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  • Professor in Residence, Environmental Health Sciences

An accentuated anterior tilt in tures of the body against injury or progressive deformity erectile dysfunction doctor san diego order viagra capsules overnight. Conversely impotence losartan discount viagra capsules 100 mg on-line, if the pelvis is tilted posteriorly erectile dysfunction melanoma cheap viagra capsules 100 mg visa, the lumbar To achieve balance erectile dysfunction pump rings generic viagra capsules 100mg without prescription, one must consider both the dy spine may lose normal lordosis. This position of relative namic and inert structures responsible for postural equilib kyphosis may put the anterior structures at risk for injury, rium. With the loss of lordosis, the annular of extension and flexion caused by gravitational torque at structure of the disc is stressed posteriorly and may lead to joints, and they require an intact nervous system to provide annular incompetence and possibly an inability for the an sensorimotor feedback. With faulty knee align drome may affect the balance of the muscles surrounding ment in the frontal plane, the hip tends to compensate in the joints of the lower extremity. For example, if the pelvis the transverse plane with either a medial or lateral rotation. Again, these relaxed position, may shorten along with the lumbar ex postures direct forces through the spine in an anterior or tensors. Conversely, the gluteals and abdominals are in a posterior manner, as discussed previously. The spine transitions from an excessive lor components, making the muscle less stiff. Because of these fac tors, it is a difficult task to overcome the postural tendency promoted by the crossed pelvic syndrome. The musculoskeletal system can be likened to a bal tators, abductors, and adductors play a crucial role in the anced system of guy wires or springs attached to a structural ability of the pelvis to appropriately transmit ground reac foundation (. Erector spinae Rectus abdominus As noted earlier, the body functions most efficiently Quadratus lumborum Serratus anterior when in a state of postural equilibrium. When the center of Iliopsoas Gluteus maximus, medius, and mass moves, the line of gravity falls away from joint axes, Tensor fascia lata minimus often toward the perimeter of the base of support. In this Piriformis Lower trapezius situation, the muscles act to balance gravitational forces and Rectus femoris Vastus medialis and lateralis 13 maintain postural balance. If a joint remains in a locked Hamstrings Short cervical flexors Gastrocsoleus Extensors of upper limb (or close-packed) position, the gravitational forces are at 5 Pectoralis major Tibialis anterior tenuated and the inert support structures are at risk. Upper trapezius Therefore, the basic idea of proper body mechanics is the Levator scapula safe maintenance of a loose-packed joint position while ex Sternocleidomastoid ternal gravitational forces are imposed, often near the limits Scalenes of the base of support and while external loads are sup ported. Clinics in physi knowledge of safe joint position and the necessary muscu cal therapy series. New York: Churchill Livingstone; lar strength to maintain musculoskeletal balance. Spinal Stabilization Body Mechanics the idea of spinal stabilization evolved because of the be lief that to recover and maintain health, patients with low Proper body mechanics are considered crucial both for con back pain must exercise. However, no one definition of proper body me combination of principles derived from neurodevelopmen chanics is accepted, which can lead to confusion in patient tal techniques, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation management. This end-range re the basic philosophy behind stabilization training is that laxation suggests that a posterior pelvic tilt may protect the spinal pain is a movement or postural disorder that has re spinal musculature from injury. Multi tilt to protect the spine during lifting, but this may compro ple potential pain generators exist in spinal pain syn mise the posterior structures that are not designed for such dromes, and often the anatomic structure at fault does not weight-bearing capabilities. When a task such as squatting is tional stabilization training is to provide the patient with performed, short or stiff hamstrings limit the ability of the movement awareness, knowledge of safe postures, and pelvis to maintain its relatively neutral alignment because functional strength and coordination that promote man of the effect of the muscles at their attachments on the is agement of spinal dysfunction. As the hamstrings become taught while maintaining a stable foundation is the goal. Table 14 throughout hip flexion, the muscles