
Sarah T. Melton, PharmD, BCPP, BCACP, CGP, FASCP

  • Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Gatton College of Pharmacy at East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee

Numerous studies in experimental animal models showed that prenatal dexamethasone exposure could impair somatic growth gastritis symptoms pain purchase protonix online pills, brain development gastritis diet vegetarian generic protonix 40 mg with amex, and blood pressure regulation gastritis diet 8 plus protonix 20 mg line. A much higher incidence gastritis diet peanut butter discount protonix 40 mg free shipping, 1 in 5,000 to 7,000, was described in Moroccan Jewish immigrants (186). Patients with 11fi-hydroxylase deficiency may present with either a classic pattern of the disorder or symptoms of a mild deficiency. The severe classic form is found in about two-thirds of the patients with mild-to-moderate hypertension during the first years of life. In about one-third of the patients it is associated with left ventricular hypertrophy, with or without retinopathy, and occasionally death is reported from cerebrovascular accident (183). Signs of androgen excess are common in the severe form and are similar to those seen in the 21-hydroxylase deficiency. In the mild, nonclassic form, children have virilization or precocious puberty but not hypertension. Adult women will seek treatment for postpubertal onset of hirsutism, acne, and amenorrhea. The enzyme is found in both the adrenal glands and ovaries (unlike 21and 11-hydroxylase) and is responsible for transforming fi-5 steroids into the corresponding fi-4 compounds, a step integral to the synthesis of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and testosterone and estradiol. The clinical spectrum of 3fi-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency ranges from the classic salt wasting, hypogonadism, and ambiguous genitalia in males and females, to nonclassic hyperandrogenic symptoms in children and young women (193). The rarity of this disorder indicates that routine screening of hyperandrogenic patients is not justified (191,192). Glucocorticoid therapy is recommended only to reduce hyperandrogenism for those with significant symptoms. Dexamethasone and antiandrogen drugs (both cross the placenta) should be used with caution and in conjunction with oral contraceptives in adolescent girls and young women with signs of virilization or irregular menses. When fertility is desired, ovulation induction might be necessary, and a glucocorticoid that does not cross the placenta. Androgen-Secreting Ovarian and Adrenal Tumors Patients with severe hirsutism, virilization, or recent and rapidly progressing signs of androgen excess require careful investigation for the presence of an androgen-secreting neoplasm. The two most common sources of androgen-secreting tumors are the adrenal glands and the ovaries. In prepubertal girls, virilizing tumors may cause signs of heterosexual precocious puberty in addition to hirsutism, acne, and virilization. In patients suspected of harboring an adrenal or ovarian tumor because of rapidly progressing or severe hyperandrogenism, the bioavailable testosterone level (free testosterone level above 6. The results of other dynamic tests, especially testosterone suppression and stimulation, are unreliable (196). A vaginal and abdominal ultrasonographic examination is the first step in the evaluation of findings suggesting ovarian neoplasm. Duplex Doppler scanning may increase the accuracy of tumor diagnosis and localization (197). In the rare circumstances when imaging fails to provide clear evidence for a neoplastic source of excess androgens, selective venous catheterization with measurement of site-specific androgen levels to identify an occult source of for androgen excess may be utilized (199). If all four vessels are catheterized transfemorally, selective venous catheterization allows direct localization of the tumor. Samples are obtained for hormonal analysis, with positive localization defined as a 5:1 testosterone gradient compared with lower vena cava values (200). Under such circumstances specificity approaches 80%, but this rate should be weighed against the 5% rate of significant complications, such as adrenal hemorrhage and infarction, venous thrombosis, hematoma, and radiation exposure (201). Androgen-Producing Ovarian Neoplasms Ovarian neoplasms are the most frequent androgen-producing tumors. Granulosa cell tumors constitute 1% to 2% of all ovarian tumors and occur mostly in adult women (in postmenopausal more frequently than in premenopausal women) (see Chapter 37). Usually associated with estrogen production, they are the most common functioning tumors in children and can lead to isosexual precocious puberty (202). Patients can present with vaginal bleeding caused by endometrial hyperplasia or endometrial cancer resulting from prolonged exposure to tumor-derived estrogen (203). Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingooophorectomy are the treatments of choice. The 10-year survival rates vary from 60% to 90%, depending on the stage, tumor size, and histologic atypia (202). In one study only 11% were androgenic, even in the presence of steroid-type cells (luteinized thecomas) (202). Sclerosing stromal tumors are benign neoplasms that usually occur in patients younger than 30 years (202). Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors, previously classified as androblastoma or arrhenoblastoma, account for 11% of solid ovarian tumors. They contain various proportions of Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, and fibroblasts (202). Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors are the most common virilizing tumors in women of reproductive age; however, masculinization occurs in only one-third of patients. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors are frequently low-grade malignancies, and their prognosis is related to their degree of differentiation and stage of disease (205). Total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingooophorectomy, and adjuvant therapy are recommended for postmenopausal women who have advanced-stage disease. For a premenopausal woman with stage I disease, a unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is the treatment of choice. Gynandroblastomas are benign tumors with well-differentiated ovarian and testicular elements. Their morphologic features range between those of the granulosa cell and Sertoli cell tumors. Steroid Cell Tumors According to Young and Scully, steroid cell tumors are composed entirely of steroid-secreting cells subclassified into stromal luteoma, Leydig cell tumors (hilar and nonhilar), and steroid cell tumors that are not otherwise specific (202). Virilization or hirsutism is encountered with three-fourths of Leydig cell tumors, with one-half of steroid cell tumors not otherwise specific, and with 12% of stromal luteomas. Nonfunctioning Ovarian Tumors Ovarian neoplasms that do not directly secrete androgens are occasionally associated with androgen excess, resulting from excess secretion by adjacent ovarian stroma, and include serous and mucinous cystadenomas, Brenner tumors, Krukenberg tumors, benign cystic teratomas, and dysgerminomas (208). Gonadoblastomas arising in the dysgenetic gonads of patients with a Y chromosome are rarely associated with androgen and estrogen secretion (209,210). Stromal Hyperplasia and Stromal Hyperthecosis Stromal hyperplasia is a nonneoplastic proliferation of ovarian stromal cells. Stromal hyperthecosis is defined as the presence of luteinized stromal cells at a distance from the follicles (211). Stromal hyperplasia, which is typically seen in patients between 60 and 80 years of age, may be associated with hyperandrogenism, endometrial carcinoma, obesity, hypertension, and glucose intolerance (211,212). In patients of reproductive age, hyperthecosis may demonstrate severe clinical manifestations of virilization, obesity, and hypertension (213). Hyperinsulinemia and glucose intolerance may occur in up to 90% of patients with hyperthecosis and may play a role in the etiology of stromal luteinization and hyperandrogenism (72). Wedge resection for the treatment of mild hyperthecosis was successful and resulted in resumption of ovulation and in a pregnancy (216). In cases of more severe hyperthecosis and high total testosterone levels, the ovulatory response to wedge resection is transient (214). In a study in which bilateral oophorectomy was used to control severe virilization, hypertension and glucose intolerance sometimes disappeared (217). Virilization During Pregnancy Luteomas of pregnancy are frequently associated with maternal and fetal masculinization. This is not a true neoplasm but rather a reversible hyperplasia, which usually regresses postpartum. Other tumors causing virilization in pregnancy include (in descending order of frequency) Krukenberg tumors, mucinous cystic tumors, Brenner tumors, serous cystadenomas, endodermal sinus tumors, and dermoid cysts (202). Virilizing Adrenal Neoplasms the most common virilizing adrenal neoplasms are adrenal carcinomas. Adrenocortical carcinomas are rare aggressive tumors that have a bimodal age incidence, with most cases presenting at ages 40 to 50 years (222). Virilization was reported in 20% to 30% of adults with functional adrenocortical carcinoma (223). Adrenal tumors that secrete androgens exclusively, whether benign or malignant, are extraordinarily rare (194,224).


