
Grant E. Lattin Jr., MD

  • Assistant Professor of Radiology
  • Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
  • Bethesda, Maryland

C Healthcare professionals should always consider poor adherence to maintenance therapy before escalating treatment in patients with difficult asthma symptoms gallbladder problems discount combivir 300 mg mastercard. Most observational studies97 medications ritalin cheap combivir 300 mg without a prescription, 685 5 medications post mi buy combivir 300mg on line, 692-695 and a case-control 2+ study696 in patients with difficult asthma have also suggested a high level of 3 psychological morbidity symptoms liver cancer cheap combivir 300 mg overnight delivery, though this observation has not been universal. There is a lack of evidence that interventions specifically targeting psychological morbidity in patients with difficult asthma are of benefit. A small proof of concept study targeting treatment of depression demonstrated a reduction in oral steroid use,700 and an observational study in high-risk children with asthma suggested potential benefit from joint consultation with a child psychiatrist, with an improvement in symptom scores and adherence to therapy. There was not enough evidence to warrant significant changes in clinical practice and little information available on cost effectiveness. D Assessment of coexistent psychological morbidity should be performed as part of a difficult asthma assessment. The dysfunctional breathing may cause symptoms that mimic 3 asthma or coexist with asthma, worsening symptoms. D Dysfunctional breathing should be considered as part of the assessment of patients with difficult asthma. C In patients with difficult asthma and recurrent hospital admission, allergen testing to moulds should be performed. Much recent research has focused on the prevalence of asthma and ecological risk associations rather than on diagnosis and management of asthma in adolescents. A number of risk factors have been independently associated with underdiagnosis including: female gender, smoking (both current smoking and passive exposure), low socioeconomic status, family problems, low physical activity and high body mass, and race/ethnicity. Only a minority of adolescents referred for assessment of exercise induced respiratory symptoms show objective evidence of exercise-induced bronchospasm. Exercise testing with cardiac and respiratory monitoring that reproduces the symptoms may be helpful in identifying the specific cause. However, most adolescents with asthma have normal lung function despite having symptoms. This may reflect effects of common factors associated with anxiety and depressive disorders rather than a direct causal link with asthma. Assessment of anxiety may help identify individuals who are at risk for poorer asthma-specific quality of life. These include dysfunctional breathing (hyperventilation syndrome and sighing dyspnoea), vocal cord dysfunction, and psychogenic cough. These conditions can present acutely and may often be frightening to the young person. This may lead to a cycle of bronchodilator overuse, which then further exacerbates the symptoms. They had a small increased risk of limitations in daily activity attributable to respiratory health and of absence from work. Clinicians should discuss future career choices with adolescents with asthma and highlight occupations that might increase susceptibility to work-related asthma symptoms. More of those with asthma smoked daily, smoked more cigarettes and had tried to quit smoking. Recommendations for pharmacological management of asthma in children and adults can be found in section 7. As well as checking inhaler technique it is important to enquire about factors that may affect inhaler device use in real life settings, such as school. A two-year follow-up study found that a multidisciplinary day programme improved asthma control in a group of adolescents with very severe asthma. This may be because the nurses were not able to change or prescribe treatment (which relied on a separate visit to a doctor). Other approaches have used schools as a setting for asthma education including peer-led education. B Peer-led interventions for adolescents in the school setting should be considered. No studies on transition of adolescents with asthma to adult services were identified although there are many studies looking at transition of adolescents with chronic illness. Few studies compare different approaches and many recommendations come from consensus statements rather than randomised controlled trials. Optimal care requires a co-operative working relationship between adult and paediatric services, particularly where the young person has complex needs with multiple specialty involvement. There should be an identified co-ordinator who supports the young person until he or she is settled within the adult system. Effective transition care involves preparing adolescents with asthma to take independent responsibility for their own asthma management and enabling them to negotiate the health system effectively. Clinicians need to educate and empower adolescents to manage as much of their asthma care as they are 123 British guideline on the management of asthma capable of doing