eventually pull on the 2 presents the expectations and goals that should be con ischial tuberosities, causing the pelvis to tilt posteriorly. A sidered when developing an individualized stabilization similar phenomenon occurs in the upper extremity with program. The multifidus muscles are the neurologic influences of muscles and joints are important for reducing shear forces in the lumbar spine, 21, 22 and recent evidence supports the ability of the inseparable; thus, the physical therapist assistant must be concerned with the neuromotor system and not treat lumbar extensor muscles, even at low levels of activity, to muscles and joints in isolation. This selective wasting of muscle appears Training should include increasing flexibility, strength, 30 endurance, and coordination. Lumbar functional stabi tifidus atrophy develops acutely and continues for at least lization program. Functional rehabilitation in 10 weeks, even when pain-free status has been achieved, orthopedics. However, in the experimental group who received exercise therapy, multi fidus size was restored. However, the type of exercise and the emphasis pain than those in the control group. It has been postulated that Saal and Saal21 found that a high percentage of patients the loss of muscle size of the multifidus after injury is not with objective radiculopathy had successful outcomes with related to the presence of electrical activity. In fact, it may stabilization training, even when surgery had previously be possible that because of high electrical activity, the mus been recommended. Nelson et al20 demonstrated that a cle undergoes wasting as a result of the increased metabolic large number of patients for whom surgery was recom demands. In fact, it has been shown that exercise is beneficial, a variety of support by the transversus abdominus is considered to be training programs have been used. Its action the exercise format for stabilization emphasizes both seems to be independent of the other abdominal muscles strength and endurance, as well as addressing propriocep and is most closely tied to the function of the diaphragm tion. If a client is aware of the safe-functioning neutral po and pelvic floor muscles and intimately relates to the tho sition of the spine, then the ability to maintain safe posture racolumbar fascia. This ability has a basic strength requirement; some contribution from the internal oblique muscle, as however, because postural muscles must have endurance, sists in increased intra-abdominal pressure. Its normal ac the strengthening exercises should progress toward en tion, along with the action of deep fibers of the lumbar durance. One concept to emphasize is which to focus when initiating any type of therapeutic ex that stabilization training in general works the core stabiliz ercise regime. The limbs are providing the resistance, Body Mechanics and the core muscles respond to the postural challenge. In healthy individuals, the stabilizers act in a feed-forward Although body mechanics are dynamic while posture ap manner; the trunk muscles precede the limb muscles in pears static, each is truly an extension of the other. The Conversely, in the patient population, the firing of the ab body must constantly adapt to these forces, but the unin dominal muscles is delayed, often occurring after the limb formed individual is not aware of potentially efficient and movement. Recent findings support the idea that skill training can Therefore, it is imperative to observe the client in func indeed change the motor-firing pattern of abdominal mus tional movements, scrutinizing the mechanics of the cle activity in response to limb movement. This Finally, in addition to working the core stabilizers, con examination can begin as soon as the client stands from ditioning of the major postural muscles is encouraged. Notice the position of the body over these muscles include the gluteals, erector spinae, latis the legs. Observe whether the individual uses momentum simus dorsi, and lower-extremity muscles. Is the pelvis in an extreme position as it spinal stresses increase as upper-extremity loads are ma moves forward over the lower extremities Is the thoracic spine in a compromised position of end range kyphosis during the movement to standing Look for similar compensatory behaviors in all functional tests, including partial squatting, unilateral Addressing posture is probably the single most important balance, lifting an item from the floor, reaching forward aspect of treating spinal injuries.


  • Agitation
  • Silicone
  • CT scan of abdomen and pelvis
  • If you are alone, shout loudly for help and begin CPR. After doing CPR for about 2 minutes, if no help has arrived, call 911. You may carry the infant with you to the nearest phone (unless you suspect spinal injury).