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The failure of the current system to recognize this fact means that older women face a constant challenge to their economic security gastritis ginger ale protonix 20mg generic. Investments Prepared by the Majority Staff of the Joint Economic Committee Page | 15 Invest in Women diet to help gastritis generic 40 mg protonix with amex, Invest in America: December 2010 A Comprehensive Review of Women in the U gastritis diet kolesterol cheap protonix online visa. A wide st variety of policy solutions aimed at fostering economic equity in the 21 century could harness that potential and push America forward into a new era of economic prosperity extreme gastritis diet purchase protonix in india. Stronger Protections Against Wage Discrimination the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act reversed the recent Supreme Court decision in Ledbetter v. Additional protections against discrimination are necessary for closing the gender pay gap, and the Paycheck Fairness Act would do just that. It toughens the remedies provisions of the Equal Pay Act by allowing prevailing plaintiffs in gender discrimination cases to receive compensatory and punitive damages, just as prevailing plaintiffs in race and ethnicity discrimination cases currently do. By making discrimination costly, the Paycheck Fairness Act would add teeth to the Equal Pay Act and dissuade employers from discriminatory behavior. Updating and strengthening legislation aimed at protecting against gender wage discrimination is a key policy for advancing economic equity and prosperity in the future. Health Reform the Affordable Care Act of 2010, the health care reform legislation passed by Congress and signed into law by President Obama in March 2010, has the potential to pave the way toward a more equitable, prosperous future for both women and families and for the economy as a whole. Under the status-quo health insurance system, women are particularly vulnerable to being unor 65 under-insured. Women are more vulnerable to high health care costs than men, both because Page | 16 Prepared by the Majority Staff of the Joint Economic Committee Invest in Women, Invest in America: December 2010 A Comprehensive Review of Women in the U. Poor health care has left millions of women in poor health, and unhealthy workers are less productive than healthy workers. The job-lock created by a health insurance system tied to employers means that many women remain in sub-optimal jobs in order to maintain health insurance for themselves and their families, despite the fact that their economic value would be far greater elsewhere. These inefficiencies are part of why the health care reforms passed into law last spring are so critical, and why they must not be rolled back in future legislative sessions. A ban on gender rating will put an end to discriminatory practices that charge women substantially more than similarly-situated men for the same health benefits policies. The ban on cost-sharing for well-visits and preventative medicine for all insurers participating in the exchanges will expand access to cost-effective and necessary preventative and screening services and treatments for all women. Combined, the health reform legislation provides both the economic security that comes with access to quality, affordable health insurance as well as the potential for an economic productivity boost that comes from a healthy workforce. Work-Family Policies the United States is a global laggard in providing adequate social supports for working families. The failure to do so is holding back the United States economy from fully reaching its potential, because women remain overburdened with both unremunerated care work and their critical participation in the labor market. In a time of fragile economic recovery, and given the need for fiscal responsibility, is it appropriate to consider work-life balance policiesfi The answer is a resounding yes, because such policies are a proven boon to business, and therefore have the potential to grow the economy. During recessions and recoveries, the provision of flexible work arrangements provides a winwin solution for employers, as companies can cut back on labor costs, and workers looking for Prepared by the Majority Staff of the Joint Economic Committee Page | 17 Invest in Women, Invest in America: December 2010 A Comprehensive Review of Women in the U. Economy Joint Economic Committee reduced hours are able to transition into new, more flexible work arrangements. Flexible work arrangements also boost employer productivity by improving morale, and potentially by 66 increasing employee efficiency on the job as well. The Right to Request a Flexible Schedule the Working Families Flexibility Act would provide employees with the right to request a modification of work hours, schedule, or work location. It would make it illegal for employers to interfere or retaliate against employees who utilize the process. It simply requires that employers be open to exploring flexible work arrangements, without requiring that the employer accept the arrangements if the business will suffer. The bill would expand flexibility across a