while supporting parents to gradually hand over responsibility for management to their child. For adolescents with asthma, the available evidence about self management is mainly qualitative and provides insight about the concerns adolescents have about their asthma and its management. Adolescents with asthma report embarrassment over using inhalers in front of others, sadness over not being able to take part in normal activities, frustration and anger at the way they are treated by their families (for example being limited in what they are allowed to do, being fussed over by parents). They also report specific anxieties around fear of dying and feeling guilty over the effect their illness has on the rest of the family. They are concerned about needing to rely on someone else when they have a bad asthma attack and that teachers do not know what to do. They stress the importance of support from friends at school, especially those with asthma. D Design of individual or group education sessions delivered by healthcare professionals should address the needs of adolescents with asthma. The evidence for poor adherence comes mainly from questionnaire-based and qualitative studies rather than objective electronic monitoring. Several physiological changes occur during pregnancy that could worsen or improve asthma, but it is not clear which, if any, are important in determining the course of asthma during pregnancy. Pregnancy can affect the course of asthma and asthma and its treatment can affect pregnancy outcomes. In a prospective cohort study of 366 pregnancies in 330 women with asthma, the asthma worsened during pregnancy in 35%. A systematic review concluded that if symptoms do worsen this is most likely in the second and third trimesters, with the peak in the sixth month. Thereafter symptoms decreased significantly 2+ in the last four weeks and 90% of patients had no asthma symptoms during labour or delivery. Of those who did, only two patients required anything more than inhaled bronchodilators. However with adequate surveillance and treatment, pregnancy and delivery complications can be avoided. The risks for preterm delivery and low birth weight were higher in women with more severe asthma necessitating admission. In the Yale asthma study no effect of asthma symptoms or severity was seen on preterm delivery but oral steroids increased the rate of preterm delivery and reduced gestation by 2. This is supported by a systematic review of four studies that concluded asthma exacerbation in pregnancy increases the risk of low birth weight. C Monitor pregnant women with moderate/severe asthma closely to keep their asthma well controlled. B Women should be advised of the importance of maintaining good control of their asthma during pregnancy to avoid problems for both mother and baby. Available studies give little cause for concern regarding treatment side effects and the maternal and fetal risks of uncontrolled asthma are much greater than the risks from using conventional asthma medications for management of acute asthma. Drug therapy should be given as for a non-pregnant patient with acute asthma, including nebulised 2 agonists and early administration of steroid tablets (see 2+ section 9). Consideration should be given to early referral to critical care services as impaired ventilatory mechanics in late pregnancy can lower functional residual capacity and may result in earlier oxygen desaturation.

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Excess mass in one compartment can lead to herniation of the cingulate gyrus under the falx treatment 4 autism purchase combivir 300 mg with visa. Note the vulnerability of the oculomotor nerve to both her niation of the medial temporal lobe and aneurysm of the posterior communicating artery treatment 2 stroke purchase combivir no prescription. The basilar artery is tethered at the top to the posterior cerebral arteries medicine reaction buy 300 mg combivir with amex, and at its lower end to the vertebral arteries treatment 4 ulcer discount combivir on line. As a result, either upward or downward herniation of the brainstem puts at stretch the paramedian feeding vessels that leave the basilar at a right angle and supply the paramedian midbrain and pons. The posterior cerebral arteries can be compressedby themedialtemporallobeswhentheyherniatethroughthetentorialnotch. Compression around the lateral surface of the midbrain and of the oculomotor nerve by either of these struc follow the third nerve through the petroclinoid tures results in early injury to the pupillodilator ligament into the cavernous sinus. Because the 37 bers that run along its dorsal surface;hence, free edge of the tentorium sits over the posterior a unilateral dilated pupil frequently heralds a edge of the inferior colliculi, severe trauma that neurologic catastrophe. The 40 surface ofthe midbrain justcaudaltothe inferior trochlearnervesmayalsobeinjuredinthisway. Usually, a small portion of the cerebellar tonsils protrudes into the aper ture (and may even be grooved by the poste rior lip of the foramen magnum). However, when the cerebellar tonsils are compressed against the foramen magnum during tonsillar herniation, compression of the tissue may compromise its blood