  • Urinating too much (uncontrolled diabetes or some medications, like diuretics, can cause you to urinate a lot)
  • Red and white blood cell counts
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A seemingly innocuous handout and verbal instruction on the use of a large medicine ball could result in serious damage if the client has an undiagnosed lumbar spine disc abnormality erectile dysfunction adderall xr purchase generic viagra capsules online. Yet some homework as signments involve offering the client a copy of a reputable erectile dysfunction viagra cialis levitra 100mg viagra capsules for sale, relevant published article erectile dysfunction doctor dallas cheap viagra capsules 100mg free shipping. Extensive continuing education training by the massage therapist is necessary for responsibly assigning many client self-care suggestions (see Chapter 5) impotence 17 year old male buy viagra capsules canada. Massage therapists who choose to address medical conditions must keep some form of charting or documentation from session to session. The point is for the massage therapist to document her work in an acceptable format that will serve many purposes. Objective Objective notes refect what the massage therapist observed and palpated, as well as the techniques she used. Therapist performed effeurage, petrissage, digital kneading, and more effeurage to the area. Assessment Although massage schools differ in their teaching philosophies about the documen tation of assessment, with confusion arising when the student believes she is to assess the condition, the standard medical practice of assessing the results of the treatment is the standard used in this text. The documentation here refects the results of the various techniques that have been applied. Plan the plan includes the next steps for both the therapist and the client or patient. Roberts L, NeuroMassage of Santa Cruz County: Holistic Neurotherapy for Children and Adults. Poster presentation: To investigate the effects of applying different levels of massage pressure on muscular tension. Instead, pain, stagna tion, disease, and accumulated waste products in tissues result. Stroking, for example, usually initiates profound parasympathetic (relaxing) effects on the body by aiding the release of hormones and other calming chemicals in the brain. We will describe the most commonly used massage strokes and techniques and outline their physiologic effects on the body. The physiologic effects described in the succeeding text bring together science and art, with the understanding that varying levels of skill and focus produce different results. Stroking is the unidirectional (for our purposes), slow, not deep but not feathery, noninvasive, gliding, careful, usually slow drag of the 10 full hand on the body ure 2-1). For people of all ages, the slow-stroke back massage is effective in decreasing blood pressure and reducing heart rate. It is also used to apply lubricant, and as a transition technique either between strokes or when moving from one body part to another. The therapist uses the whole hand with fngers gently closed, conforming to the body, or uses the ulnar surface of the forearm. Long, fowing, moderate-to-deep pressure is delivered to a broad surface of the body ure 2-2). No matter what the deeper than stroking, effieurage strokes are called, your job is is used to apply lubricant and as to know when to use them a transition technique between based on their physiologic strokes. Relying on previous tissue warming (effeurage is always used prior to this technique), petrissage begins the serious business of mobilizing and softening tissue. This stroke is performed rhythmically as the therapist squeezes and releases muscle tissue. Maintaining full hand contact, she grasps the muscle belly frmly with the palm of the hand, forcing the tissue up into the slightly arched fngers. Tissues are pumped with the one-hand or two-hand cephalic (toward the head) movement as the muscle is gripped, squeezed, and then released. The desired results of petrissage include deep, lasting, warming effects on blood and muscle. By moving into tapotement, the therapist recognizes the necessity of periodically stimulating the body for either a localized or a systemic effect. The technique is performed directly on the skin or through sheets, and the therapist is careful When applying tapotement, not to invade the breast tissue. The therapist uses a twisting and plucking technique to move the supercial tissue. Firmly cupped hands and loose, exible wrists create a popping sound if cupping is properly performed to the posterior thoracic cavity. Without the advantage of a rocking chair, the therapist is limited to rocking the body in only one plane.