broad range of practices, including flexible work schedules, compressed workweeks, reduced-hours arrangements, and telecommuting. Enacting the legislation would be particularly useful during this period of high unemployment because it motivates both employers and employees to identify and implement win-win work arrangements that can help to save American jobs. The bill would expand paid sick days to an estimated 46 million employees who currently do not 68 earn paid sick days from their employer. The ability of American employees to take time off without pay has been severely compromised by the recession because more families are now relying on a single income-earner due to rising unemployment. Most employers already provide paid sick days, so the cost of the legislation would be minimal, and it would serve to level the economic playing field across employers who currently do and do not provide paid sick days. It would be particularly valuable in the event of a pandemic, since it would reduce the spread of contagious diseases. Page | 18 Prepared by the Majority Staff of the Joint Economic Committee Invest in Women, Invest in America: December 2010 A Comprehensive Review of Women in the U. Economy Joint Economic Committee Stronger Parental Level Policies the Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act would provide four weeks of paid leave for the birth or adoption of a child by a federal employee. Currently, the federal government provides no paid parental leave beyond the accrual of sick or vacation days. Like other flexibility initiatives, this act would be low-cost, with the Congressional Budget Office finding that it is budget-neutral, and would not affect direct spending or receipts. It also would improve morale and employee commitment to provide high levels of service at a juncture when increasing numbers of Americans need services that only the federal government provides. It will serve as an investment in our future, since parents who are provided with paid leave are more likely to make sure their children receive regular health check-ups and immunizations, and will have more time to bond with their children during a crucial stage of early childhood development. The act would make the federal government a model employer, helping to prod other employers to introduce paid leave. The bill also would extend unpaid employee leave for workers to go to parentteacher conferences or to take their children, grandchildren or other family members to the doctor for regular medical appointments. It would do so at minimal expense to either the federal government or to employers, and the absence of pay requirements would help employers to better weather the aftermath of the recession because slack demand is likely to reduce the need to hire temporary replacement labor.

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Lipid-associated preparations of amphotericin B can be used as an alternative to amphotericin B deoxycholate in patients who experience signifcant toxicity during therapy gastritis diet forum protonix 20mg online. Although voriconazole is effective against C krusei gastritis eating before bed buy 20mg protonix, it is often ineffective against C glabrata gastritis diet forum order protonix 20mg on-line. This dosage and duration of chemoprophylaxis has not been associated with emergence of fuconazole-resistant Candida species gastritis diet 8 day discount 40 mg protonix free shipping. Meticulous care of central intravascular catheters is recommended for any patient requiring long-term intravenous alimentation. Cat-to-cat transmission occurs via the cat fea (Ctenocephalides felis), with infection resulting in bacteremia that usually is asymptomatic in infected cats and lasts weeks to months. The incubation period from the time of the scratch to appearance of the primary cutaneous lesion is 7 to 12 days; the period from the appearance of the primary lesion to the appearance of lymphadenopathy is 5 to 50 days (median, 12 days). Later changes consist of polymorphonuclear leukocyte infltration with granulomas that become necrotic and resemble granulomas from patients with tularemia, brucellosis, and mycobacterial infections. Antimicrobial therapy may hasten recovery in acutely or severely ill patients with systemic symptoms, particularly people with hepatic or splenic involvement or painful adenitis, and is recommended for all immunocompromised people. Reports suggest that several oral antimicrobial agents (azithromycin, ciprofoxacin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and rifampin) and parenteral gentamicin are effective, but the role of antimicrobial therapy is not clear. Immunocompromised people should avoid contact with cats that scratch or bite and should avoid cats younger than 1 year of age or stray cats. Unlike a syphilitic chancre, which is painless and indurated, the chancroid ulcer often is painful and nonindurated and can be associated with a painful, unilateral inguinal suppurative adenitis (bubo). In females, most lesions are at the vaginal introitus and symptoms include dysuria, dyspareunia, vaginal discharge, pain on defecation, or anal bleeding. Chancroid is rare in the United States, and when