supply, causing tissue infarction and further swelling. Patterns of Brain Shifts That Contribute to Coma There are seven major patterns of brain shift: falcine herniation, lateral displacement of the diencephalon, uncal herniation, central trans tentorial herniation, rostrocaudal brainstem de terioration, tonsillar herniation, and upward brainstem herniation. Note that the course of the oculo Falcine herniation occurs when an expanding motornervetakes it alongthemedial aspect ofthe temporal lesion presses the cerebral hemisphere medially lobewhereuncalherniationcancompressitsdorsalsurface. The compression of the pericallosal and callosomarginal arteries causes ischemia in the medial wall of the cerebral hemi the abducens nerves emerge from the ven spherethatswellsand further increasesthecom tral surface of the pons and run along the ven pression. Eventually, the ischemia may advance tral surface of the midbrain to enter the cavern to frank infarction, which increases the cerebral 44 ous sinus as well. This pro sions unless they invade the cavernous sinus or cess may be monitored by displacement of the displace the entire brainstem downward. Hence, correlated with the degree of impairment of con just as progressive enlargement of a supraten sciousness: 0 to 3 mm is associated with alert torial mass lesion inevitably results in hernia ness, 3 to 5 mm with drowsiness, 6 to 8 mm with 1 tion through the tentorial opening, continued stupor, and 9 to 13 mm with coma. In contrast to central Structural Causes of Stupor and Coma 101 herniation, in which the rst signs are mainly sciousness may make it impossible to test visual those of diencephalic dysfunction, in uncal her elds, but emerges as a concern after the crisis is niation the most prominent signs are due to past when the patient is unable to see on the pressure of the herniating temporal lobe on the side of space opposite the herniation. Her physicians planned to admit her to hos disclose eye movement problems associated pital, perform an elective cesarean section, and with third nerve compression. She was admitted to A second key feature of uncal herniation the hospital the day before the surgery. During the that is sufcient to cause pupillary dilation is night she complained of a more severe headache impaired level of consciousness. Upon awakening she com Nevertheless, the impairment of arousal is so plained that she was unable to see. Examination prominent a sign that in a patient with a uni revealed complete loss of vision including ability lateral xed and dilated pupil and normal level to appreciate light but with retained pupillary light of consciousness, the examiner must look for reexes. Over the following week she gradu level of consciousness is rare enough to be the ally regained some central vision, after which it 46 became clear that she had severe prosopagnosia subject of case reports. Hence, the side of paresis is not helpful in Central transtentorial herniation is due to localizing the lesion, but the side of the en pressure from an expanding mass lesion on the larged pupil accurately identies the side of the diencephalon. Paramedian ischemia may contribute to loss of consciousness, and postmortem injec tion of the basilar artery demonstrates that the paramedian arteries are at risk of necrosis and extravasation. It is also possible for the venous drainage of the brainstem to be compromised by compression of the great vein of Galen, which runs along the midline on the dorsal surface of the midbrain. However, in postmortem series, venous infarc 55 tion is a rare contributor to brainstem injury. Hemorrhage into a large frontal lobe tumor caused trans foramen magnum, closing off the fourth ven tentorial herniation, compressing both posterior cerebral tricular outow and compressing the medulla arteries. This may occur quite remove the tumor, but when she recovered from surgery suddenly, as in cases of subarachnoid hemor she was cortically blind. The patient small degrees of displacement may stretch and suddenly stops breathing, and blood pressure compress important feeding vessels and re rapidly increases as the vascular reex pathways duce blood ow. In addition to accounting for in the lower brainstem attempt to perfuse the the pathogenesis of coma (due to impairment lower medulla against the intense local pressure. In se sustained tonsillar herniation, the cerebellar vere cases, the pituitary stalk may even become tonsils are typically found to be necrotic due to partially avulsed, causing diabetes insipidus, their impaction against the unyielding edge and the diencephalon may buckle against the of the foramen magnum. The downward through the tentorial opening by a superior surface of the cerebellar vermis and mass lesion impinging upon it from the dorsal the midbrain are pushed upward, compressing surface. The dorsal midbrain compression results in Rostrocaudal deterioration of the brainstem impairment of vertical eye movements as well as may occur when the distortion of the brainstem consciousness. A large, right hemisphere brain tumor caused subfalcine herniation (arrow in A) and pushed the temporal lobe against the diencephalon (arrowhead). Herniation of the uncus caused hemorrhage into the hippocampus (double arrowhead). Downward