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The transverse carpal ligament was cut to release the median nerve and not for its own sake impotence yoga pose generic viagra capsules 100mg on line. Root operation Objective of procedure Site of procedure Example Transplantation Putting in a living body part from Some/all of a body part Kidney transplant a person/animal Reattachment Putting back a detached body Some/all of a body part Reattach finger part Transfer Moving a body part to function Some/all of a body part Skin transfer flap for a similar body part Reposition Moving a body part to normal or Some/all of a body part Move undescended testicle other suitable location Procedures in the Medical and Surgical section 2 erectile dysfunction protocol free cheap viagra capsules 100mg free shipping. Qualifier values specify the genetic compati bility of the body part transplanted impotence by age discount 100 mg viagra capsules. In doing so the right pelvis was entered and Book walter retractor appropriately positioned to provide exposure of the external iliac artery and vein erectile dysfunction vegan 100 mg viagra capsules. We then pro ceeded with the kidney transplant, and the kidney which was trimmed on the back table was brought into the field. The right renal vein was cut short without reconstruction of the inferior vena cava, and single ureter was identified. Kidney was brought up in an ice blanket and an end-to-end anastomosis was per formed in the usual fashion with 5-0 Prolene between donor renal vein and external iliac vein on the right. The long renal artery was brought into view, and end-to-side anastomosis performed in the usual fashion with 5-0 Prolene. We then turned our attention to performing the neoureterocys tostomy after appropriate positioning of the graft and evaluation of the vessels. A Blake drain was brought out through a stab incision and the tip of the drain placed near the neoureterocystostomy and both wounds were closed. Example: Complex reattachment, left index finger A sharp debridement of grossly contaminated tissue was carried out. It was noted that the fractures through the proximal phalanx extended longintudinally. The A2 pulley was restored, using figure of eight interrupted sutures of 4 and 5-0 Vicryl, reapproximating the flexor tendons. The extensor mechanisms and tendons were repaired using 4 and 5-0 Vicryl, and anchored to the periosteum on the middle phalanx. At this point, the skin was trimmed, removing skin margins, and then multiple lacerations were closed with 5-0 Prolene. In select musculoskeletal body systems, a qualifier is used to specify procedures involving composite tissue transfers, such as musculocutaneous flap transfer. Development of subgaleal dissection posteriorly was then completed, a distance of 7-8 cm, with hemo stasis by electrocautery. The qualifier can be used to describe the other tissue lay ers, if any, being transferred. Following satisfactory induction of general anesthesia, an incision was made in the inguinal region and dissection car ried down to the pelvic cavity, where the right testis was located and mobilized. The spermatic cord was located and freed from surrounding tissue, and its length judged to be sufficient. A one centimeter incision was made in the scrotum and a pouch created in the usual fashion. The right testicle was mobilized down through the inguinal canal into the scrotum, and stitched in place. They include the cardio vascular system, and body parts such as those contained in the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, biliary tract, and respi ratory tract. Example: Laparoscopic gastroesophageal fundoplication Insufflation was accomplished through a 5 infraumbilical incision. Five separate 5 mm ports were placed under direct visualization other than the initial port. Next, the fundus which had been mobilized was brought down into the stomach and it was felt there was enough mobilization to perform a fundoplication. A generous loose fundoplication was then performed by wrapping the fundus around the esophagus. Contrast injection was performed here, confirming filling of the uterine artery and subsequent opacification of large vascu lar structures in the uterus compatible with uterine fibroids. A syringe and a half of 500-700 micron biospheres was then instilled slowly through the catheter, and at the conclusion of this infusion there was cessation of flow through the uterine artery. A Judkins left guiding catheter was advanced to the left coronary ostium and using a. It includes one or more concurrent anastomoses with or without the use of a device such as autografts, tissue substitutes and synthetic substitutes. Example: Aorto-bifemoral bypass graft the patient was prepped and draped, and groin incisions were opened. The common femoral vein and its branches were isolated and Teflon tapes were placed around the vessels. Tapes were placed around the vessel, the vessel measured, and the aorta was found to be 12 mm. An end-to-end anastomosis was made on the aorta and the graft using a running suture of 2-0 Prolene. The limbs were taken down through tunnels noting that the ureters were anterior, and at this point an end-to-side anastomosis was made between the graft and the femoral arteries with running suture of 4-0 Prolene. Root operation Objective of procedure Site of procedure Example Insertion Putting in non-biological