it does occur, it usually is associated with sporadic outbreaks. Because special culture media and conditions are required for isolation, laboratory personnel should be informed of the suspicion of chancroid. H ducreyi strains with intermediate resistance to ciprofoxacin or erythromycin have been reported worldwide. Patients should be reexamined 3 to 7 days after initiating therapy to verify healing. A fourfold increase in immunoglobulin (Ig) G titer between acute and convalescent sera or an IgM titer of 16 or greater is evidence of acute infection; use of acute and convalescent titers is preferable over an IgM titer. In primary infection, IgM antibody appears approximately 2 to 3 weeks after onset of illness, but caution is advised when interpreting a single IgM antibody titer for diagnosis, because a single result can be either falsely positive because of cross-reactivity with other Chlamydia species or falsely negative in cases of reinfection, when IgM may not appear. Immunohistochemistry, used to detect C pneumoniae in tissue specimens, requires control antibodies and tissues in addition to skill in recognizing staining artifacts to avoid false-positive results. For suspected C pneumoniae infections, treatment with macrolides (eg, erythromycin, azithromycin, or clarithromycin) is recommended. Tetracycline or doxycycline may be used but should not be given routinely to children younger than 8 years of age (see Tetracyclines, p 801). Duration of therapy typically is 10 to 14 days for erythromycin, clarithromycin, tetracycline, or doxycycline. Extensive interstitial pneumonia can occur, with radiographic changes characteristically more severe than would be expected from physical examination fndings. Endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis, thrombophlebitis, nephritis, hepatitis, and encephalitis are rare complications. In the United States, psittacine birds, pigeons, and turkeys are important sources of human disease. Importation and illegal traffcking of exotic birds is associated with an increased incidence of disease in humans, because shipping, crowding, and other stress factors may increase shedding of the organism among birds with latent infection. Infection usually is acquired by inhaling aerosolized excrement or secretions from the eyes or beaks of birds. Pet owners and workers at poultry slaughter plants, poultry farms, and pet shops are at increased risk of infection. This assay has been validated in birds but has yet to be validated for use in humans. Culturing the organism is diffcult and should be attempted only by experienced personnel in laboratories where strict measures to prevent spread of the organism are used during collection and handling of all specimens because of occupational and laboratory safety concerns. Birds with C psittaci infection should be isolated and treated with appropriate antimicrobial agents for at least 30 to 45 days. Birds suspected of dying from 1 C psittaci infection should be sealed in an impermeable container and transported on dry ice to a veterinary laboratory for testing. All potentially contaminated caging and housing areas should be disinfected thoroughly before reuse to eliminate any infectious organisms. People cleaning cages or handling possibly infected birds should wear personal protective equipment including gloves, eyewear, a disposable hat, and a respirator with N95 or higher rating. C psittaci is susceptible to many but not all household disinfectants and detergents. Severe chlamydial pneumonia has occurred in infants and some immunocompromised adults. The risk of conjunctivitis is 25% to 50%, and the risk of pneumonia is 5% to 20% in infants who contract C trachomatis. Asymptomatic infection of the nasopharynx, conjunctivae, vagina, and rectum can be acquired at birth. Tissue culture has been recommended for C trachomatis testing of specimens when evaluating a child for possible sexual abuse; culture of the organism may be the only acceptable diagnostic test in certain legal jurisdictions. Diagnosis of ocular trachoma usually is made clinically in countries with endemic infection. Limited data on azithromycin therapy for treatment of C trachomatis infections in infants suggest that dosing of 20 mg/kg as a single daily dose for 3 days may be effective. The need for treatment of infants can be avoided by screening pregnant women to detect and treat C trachomatis infection before delivery. Cases of pyloric stenosis after use of oral erythromycin or azithromycin should be reported to MedWatch (see MedWatch, p 869). Because these regimens for pregnant women may not be highly effcacious, a second course of therapy may be required. Identifcation and treatment of women with C trachomatis genital tract infection during pregnancy can prevent disease in the infant. Pregnant women at high risk of C trachomatis infection, in particular women younger than 25 years of age and women with new or multiple sexual partners, should be targeted for screening. Recommended topical prophylaxis with erythromycin or tetracycline for all newborn infants for prevention of gonococcal ophthalmia will not prevent neonatal chlamydial conjunctivitis or extraocular infection (see Prevention