displacement of the brainstem caused elongation of the brainstem and midline Duret hemorrhages (B). Downward displacement of the cerebellum impacted the cerebellar tonsils against the foramen mag num, infarcting the tonsillar tissue (arrow in C). Once sion of the cerebral aqueduct can cause acute the herniation advances to the point where the hydrocephalus, and the superior cerebellar ar function of the brainstem is compromised, signs tery may be trapped against the tentorial edge, of brainstem deterioration may proceed rap resulting in infarction and edema of the superior idly, and the patient may slip from full con cerebellum and increasing the upward pressure. The pupil may respond sluggishly ogist found the patient in the x-ray department and to light, and typically it dilates progressively as the technician noted that she had initially been the herniation continues. Early on, there may uncooperative, but for the previous 10 minutes she be no other impairment of oculomotor func had lain still while the study was completed. Theiter,oranteriortipofthecerebral aqueduct, should lie along this line; upward herniation of the brainstem is dened by the iter being displaced above the line. The cerebellar tonsils should be above the foramen magnum line (B), connecting the most inferior tip of the clivus and the inferior tip of the occiput, in the midline sagittal plane. Followingtreatment,the cerebellumandmetastases shrank(C),andthe iter returnedtoitsnormal location, although the cerebellar tonsils remained somewhat displaced. Muscle tone was increased on the showed that breathing was slow and regular and left compared to the right, and the left plantar re she was unresponsive except to deep pain, with sponse was extensor. The radiolo active to light, and there was no adduction, ele gist reported that there were fragments of metal vation, or depression of the right eye on oculoce embedded in the skull over the right frontal lobe. Pupillary size and reactions Moderately dilated Constricts sluggishly pupil, usually ipsilateral to primary lesion c. The right frontal late third nerve stage are due to more complete lobe was contused and swollen and downward impairment of the oculomotor nerve as well as pressure had caused transtentorial herniation of compression of the midbrain. Following right frontal lobectomy to becomes complete and the pupil no longer re decompress her brain, she improved and was acts to light.

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Techniques microtube consisting of a reaction chamber that for reading and grading reactivity are difficult to learn medicine x xtreme pastillas buy combivir 300mg otc, narrows to become a column about 15 mm long and 4 and it may be difficult for staff to maintain competence mm wide medications causing gout purchase 300 mg combivir overnight delivery. When gels are antigen negative do not agglutinate and pellet at the to contain specific reagents treatment strep throat purchase genuine combivir on line, the reagents are added to bottom medications gabapentin effective combivir 300 mg. Each microcolumn consists of (pipetted separately) is added to the reaction chamber a wider test chamber that narrows to a microtube. The microtube is incubated at 37oC microtubes are filled with an immunologically reactive for 15 minutes, then spun for 10 minutes in a dedicated agarose gel, which is physically separated from the centrifuge at approximately 70 x g. The serum mixture along with sepharose gel particles to which protein G is covalently unbound serum proteins lack the weight necessary to bound and sephacryl particles to which protein A is be pulled from the reaction chamber and therefore do covalently bound. Protein G and protein A are bacterial not enter the column where they could potentially proteins from Streptococcus group G or C and neutralize the anti-IgG in the gel. Positive reactions may be graded as strong squeeze bottle (3 washes and blot), a hand-held strip positive, positive, weak positive, and negative or by the washer, or an automated plate washer with prede 4+ to 0 grading system, depending on the size of the termined programs. If the Advantages and Disadvantages indicator has turned pink, the plate has been exposed Although each of the three methods look very to too much humidity and should be discarded. The different from each other and from tube testing, they commercial product can be purchased in several have all been designed to meet the same testing needs. Within each combinations in the same manner as the liquid product method there are advantages and disadvantages due to or with membranes that compose a 13-cell panel. When the microtubes are covered and Positive and negative controls that are used to validate refrigerated, the gel cards can be read with accuracy for each test run are also included in the kit. One drop of control is added to the Complexity of antibody identification usually requires appropriate well and the plate frame (containing 1 to multiple runs of selected cells. This is more cumbersome than adding the cells removed from the centrifuge in a timely fashion after right from the vial into a test tube. Solid-phase technology At this time, gel cards containing polyspecific anti the advantages