device In/on a body part Central line insertion Replacement Putting in device that replaces a Some/all of a body part Total hip replacement body part Change Exchanging device w/out cutting/ In/on a body part Drainage tube change puncturing Removal Taking out device In/on a body part Central line removal Revision Correcting a malfunctioning/ In/on a body part Revision of pacemaker displaced device insertion Procedures in the Medical and Surgical section 2. The right subclavian vein was then punctured and a wire was passed through the needle into the superior vena cava. Introducer kit was introduced into the subclavian vein and the Port-a-cath was placed through the introducer and by fluoroscopy was placed down to the superior vena cava. The pocket was then made over the right pectoralis major muscle, superior to the breast, and the Port-a-cath reservoir was placed into this pocket and tacked down with #0 Prolene sutures. If the body part has been previously replaced, a separate Removal procedure is coded for taking out the device used in the previous replacement. Example: Prosthetic lens implantation a superior peritomy was made on the left eye and adequate hemostasis was achieved using eraser cautery. Hydrodissection was carried out and the lens was rocked gently with a cystotome to loosen it from the cortex. The anterior chamber was then temporarily closed with 8-0 Vicryl sutures and cortical clean-up was performed. A complete re-do of the original root operation is coded to the root operation performed. At that point the pump device was then repositioned in the left lower quadrant abdominal wall region. The tubing was reinserted using dilators, and the skin reapproximated using 2-0 Vicryl sutures. Root operation Objective of procedure Site of procedure Example Inspection Visual/manual exploration Some/all of a body part Diagnostic cystoscopy Map Location electrical impulses/ Brain/cardiac conduction Cardiac electrophysiological functional areas mechanism study 2. Example: Cardiac mapping under sterile technique arterial sheath was placed in the right femoral artery. The electrical catheter was advanced up the aorta and into the left atrium under fluoroscopic guidance and mapping commenced. Root operation Objective of procedure Site of procedure Example Control Stopping/attempting to stop Anatomical region Post-prostatectomy bleeding postprocedural bleed control Repair Restoring body part to its Some/all of a body part Suture laceration normal structure Procedures in the Medical and Surgical section 2. Both irrigation and evacuation may be neces sary to clear the operative field and effectively stop the bleeding. Example: Left open inguinal herniorrhaphy an incision in the left groin extending on the skin from the internal to the external inguinal ring was made. The internal oblique fascia was sutured in interrupted stitches to the ilio-pubic fascia. Root operation Objective of procedure Site of procedure Example Fusion Rendering joint immobile Joint Spinal fusion Alteration Modifying body part for cosmetic Some/all of a body part Face lift purposes without affecting function Creation Making new structure for sex change Perineum Artificial vagina/penis operation Procedures in the Medical and Surgical section 2. Qualifier values are used to specify whether a vertebral joint fusion is anterior or posterior. Example: Anterior cervical fusion C-2 through C-4 with bone bank graft after skull tong traction was applied, incision was made in the left neck, and Gardner retractors placed to separate the interver tebral muscles at the C-2 through C-4 levels. Using the drill, a trough was incised on the anterior surface of the C-2 vertebra, and the C-2/C-3 space evacuated with a rongeur, and the accompanying cartilage removed. Bone bank patella strut graft was trimmed with a saw and fash ioned to fit the C-2/C-3 interspace.

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The median suture situated between the right and left 20 Ethmoidomaxillary suture. It is lo orbitconnectingtheorbitalplateoftheethmoid cated between the occipital bone and the two bone and the maxilla. Sutureat the nasal septum connecting the Smooth suture that extends flatly upward and sphenoidbone and the vomer. In the skull, it joins the frontal bone and nectingthegreaterwingofthesphenoidandzy 9 the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone. Inconstant suture connecting the ptery 10 noidale that connects the body of the sphenoid goid process and the maxillae lateral to the and the ethmoid. Suture connecting the zygomatic portion of the temporal bone and the greater processofthetemporalboneandthezygomatic 12 wing of the sphenoid. Ante andthemaxillasituatedposteriorlyintheorbit rior line of junction between the frontal and andonthelateralwallofthenasalcavity. E nects the nasal portion of the frontal bone and 24 thefrontalprocessofthemaxilla. Cartilaginous union between the sphenoid and petrous bones in the lateral 18 Ligamentum nuchae. Sagittal extension of the 5 continuation of the foramen lacerum, for trans