of Neonatal Ophthalmia, p 880). Sexually active adolescent and young adult females (younger than 26 years of age) should be tested at least annually for Chlamydia infection during preventive health care visits, even if no symptoms are present and even if barrier contraception is reported. Fatal cases of iatrogenic botulism, which result from injection of excess therapeutic botulinum toxin, have been reported. Onset of symptoms occurs abruptly within hours or evolves gradually over several days and includes diplopia, dysphagia, dysphonia, and dysarthria. Cranial nerve palsies are followed by symmetric, descending, faccid paralysis of somatic musculature in patients who are fully alert. Non-botulinum species of Clostridium rarely may produce these neurotoxins and cause disease. Outbreaks have occurred after ingestion of restaurant-prepared foods, home-prepared foods, and commercially canned foods. Manufacturers of light and dark corn syrups cannot ensure that any given product will be free of C botulinum spores, but no case of infant botulism has been proven to be attributable to consumption of contaminated corn syrup. Rarely, intestinal botulism can occur in older children and adults, usually after intestinal surgery and exposure to antimicrobial agents. To increase the likelihood of diagnosis, suspect foods should be collected and serum and stool or enema specimens should be obtained from all people with suspected foodborne botulism.

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Furthermore antral gastritis diet plan cheap protonix 40mg without a prescription, recognizing not just for the health and well-being of women that achieving gender equality requires partnerships and girls gastritis symptoms getting worse protonix 40 mg with mastercard, but also for their families gastritis diet ãóãúë buy protonix 20 mg otc, communities gastritis xarelto order protonix, between women and men, men and boys must economies and countries. In 2012, 528 000 new cases of cervical cancer were diagnosed, and 266 000 women died of the disease, nearly 90% of them in lowand middle-income countries (2). These deaths are unnecessary, because cervical cancer is preventable and curable if detected and treated early. Let us all do our part women with healthy immune systems will and humanity will thrive. There were an estimated 528 000 new cases of Overall, sub-Saharan Africa (24%), eastern Europe cervical cancer worldwide in 2012. Without changes in prevention and control, cervical cancer) and precursor lesions (29, 30). The safety of these vaccines is being closely monitored, and thus far, the results are very reassuring (62). In many developed countries, organized, populationbased screening of adult women, and prompt treatment for precancerous lesions of the cervix, have signifcantly decreased the incidence of (and mortality from) cervical cancer (77-79). If precancerous changes are discovered during There are three safe and cost-effective tests cervical cancer screening, women could be treated available for cervical cancer screening: the immediately or undergo further tissue evaluation Papanicolaou (Pap) test and/or liquid-based (colposcopy and biopsy) and then be treated. A number Despite the importance of cervical cancer of studies, however, have shown that cryotherapy screening, many women do not consistently receive is not associated with signifcant side-effects or cervical cancer screening that is in accordance with complications, and that it is well-tolerated (87). It has an in hospital settings, who use a thin, electrically overall fve-year survival of less than 50% (89). A variety of different freezing methods can be used, including liquid nitrogen, carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide. By cervical and breast cancer control activities in 2020, more than 30 million girls are expected to select countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Latin have been vaccinated in more than 40 countries America. Even if only women and girls receive the vaccine, information must be provided to men and boys about cervical, anal, 26 penile and oral cancers (91). Preparing to reach adolescent girls, including schooland using materials (which often are generated based programmes, campaign-style delivery, through previous formative research) to answer health facility-based on-demand delivery, and potential questions from parents can help focus key community-based outreach (94). Other the programme provided services to over 58 000 examples of integrated programmes include women (95). Adolescent health programmes are In order to reach young girls, particularly those developing user-friendly services that aim to provide who are out of school, programmes must become counselling on sexual health that focuses on the more accessible and youth-friendly. Women who have received treatment should receive post-treatment follow-up 30 screening at one year to ensure effectiveness of quality screening, prevention and treatment, and treatment (75). Where possible, the so-called cervical cancer screening and prevention, resources screen and treat option should be implemented and global support (via organizations such as the for women identifed