of solid-phase testing are similar to human globulin or anti-C3d are not available. Compared to tube testing, rouleaux and incompletely clotted samples may cause solid-phase testing requires a smaller sample volume; patterns that resemble positive reactions. Of interest to the are relatively easy to read and are stable for up to 4 reference laboratories is the fact that this method does hours when the strip is stored upright. Finally, the greater sensitivity, which can be reactivity can be read up to 3 to 5 days after testing is an asset, is also a problem when lack of specificity leads completed. With increased expertise, this that can often interfere in other test systems, leading to concern is manageable. Accessories are also the disadvantages to this technology are similar to available to make the testing run smoothly. The efficiency made include specially designed workstations, automatic possible by batch testing is not practical in all pipettes with disposable tips, and an automated reader laboratory settings. The Reader M usually requires multiple runs of selected cells beyond instrument utilizes advanced image analysis to digitally what is available on the commercially prepared 0. This is due to the fixed vertical position of the routine blood banking tests for the gel system, and it has test strips in the centrifuge. The goals of automation in most cases the incubator, to the centrifuge, and then to the reader. To decide which is the most appropriate system system accessories include a viewbox, control cells, and for one laboratory, a comparison of the advantages and a centrifuge balance kit. At this time, antibody disadvantages must be done in the context of the detection, antibody identification, and IgG autocontrol laboratory that will be using the chosen system. Crossmatching can be performed as long according to choice of test method, or to choice of as the facility validates the method for that purpose instrumentation. Theoretically, even antigen instrument of choice, then the laboratory must switch typing could be performed by this method if antigen to solid-phase testing. Access is denied until testing variable, depending on the method and reagents used to is complete or the run is cancelled. For any reports have shown it to be particularly good at the situation in which crossmatched products must be detection of Rh system antibodies. That covers most detected clinically significant antibody specificities the small to medium-sized hospital transfusion services. Each and two other column agglutination systems available laboratory has its own ways of serving its customers. The educated consumer will method should include consideration of types of prepare a list of requirements, compare all the variables antibodies that must be detected by the system versus within his or her own laboratory, and choose the antibodies that are not considered clinically significant system that offers the most improvement over the in a laboratory. For example, transfusion services concentrate on finding compatible References blood products, whereas reference laboratories need to 1. The demonstration of antibody specificities or how efficiently they miss some anti-Rh agglutinins, an accurate and rapid slide test. The detection of Rh of the 16 tested samples containing clinically benign sensitization: evaluations of tests for Rh antibodies. Detection of physiochemical properties of Protein A from tube agglutination 37oC only antibodies by solid Staphylcoccus aureus. Case study: blood performance of four microtube column agglu banking reliability, time savings through automation tination systems in the detection of red cell in the blood bank. A automated blood typing system for hospital comparison of a new affinity column system with a transfusion services. From January to May 1999, we performed antibody screening tests Material and Methods by gel and tube techniques on 10,123 random blood samples submitted to our reference laboratory. Four hundred and thirty random blood samples submitted to our immu were positive by the two methods: 156 anti-D, 9 anti-C, 68 anti-E, 15 nohematology reference laboratory. Blood samples anti-c, 6 anti-e, 61 anti-K, 12 anti-Jka, 17 anti-Dia, 5 anti-S, 73 combination Rh antibodies (2 with anti-K), and 8 other antibody were collected without anticoagulant. Based on this study, the gel test is more sensitive (p separated from coagulated whole blood by centri <. One Following centrifugation, the cards were observed for hundred and ninety-six (1. Antibody identification In our laboratory, reactions in gel were read by Antibody identification was performed on all 628 examining the front and the back of the cards. Whenever potentially significant antibodies One hundred ninety potentially clinically significant antibodies were identified only by the gel test in 190 Table 1. All four were confirmed reading the front Anti-Lea(6) 4 0 2 of the gel cards when the blood samples were retested. Anti-Leb (2) 2 0 0 Anti-P (2) 2 0 0 No positive reaction in gel was detected only by a 1 Cold agglutinins (4) 0 0 4 magnification lens. Note: the antibodies listed above the line are considered potentially clinically significant.

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