective immunisation was achieved when given to 1-day-old chicks with varying levels of maternal immunity (Arriola et al. In addition, because the vec to rs are live viruses that may have a restricted host range (for example infectious laryngotracheitis virus does not replicate in turkeys), the use of these vaccines must be restricted to species in which efficacy has been demonstrated. The use of recombinant vaccines is restricted to countries in which they are licensed and legally available. However, field reports of protection with vec to red and conventional influenza A vaccines suggest that protection by single dose of the vec to red vaccines is not feasible, with field protection requiring priming with vec to red vaccine followed by a booster with inactivated influenza A vaccine or the vec to red vaccine (Swayne, 2012a). In addition to these licensed vaccines, various experimental haemagglutinin-based H5 and H7 influenza A vaccines have been described using in-vivo or in-vitro expression systems including recombinant adenoviruses, salmonella, baculovirus, vaccinia, avian leucosis virus, alphavirus and infectious laryngotracheitis virus (Swayne & Kapczynski, 2008a).
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