with precancerous lesions. This limits their access to 31 fi School principals, teachers and governing fi Skills building. Determinants of compliance in a cluster randomised controlled trial on screening of breast and cervix cancer in Mumbai, India. Human papillomavirus infection and cervical disease in human Classifcation of papillomaviruses. Risk of human immunodefciency virus infection in herpes simplex virus type 2-seropositive persons: a meta-analysis. Hum Vaccin Cervical human papillomavirus prevalence in 5 continents: metaImmunother. High quality clinical research using strict internationally recognised definitions and classifications, as presented in these Guidelines, are encouraged. Guidelines on specific conditions of the urogenital tracts have also been published elsewhere and used as references [3-5]. A shorter reference document, the Pocket Guidelines, is also available, both in print and as a mobile device application, presenting the main findings of the Urological Infections Guidelines. These versions are abridged and therefore may require consultation with the full text version. Bacteriuria develops in up to 25% of patients who require a urinary catheter for one week or more with a daily risk of 5-7% [10, 11]. The use of antibiotics in different European countries mirrors the global increase in resistant strains [14]. Even more alarming are the recent reports from all continents about the emergence and increased prevalence of different carbapenemase producing organisms making them resistant even to the carbapenem group of antibiotics. Particularly troublesome is the increasing resistance to broad-spectrum antibiotics, in particular to fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins, due to an overconsumption of these two groups and the parallel development of co-resistance to other antibiotics (collateral damage) [16]. This development is a threat to patients undergoing urological surgery in general and men subjected to prostate biopsy in particular. It is essential to consider the local microbial environment and resistance pattern as well as risk factors for harbouring resistant microbes in individual patients. There is a direct correlation between the use of antibiotics and resistance development. There is an urgent need for combating resistance development by a prudent use of available antibiotics. A single insertion of a catheter into the urinary bladder in ambulatory patients results in urinary infection in 1-2% of cases. Indwelling catheters with open-drainage systems result in bacteriuria in almost 100% of cases within 3-4 days. The use of a closed-drainage system, including a valve to prevent retrograde flow, delays the onset of infection, but ultimately does not prevent it. It is thought that bacteria migrate within the mucopurulent space between the urethra and catheter, and that this leads to the development of bacteriuria in almost all patients within ~ 4 weeks. Haematogenous infection of the urinary tract is restricted to a few relatively uncommon microorganisms, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Candida sp. The concept of bacterial virulence or pathogenicity in the urinary tract infers that not all bacterial species are equally capable of inducing infection. The virulence concept also suggests that certain bacterial strains within a species are uniquely equipped with specialised virulence factors. In 1960, Kass developed the concept of significant bacteriuria (> 105 cfu/mL) in the context of pyelonephritis in pregnancy [17]. Asymptomatic bacteriuria is diagnosed if two cultures of the same bacterial strain (in most cases the species only is available), taken > 24 h apart, show bacteriuria of > 105 cfu/mL of uropathogens. It is obvious that methods of urine collection and culture, as well as the quality of laboratory investigations, may vary. In research, the need for a precise definition of sampling methods, such as the time that urine is kept in the bladder, must be recognised, and these parameters carefully recorded. It has to be considered, however, that microbiological methods and definitions applied must follow accepted standards with regard to specimen transport, pathogen identification, and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. These methods and microbiological definitions may vary between countries and institutions. Histological investigation sometimes shows the presence of non-specific inflammation. In general, however, histological findings usually contribute very little to the treatment decisions. Available systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and high quality review articles and controlled studies were preferably used in each chapter as references and the recommendations underwent vigorous consensus. Thereafter, the recommendations have been adjusted whenever necessary based on an annual assessment of newly published literature in the field. It must be emphasised that clinical guidelines present the best evidence available to the experts at the time of writing. However, guidelines can never replace clinical expertise when treatment decisions for individual patients are being taken.

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