supraspinalligamentsintheupperneckregion. It fuses with the tectorial membrane from the 3rd 9 chondrosisintra-occipitalisposterior]. B mental synchondrosis between the posterior andlateralossificcentersoftheoccipitalbone. Connection between the sacrum and coc A cyx;itisfrequentlyatruejoint, butoftenoccurs 11 6 Anterior intraoccipital synchondrosis. D beginning at the anterior circumference of the 23 Deep dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament. Disappears during the 6th sacrococcygeum posterius (dorsale) profun year of life. It lies in front of the apical liga elastic plate consisting of ring-shaped fibrous mentofthedens. B 19 lamellae, fibrocartilage, andacentralgelatinous 28 Anterior atlanto-occipital ligament. Mem 21 obliquely oriented connective tissue fibers ar brana atlanto-occipitalis posterior. Gelatinous, semifluid mass bone situated in the posterior wall of the verte forming the central core of an intervertebral bralcanal. Obliquetractoffibers works of roughly parallel fibers between the extending from the transverse process of the 24 vertebral arches. C Sutures, jointsandligaments 57 1 2 2 3 3 4 14 4 6 15 17 10 5 5 6 15 7 8 A Skull of newborn, C Ligaments of vertebral column 9 inferior view and ribs, lateral view 10 11 58. Ligament extend lar facet of the atlas and the superior articular ing from a rib to the next higher transverse 2 facetoftheaxis. Cruciateligamentconsistingofthetwo tween the superior costotransverse ligament following ligamentous bands (6, 7) located be andtheneckoftherib. Part of the cruciform ligament of 11 theatlaspassingbehindthedensandextending 22 Radiate sternocostal ligaments. It passes from the axis to the branous covering of the anterior surface of the anterior margin of the foramen magnum and is sternumformedbythefibersoftheradiatester continuouswiththedura-periosteallayerofthe nocostalligaments. Ar Fiber tracts extending downward from the 7th 15 ticularconnectionsoftheskeletonofthethorax. Articular unions that connect the headsoftheribswiththevertebralbodiesandin 26 Internal intercostal membrane. Continuation of the internal 18 intercostalmusclesnearthevertebralendofthe 12 Radiate ligament of head of rib. Ligament radiating predomi 19 nantlyfromtheanteriorsideoftheheadofaribto 26a Sternocostal synchondrosis of the first rib. Ligament between the neck of a rib and 25 the transverse process of the corresponding vertebra. Fibrocar of fibrous tissue and fibrocartilage positioned tilaginousinterarticulardisc. Two-part band connecting the coracoid 4 capsule on all sides, it divides the joint into two processandtheclavicle. C portion of the coracoclavicular ligament taking 4 Lateral (temporomandibular) ligament. G 12 dibular foramen to the spine of the sphenoid bonelateraltotheforamenspinosum. Ligamentpassingfromtheanteriorsurface of the styloid process to the angle of the 26 Costoclavicular ligament. Articulationes ment running between the styloid process and membrisuperiorisliberi. Strong band extending from the Thickened portion of the capsule passing from 20 coracoid process to the acromion. Weak fibrous band passing from the root of the spine of the scapula to the posterior margin of the glenoid 24 cavity. D Sutures, jointsandligaments 61 1 3 2 5 7 1 4 3 10 8 4 9 9 5 11 6 A Temporomandibular joint, C Temporomandibular joint, 7 lateral viewl sagittal section 8 B Temporomandibular34. Ligament extending from the flexor circumferenceoftheradiusandtheradialnotch sideoftheheadoftheulnarchieflytothecapitate 5 oftheulna. Ligamentwhichspreadsfromthelateral epicondyletotheannularligamentoftheradius 22 Ulnar carpal collateral ligament. Syndesmosis tween the proximal and distal rows of carpal [articulatio]radioulnaris. Membranous carpal bones on the palmar aspect below the 14 sheet which spreads between the interosseous radiatecarpalligament. Ligamentous band extending obliquely downward from the ulnar tuberosity to the radius. It runs in an op 16 posite direction to most fibers of the interos seousmembrane. Itisattachedat theradiusandstyloidprocessoftheulnaand, as 19 an intra-articular ligament, it connects the radiusandulna. Proximal wrist joint between the proximal row of carpal bones and the radius including the ar 22 ticulardisc. Col 1 C lateral ligaments of the metacarpophalangeal 2 Interosseous intercarpal ligaments. Ligaments penetrating gers and become tense when making a closed directlythroughthejointcleftsbetweenthecar first. Fibers in the 3 floor of the tendon sheaths extending from the 3 Pisotriquetral joint. They hold the distal parts of flexorcarpiulnaristothebaseofthefifthmeta themetacarpustogether. Middleanddistaljointsbe 8 Palmar canal located between the tubercles of tweenthephalanges. B thescaphoidandtrapeziumontheonesideand 21 Collateral ligaments of the interphalangeal 9 thepisiformboneandthehookofthehamuluson joints. Articulationes car pass into the floor of the tendon sheaths above pometacarpales. Rigidligamentsonthe dorsum of the hand between the distal carpal 13 bonesandthemetacarpalbones.

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